
Saturday, April 30, 2016

John Brennan Crutchley “The Vampire Rapist”

John Brenna Crutchley was the suspect for kidnapping and raping at least 30 women.  He was also known the vampire rapist due to his unusual style of sexually assaulting his victims.  Apparently Crutchley will drain the blood of his victim to the point of almost dying while raping her.

John Brenan Crutchley came from a rich family, but he was always alone as a child.  He prefers to be alone inside their basement while tinkering some stuff.  His hobby for electronic stuff allowed him to building some complicated radio and stereo even before his high school graduation.

It was 1997 when his girlfriend, Deborra Fitzjohn, went missing.  John Brenan Crutchley was blamed by those people close to her since she was last seen alive near the residential house of Crutchley.   He was interrogated by the authority for several times, but they were unable to file a case against him due to the lack of evidence.  The incident was followed by random disappearance that was attributed to Crutchley.   It was believed that he has something to do with the mysterious disappearances that happened in Pennsylvania when he was still there.

In November of 1985, a nude and handcuffed teenager was found crawling on the road, a vehicle stopped by to help her.  The driver remembers her begging not to take her back to that home.  He asked the girl the location of that house and kept a note about it.  He then called for an ambulance and a police to help her.  At the hospital she was diagnosed of a massive loss of blood and has some marking on her neck area. According to the book Whoever Fights Monster: My 20 Years of hunting Serial Killers For the FBI:

“The hitchhiker awoke to find that she was tied to a kitchen countertop, arms and legs immobilized. A video camera had been set up, along with lights. The man raped her and videotaped the action. Then he inserted needles into her arm and wrist and carefully extracted blood and began to drink it, telling her that he was a vampire. After that, he handcuffed her and put her in the bathtub, returning later for another round of sexual assault and blood extraction. The next morning, after a third round, the man handcuffed the hitchhiker and left her in the bathroom, saying that he would be back later for further assaults, and that if she tried to escape in the interim, his brother would come and kill her. It was after the attacker had left the house that she was able to push out of the bathroom window and crawl to the road. Had she not escaped then, doctors believed, she might well have died from a further round of blood extraction.”

John Brenan Crutchley was arrested on Thanksgiving Day.  The content of the supposed video tape that documented the rape and the extraction of blood were deleted.  Authorities were convinced that this is not the first time that he committed a crime.  They knew for a fact that Crutchley is a serial killer involved in the mysterious disappearance of a number of women.

John Brenan Crutchley gave a guilty plea on rape and kidnapping charges.  He further claimed that the feeding on blood of his rape victims was taught by a nurse who told him that it is a part of a ritual for sex.  He was sentenced to 25 counts of lifetime imprisonment but was released on 1996 due to his good behavior inside the prison.  He was re-arrested after violation of his parole and being under the influence of marijuana.

On 2002, John Brenan Crutchley was found dead inside the prison with a plastic bag tucked in his head.  The reason for his death is asphyxiation. Prior to his re-arrest, it was believed that Crutchley know too much classified information about NASA and FBI.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Gilles de Laval/Gilles de Rais

Baron Gilles de Rais is a French Nobleman who was accused of murdering and torturing kids around 6-18 yrs old.  His victims ranged from 80-200, some claims that the victims are believed to be up to 600 individuals.  Gilles de Rais was often associated with Bliebeard, due to her pleasures with blood, a sign of clinical vampirism.

Gilles was the son of Guy de Laval, he inherited his fortune after Guy’s death and later amassed a great fortune by marrying Catharine de Thouars.  He also fought side by side with Joan of Arc.  But they were hesitant to connect them to Joan of Arc after they found out his atrocities.  After his retirement to the military, Giles has showcased a grandiose way of life that depleted his fortune.  Giles spent most of his retired life at Castle of Machecoul where a lot of bizarre incident happened.  The accounts of murders are way beyond anyone can ever imagine.    Gilles would lower the drawbridge of his castle from time to time and a number of children would ask for alms. Reports said that some of the children who went to ask for a few help were never seen again. 

