
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Vampire in New Zealand jailed

Ricky Horsburgh is a man from Rotorua who tricked young girls for sex claimed that he is a witch and a blood sucking vampire.  The 22 year old man who  manipulated the 15 year old girl into having sex was given a 3 years and 20 months of imprisonment.  He was also charges in having a sexual relationship with three other minors.

The incident happened in Palmerston North during the period of July 2008-March 2009 while he managed to post a bail on a same offense that he committed.  He also posted a bail on the recent charges, hours only after his arrest.  He was later saw holding hand in hand with a 16 year old girl.

The defense team point out a psychiatric report of their client which highlighted the fact that the sexual offender was diagnosed with a mental disability when he was 16 years old.  But the presiding Judge dismissed the psychiatric report and focused on the fact that he tricked the young girls that he was sterile and telling him that it is the last chance for him to become a father.   Hosburgh was able to impregnate one of her victims.

According to the statement of one of the victims, Horsborough allegedly sucked the blood out of him.  Supposedly, he thought he is a vampire.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Tom Burns

Tom Burns, a retired driver and 71 years old at the time the incident happened was playing his piano on a bright day when two girls decided to enter his house.  Lavinia Murray and Sheila Burns who were both five years old seem to be enchanted by the sound of the piano.

Then in the blink of an eye and for no apparent reason at all, Burns decided to murder the two poor kids.  He slit the throat of one of the five year old girls, and then binds the other kid before strangling her to death.
The bodies were discovered on the 13th of June, 1958.  They were found two days after they disappeared and the two of them are found naked.  Both of the bodies show evidence that they were sexually assaulted and were mutilated after.  Burns then decided to drain the blood of his victims and then slice them on smaller parts before cooking and eating them.

When he was arrested, people threw bricks at his house and more than 100 people attended his trial.  But the other attendant was not able to take the details and left the court before the trial even ends due to the graphic contents. The jury found him insane and suffering from a psychotic problem.  At his trial on October 21, 1958 the jury said that he was unfit to make a plea and was unfit for a trial.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Joel Martin-New-Age Vampire Hunter

Watch out vampire, a modern Van Helsing is out to get you.  Joel Martin, a self-professed vampire hunter in New York believes that there are hundreds of bloodsuckers walking among us concealing themselves as a human.  They are said to be often hanging out at the watering holes in downtown.

The vampire hunter from Long Island said that the real vampire is different from the idea of vampires in Twilight.  But he is a hundred percent sure that bloodsuckers exists.  He said that the downtown vampires can be usually found in bars found in Soho, Greenwich and TriBeca particularly those Gothic –themed bar.

Martin first is a doubter about the existence of the blood sucking creature.  But he started to become a believer after conducting an interview with Stephen Kaplan, the author of “Vampire Are” on Martin’s radio show on the year 1974.  Since then he started to research the topic about these vampires with Kaplan.

The Kaplan’s Vampire Research Center is located in Martin’s home located at the end of the street in Babylon.  Martin who also worked as an ex-school teacher hosts the internet show “The Spiritual Truth”.  Martin also claimed that he has a regular contact with four real vampires located in Manhattan and one in the Queens and one in Bronx.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sex offender claiming that he is vampire

The search of the authority for an alleged sexual offender led them to a child molester who claimed that he is a vampire.  He added that he have fangs to back up his claims.

The law enforcement was searching for a convicted sexual offender.  They said that David Gray who was 48 years old who lived in Mesa, Arizona sleeps in a casket and believe that he is a 100% vampire.

David Gray acquired a dental implant placed into his teeth to make it look like a vampire fangs.  He was also convicted for sexually molesting the daughter of his girlfriend.  He served a little bit of his sentence and was placed in lifetime probation after. But Gray violated his probation.  Gray was not allowed to move location without telling his officer.

The authorities found him in an intersection in Mesa which is near the 67th street.  He was ordered by the officer to go down his vehicle and was arrested.  He was just one of the 30 sex offenders that were arrested on the past few weeks.