Servant said that the beggar would be dressed with the finest and most expensive cloth.  He would then be taken into the feast with Gilles other guest.  The feast consists of delicious meals and drinks.  After the meal, the kid was taken upstairs on a room that is only limited to Gilles and his social circle.  The kid who was believed to be drugged by Gilles was sodomized and tortured.  Gilles said that there was an instance where he would sit on the kid stomach and watch him die.  According to Benedetti 1971 page 113:

“[The boy] was pampered and dressed in better clothes than he had ever known. The evening began with a large meal and heavy drinking, particularly hippocras, which acted as a stimulant. The boy was then taken to an upper room to which only Gilles and his immediate circle were admitted. There he was confronted with the true nature of his situation. The shock thus produced on the boy was an initial source of pleasure for Gilles.”

Children were killed by decapitation, dismemberment, breaking their neck with a stick or slitting their throat.  The bodies were burned to minimize the scent of death.
On May 15, 1440, Gilles de Rais kidnapped an officer of the church that led to the investigation that eventually uncovered the secrets of Baron Gilles de Rais.  It led to the arrest of his servant and his former protector.  Gilles admitted to the crimes that he committed on October 21st.  One by one, the villagers started to testify about their missing child that went to the castle.  Henriet gave a precise detail on the account of crime that de Rais did:

“Sometimes he [Gilles] would seat himself on the breast ofa little one, and with a knife sever the head from the bodyat a single blow; sometimes he cut the throat half throughvery gently, that the child might languish, and he wouldwash his hands and his beard in its blood. Sometimes hehad all the limbs chopped off at once from the trunk; atother times he ordered us to hang the infants till they werenearly dead, and then take them down and cut theirthroats. I remember having brought to him three little girlswho were asking charity at the castle gates. He bade mecut their throats while he looked on. Andre Bricket [a servant]found another little girl crying on the steps of thehouse at Vannes because she had lost her mother. Hebrought the little thing—it was but a babe—in his arms tomy lord, and it was killed before him. Pontou and I had tomake away with the body. We threw it down a privy in oneof the towers, but the corpse caught on a nail in the outerwall, so that it would be visible to all who passed. Pontouwas let down by a rope, and he disengaged it with greatdifficulty.”

Because of Giles’ confession and his admission that he is associated with the demon and witchcraft, he was given to the church for a new trial which only lasted for a few hours.  Gilles even tried to bribe the court by transferring all his properties and land titles to the church in exchange for his retirement and repentance to the monastery but they refused.  The court sentenced him to die together with his accomplice.  He was executed and burned on October 26.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Butcher of Kansas City

Robert A. Berdella was a serial killer who was implicated in the murder, rape and mutilation of 6 individuals whose bodies were never found.  He received two sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of granting a parole on 1988 and was found dead inside the prison in October 8, 1992.

During his college years, he was convicted for selling amphetamine but received a suspended sentence.  He was later arrested for the illegal possession of marijuana and LSD but police has to drop the charges due to lack of evidence.  In the year 1969, he bought a house at 4315 Charlotte which became the scene of most gruesome crimes that he committed.

He was arrested on the 4th of April 1988, when a victim that he has been sadistically torturing for a matter of week jumped out of his second storey house and managed to escape. By this time, Berdella has already murdered 6 individuals; he was being implicated with two other disappearances by the local authorities.  The police found Polaroid pictures of the people disappearing that look like they were being subjected into a horrendous torture.

During the interrogation, Berdella claims that he was helping some of his victims by giving them with antibiotics while torturing them.  He also said that he tried to gouge out his victim’s eye just to see what will happen.  He also buried the head of one of his victims in his backyard which was later recovered by the police.  The bodies were feared to be taken by the trash pickup and were brought to the landfill.

He later claimed that his reign of terror began way back when he was still a teenager.  He also said that the film “The Collector” was inspired during his teenager years.  He died in his prison due to a heart attack after he wrote to the minister that the prison officials were not providing him with a proper medication on his heart ailments.  His death was never investigated.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Three cases of real Zombie

The following was published on The Lancet in the year 1997.  These are 3 cases of real life zombie that the researchers observed while they are in Haiti.

FI was around 30 years old when she died after a short febrile illness and was buried by her family the same day in the family tomb next to her house. 3 years later she was recognised by a friend wandering near the village; her mother confirmed her identity by a facial mark, as did her 7-year-old daughter, her siblings, other villagers, her husband, and the local priest. She appeared mute and unable to feed herself. Her parents accused her husband of zombifying her (he was jealous of her after she had had an affair). After a local court authorised the opening of her tomb, which was full of stones, her parents were undecided whether to take her home and she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Port-au Prince [...] WD, 26 years old, was the eldest son of an alleged former tonton macoute (secret policeman) under the Duvaliers' regime. The father was our principal informant together with WD's mother and other villagers. When he was 18, he suddenly became ill with a fever, "his eyes turned yellow," he "smelled bad like death," and "his body swelled up". Suspecting sorcery, his father asked his older brother to obtain advice from a boko [or sorcerer], but WD died after 3 days and was buried in a tomb on family land next to the house of a female cousin. The tomb was not, as was customary, watched that night. 19 months later, WD reappeared at a nearby cock fight, recognised his father, and accused his uncle of zombifying him [...] MM, aged 31, was the younger sister of our principal informant who described her as formerly a friendly but quiet and shy girl, not very bright. At the age of 18, MM had joined some friends in prayers for a neighbour who had been zombified; she herself then became ill with diarrhoea and fever, her body swelled up and she died in a few days. The family suspected revenge sorcery. After 13 years, MM had reappeared in the town market 2 months before we met her, with an account of having been kept as a zombi in a village 100 miles to the north, and having borne a child to another zombi (or perhaps to the boko). On the death of the boko, his son had released her and she travelled home on foot. 
The first case (FI) is diagnosed with a catatonic schizophrenia, WD is suffering from brain damage and epilepsy presumably due to the lack of oxygen in the brain and patient MM with a foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Blood-Drawing Ghost

The tale of the Blood-Drawing Ghost is a popular Irish vampire tale.  It was published in 1882 by Jeremiah Curtin.  The legend tells the story about a young woman named Kate.  Kate was one of the three women whom a rich man from the area of Cork County was choosing of marrying.  The three women were put to a test in order for the rich man to determine the worthy girl.

The rich man apparently places his cane at the grave of the person who recently died and challenged them to retrieve it back for him.  Out of the three women, Kate was the only one who accepted the challenge.
When she arrived at the gravesite, Kate encountered the dead man and forced her to take her to town.  During the time that the dead man was in town, he unleashed his terror and attack three men by drawing blood. The three men immediately died after.

The dead man then ordered Kate to prepare her oatmeal.  When the oatmeal was served, the dead man mixed the blood that he drew to the three victims.  He took a portion and devoured it and gave the remaining to Kate.  But Kate unknown to the dead man hid her portion.

The dead man was not aware that Kate refused to eat the oatmeal when he confided to her that eating the oatmeal could’ve bring the life of the three dead man back.  While on their way back to the gravesite, the dead man told Kate about a great deal of fortune that can be found in the nearby area.

The next day, the three men were found dead.  Kate offered a bargain to their parents, that she would bring the three men back to life if she could marry the oldest son and if the land with a buried treasure would be given to her.  But of course she didn’t tell the parents that she knew about the gold hidden on the field.  The parents agreed and Kate consumed the oatmeal with blood.  Immediately, the three men recovered from the attack of the vampire.

Kate dug up the treasure with her husband and became one of the richest couples on the land.  Their wealth has been passed to their children and grandchildren.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Palis: Foot-Licking Vampire

Palis literally means foot –licker.  It is a type of vampire that sneaks upon those sleeping and attacks them by licking the sole of their feet until all their blood has been drained out.  This creature is a part of the Persian lore.

There is a popular tale that depicts that the creature is not an intelligent vampire.  The tale is about two drivers of a caravan who were able to outwit the scary creature.  Apparently the two caravan drivers placed the sole of their feet on the soles of another.  When the Palis arrived on the scene to suck the blood out of the two caravan drivers, he was so enraged because he was unable to find the soles.  The Palis supposedly cried out and said that he has travelled a long way just to see man with two heads.

The legends also tell a way to repel the presence of a Palis.  They said that a salt is an effective way to drive away evil spirit and that includes Palis.  Though there is no direct was explaining how to use the salt in defense against Palis.  A good guess would be to rub the salt on the soles of your feet or to disperse salt particles on the entrance of your house.

Palis usually lived on the desert regions.  The image below is taken from Muḥammad al-Qazwīnī‘s “Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing”.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Shen Changying and Shen Changping

Shen Changying who was born in the year 1975 together with Shen Changping born in 1983 are serial killers, cannibals and brothers who are held responsible for eating the liver of 11 prostitutes from the period of June 2003- August 2004.  They were known to have 4 female accomplices.