Officers tend to increase their visibility during the Halloween holiday.  They are planning to check on the 400 sexual offenders who are not allowed to place a Halloween decoration, put on their lights or answer their door especially to those children who are having trick or treat.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Pony Named Lady

In September 8, 1967 the body of Lady, an Appaloosa pony was found dead In San Luis Valley, Colorado.  All the meat from her shoulder down to the tip of her muzzle was all missing.  The bones located on its skull and neck resembles the bones that have been sitting under the sun for years; they were all white and dried up.   The skull cavity also turns out to be dry and empty.  There is a strong scent that permeates the air and the ground contains a scorch mark that is all around the corpse of the pony.

Although the pony seems to be mutilated and ended up in a gruesome situation, there were no drop of blood that can be found in the scene.  More shockingly is the marks of the hooves all around the body that does not belong to the dead pony.  One of the hooves was said to be at around 18 inches wide.  The case of Lay, is just one of those countless of cattle mutilation that seems to be unstoppable and going around for 30 years in San Luis Valley, Colorado.

On an examination conducted to the body of the dead pony, the doctors found two punctured wounds on the animal’s pelvic bone. Others claimed that a vampire creature is the culprit of the incident.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Zirovec-Slovenian Lore

Zirovec is a part of the Slovenian lore.  He was said to be a wealthy and caring man, but despite of that he turned into a vampire.  Zirovec died in Tomiselj 50 yrs. ago.  He turned into a Vedomec which is a local term for a vampiric creature.  According to the story, Zirovec rose from his grave and started to visit his wife during night time.  He will spend the whole night with his wife, a normal thing that he do when he was still walking on this life. 

Some old men who are still alive on that day and are familiar with Zirovec, testified that they can sometimes see him sitting casually in a rock located near their house.  They often saw him wearing only one sock.  Though there were never accounts that someone was attacked by the phantom of Zirovec, the villagers are too terrified of him, which is no longer surprising considering some of the myths about the undead.

The local church authority decided to put once and for all an end to this bizarre sighting of Zirovec’s phantom.  They exhumed the corpse of Ziroved, pierced it with a hawthorn stake and return him from his grave.  Zirovec was never again sighted from the village.  His wife became crazy due to extreme sadness.

They said that when they pierced the corpse with a hawthorn stake, the corpse apparently exclaimed “Oh now you caught me”.  There are also rumors that his wife gave birth to a vampire. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A man attacked his own father to drink his blood

A man who thinks that he is a vampire attacked his own father with a knife and drinks his blood in order to join an order of the vampire.  He was handed a 3-year suspended sentence which means the next time he attempted to bite another man again and suck his blood, he will definitely go straight to a mental asylum.

Raimund G, the man who decided to become a self-pledged vampire on November needs to drink blood in order to be ordained in a group of vampires.   It is just too unfortunate that he chose his own father.

The attack happened supposedly in one evening when the whole family prepares for a dinner.  Raimund apparently went straight to the drawer to get a knife and attacked his father.  While he was launching the attack he confessed to his parents that he is a vampire and he needed to kill his father.

His father was able to take away the knife from the hand of Raimund, but he was able to reach for a second knife and went after his old man. His father sustained a cut in his finger that bleed which his son licked up.

When the authorities arrived on the scene, they saw Raimund calmly talking to a neighborhood in their yard.  His girlfriend attested that something is wrong with Raimund that day and said that he felt like he is a vampire.  Prior to the incident, Raimund is known to be drinking heavily and playing lots of video games.  The investigating team also found several horror films at their house.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Doctor possessed by a Wendigo

1920, Fort Kent,  A couple which is consist of a young doctor and his wife decided to move to Fort Kent during the war on England.  He started practicing his profession, doing an in home service to help the people of Fort Kent.  The essentials of war such as the weapon base and the Cold Lake Air Force are just a few minutes away from their location so his profession became handy.

It has been a successful run for his practice until a swarm of rats infested the place.  The rats allegedly carried different illness such as small pox which plagued the place and infected half of the population of the town. Even though the doctor is aware that he could do nothing for those who are infected, he still tried to cure them.

Eventually, his wife acquired the sickness and died.  When his wife died he allegedly locked up inside his home and refused to accept any patient.  He also built a shrine in honor of his late wife.  The Indians of the area are already aware about the presence of Wendigo in the area and tend to possess those who have a weak soul.  When a person is said to be possess by a Wendigo, he instantly crave for human flesh.

The doctor became insane after his wife died.  The townsfolk who are not aware of his wife’s death continued to visit the doctor.  When he started accepting patients again, the doctor would kill them and eat them.  Soon, the villagers noticed that there were a lot of people missing; by this time, they already have a suspect on their mind.

On 1921, the doctor apparently went on a rampage and ate everyone but 11 people.  In 1921, there were at least 150 people recorded living in the area and no one was able to see him. According to the story, the doctor was possessed by a Wendigo and ran off through the woods.  Up to this day some people said that they can still hear the laugh of the doctor at night.

Monday, January 12, 2015

A criminal who calls himself as the “Wolfman”

Robert Lesarian Howard also known as the Wolfman, sex offender is sentenced for a life imprisonment after proven beyond reasonable doubt that he was responsible for the murder of a 14-year-old school girl.  Robert was found guilty on October 2003 of killing Hannah Williams.
Robert "Lesarian" Howard
Robert "Lesarian" Howard

Howard has a history of sexual perversion in the past 40 years of his life.  Hannah who apparently lived in the house with her mother disappeared on the month of April 2001.  For 10 months, authorities and families were unable to find any clue to her disappearance until her decomposing body was discovered at an abandon cement shop.

Authorities believed that strangulation is the cause of her dead.  She was strangled using a 12-m. rope at around the time she disappeared.  The investigation of the police led them to Howard who was a long time friend of Hannah.  He was arrested after only 8 days that the body of Hannah was discovered.

The police also uncovered his series of sexual offence dating back as far as 1964.  He was also blamed for the disappearance of a 15-year-old teenager named Arlene Arkinson whose body was never found but the court cleared his name due to the lack of evidence.

Howard allegedly called himself as the wolfman and the Wolfhill Werewolf. He also adopted the middle name “Lesarian”which is probably in reference to a legendary child killer.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Crime committed by someone obsessed with vampire culture.

Lisa Manderach was about to celebrate her birthday on the next coming weeks when she went on a quick trip with her daughter (who was only 19 months old that time) to a newly opened clothing store located in Collegeville, Pennsylvania non the 10th of September,  1995.  That was the last time they saw Liza and her daughter alive.  Details of the incident were documented on the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Lisa’s husband is well aware of her wife’s destination so the police launched a thorough search on the store.  The investigation team managed to found a stashed of pornographic materials stained with bloods and strands of long hair similar to the missing woman.  Caleb Fairly, 21 years old and was the keeper of the clothing store possess some notable scratches on his face.  He said he acquired them on a small fight in a local club, but upon further analysis, the scratches revealed to be an injury caused by fingernails.  The police arrested Fairly as the prime suspect on the committed crime.

Caleb Fairly
Caleb Fairly

The body of the daughter was discovered by a group of hikers on the Valley Forge National Park but her mother was not with her.  The defense bargain to remove the death penalty from this case and Fairly will divulged the location of the body.  The DA agreed to the terms that dismayed the public.  They thought that the body of the woman will soon be found if only the authorities did their job.  The DA on the other hand is racing through some hard evidence that can be found when they examine the body of Lisa.

Lisa’s body was found in an abandoned industrial facility at the King of Prussia.  Lisa’s body was taken for an autopsy.

The media also took interest on the case and exposed that Fairly has been collecting stuff about vampires.  He also joined an association that often conducts a real-life role playing game about vampire.

Forensic reports states that the stain of blood found on Fairly’s shirt matched on the blood sample of Lisa.  The flesh tissue found under the fingernail of Lisa also matches that of Fairly.   
Fairly was found guilty and ordered to spend two life terms inside the prison. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Chupacabra slayed 35 sheep?

Farmers  in Mexico found 35 of their sheep dead with noticeable claw marks and bite around their neck.  At an instant glance of the sheep, the farmers firmly believe that it was done by a chupacabra.  One of the farmers who was tending his flock of sheep that night claimed that he witnessed a creature with sharp teeth and wings that feast on the sheep.

Chupacabra is a vampiric creature that commonly attacks the livestock by draining their blood, usually leaving their meat untouched, even though they have also been blamed for most of the mutilation done on the livestock.

Around the same time when the incident occurred, a photo of a creature that looked like a mix between a kangaroo and a dog surfaced the public.  The hospital workers were able to see the creature while they are on break and they said that it quickly flee into the woods.  They were able to capture it by luring it into a trap, but they eventually released it back to the wild.

Authorities believed that the death of 35 sheep on March 2012 was caused by a coyote or a stray animal, but the sheep only contains injury on their neck and died on a significant loss of blood.  Their meat were left untouched and the other livestocks that were able to survive contains minor injuries.

Authorities said that anything extraordinary and concerns the death of the cattle is blamed on the chupacabra.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cannibal Rap Artist

Antron Singleton also known as Big Lurch is a rap artist serving his life imprisonment for murdering a female acquaintance and eating parts of her body.  The incident happened in April of 2002 while the rap artist is under the influence of PCP.
Big Lurch had the privilege to work with different music artist.  On April of 2002, he went to the apartment of Tynisha Ysais to murder her. Tynisha’s boyfriend testified that he and the perpetrator spent the night smoking PCP which is also known in its name “Angel Dust”.

She was found dead inside her own apartment by a friend named Alisa Allen.  Her chest was ripped open and a blade was found broke on her shoulder blade.  There were teeth marks found on the victim’s face and on her lungs which are torn from the opening on her chest.

Witnesses who saw the police arrest Singleton testified that they saw him staring at the sky naked and covered with blood.  Upon deeper examination, they found a human flesh inside his stomach that does not belong to him.

Singelton gave a not guilty plea due to the reason of insanity during the incident.  But the jury decided that his intoxication of PCP were not a reason for him to commit the crime.  He was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and aggravated assault on the 7th of November 2003.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A 14 year old boy sliced and cooked the flesh of a 7 year old boy

In a ritual that he said to be inspired by the movie Warlock, 14 year old Sandy Charles killed a 7 year old boy.  The way that the body of the 7 year old kid was mutilated is similar to that of the Movie.  Sandy Charles is said to watch the movie for at least 10 times.

Sandy Charles stabbed the 7-year-old kid with a knife and beat him using a beer bottle and a piece of rock.  After he was successful in killing the boy, he sliced his flesh into strips and boiled it down.  Based on the movie “Warlock” drinking a boiled down fat that comes from a virgin would give you the ability to fly.  Charles allegedly wanted to fly.

He apparently told the police that a spirit inside his room was instructing him to do it.  He was thinking about committing a suicide but later decided that killing someone is a better idea.  During the trial, a psychiatrist test was presented as a witness proving that Charles is suffering from a mental illness.  It was reported that he did not see the victim as a human but as an object that needed to be killed in order to fulfill his wish.  He was not found criminally liable due to his mental illness.

But in June of 2000, Charles attacked a prison nurse.  Charles reportedly got in on a fight and knocked the unfortunate nurse unconscious.  He was sentenced to one day inside the jail.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

3 Homeless Man accused of Cannibalism

3 homeless men were arrested by the police due to the allegations of cannibalizing a 25-year-old man.  Authorities believed that they have butchered the man and sold the other pieces of his flesh to a kebab house.  The authorities aroused suspicion when they stumbled upon scattered human remains that are near the bus stop on the City of Perm which is around 720 miles in the Eastern part of Moscow.

Prior to this, the three men already have criminal records.  They allegedly attacked the man using a knife and a hammer and started slicing his flesh.  The allegation whether some of the pieces were sold to the customers of kebab house is yet to be proven.

The local investigators said that after committing the crime, they decided to divide the corpse.  They ate some parts of the victims while the remaining parts were sold to an establishment selling pies and kebabs.