In June of 2003, the very first victim of the duo in the area of Langzhou, Gansu in China was named Yao Fang.  They lured her to their house where they bounded her.  They also forced her to provide her bank information and she was dismembered after giving that information.

On November of 2003, they met Li Chunling and she was robbed the same way they did to Yao Fang.  But Li Chunling refused to end the same way as Yao Fang, she told them that he would be able to bring them more victims if she would only let them live.  So the brothers decided not to kill her and make her an accomplice.  Li brought them a prostitute after a couple of days, the duo then asked Li to kill the prostitute after robbing her.  They then remove the kidney of the victim before pouring down sulfuric acid to her body and burning her.  The remains were then flushed down the toilet.

In April 2004, they met Zhao Meiying whom they also forced to bring additional prostitutes.  When Zhao Meiying arrived, they robbed again the poor prostitute and asked her to stab the woman to death.  They then told Zhao Meiying to place the parts on a food processor and then flushed the grounded meat to the toilet.

Zhao then surrendered to the police followed by the capture of Li.  The duo of serial killer was also captured in Shijiazhuan in August.  They were caught while trying to get rid of the remains of their victim.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Werewolf of Meremoisa

1623, In Estonia a series of trial was conducted for 13 women and 18 men on the allegation that they were a werewolf.  One of the most popular cases of lycanthropy would be Ann Kongla. Ann Kongla is not only charged of having an ability to shape shift in a form of a wolf, she was also accused of being a witch.  Ann Kongla was sentenced to death during the Viru-Nigulas Pada Manor trial.  Her body was buried at the back garden since witches are not allowed to be buried on the churchyard.

The accusation of him being a witch erupted from the death of the child she visited.  The landlord who was the father of the child claimed that Ann Kongla visited his child that night and in the morning they found her dead.

On May 2, 1640 Ann Kongla was placed under interrogation where she admitted that she is a werewolf.  She said that she was a werewolf for four years.  She also admitted that she was able to kill a horse and also some smaller animals.  When she was asked about her wolf skin, she said that she hid the wolf skin under one stone that can be found on the field.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Vincenzo Verzeni “The Vampire of Bergamo”

One of the earliest documented serial killer of Italy, Vincenzo Verzeni earned the title “The Vampire of Bergamo” after confessing that he felt satisfied upon drinking the blood of his victims.   

Verzeni came from a well off family with a father that is almost drunk every day.  His father would constantly beat his mother and his brothers.  His father is also strict in money and avoids expenditures.  Verzeni is normally calm and quiet; he would try to keep everything in himself and pretend to be just fine.  Just to make it short, Verzeni is afraid of his father; he failed to make a lasting relationship with any girls due to his father’s dominant figure.

That was until he snapped.  Angers piled up together with resentments and frustrations that led to the creation of one of the most feared serial killer of Italy.  His reign of terror lasted for four years.  Most of his victims are members of the family.

Giovanna Matta, 14 years of age, was on her way to visit her family in Suiso.  Verzani attacked her while on her destination thus Matta never reached home.  Matta disappeared on that day and her body was discovered after 4 days.  The public was shocked on how horrendous the murder was. They were stunned to see that the body was too mutilated.

The murder of Matta was followed by another equally gruesome murder and the attack of 6 other women.  Verzeni planned to take Matta’s flesh home and devour it.  But he started to panic and hid her remains under the pile of straw that her mother saw.

Verzeni noted that he never took a peek on the genitals of his victims; experts said that this is due to the fact that he never had a sexual intercourse or relationship with any women due to his father.  He said that he reaches maximum satisfaction when strangling his victim and drinking their blood.

Doctor Lambroso was summoned by the court to do an analysis to Verzeni and he declared that he is partially insane.  He was sentenced for a hard labor instead of death penalty.  Eventually he will be sent to a mental asylum where he went “special treatment”.  The treatment on that day is so horrid it includes giving the patient a hot bath believing that it will surprise them followed with a shower of cold ice, electrocution, boiling glue etc.

Verzeni Vincenzo died inside the mental asylum.  He was found hanging on the wall naked on July 23.  The nurse attempted to save him by cutting the rope, but he was nonetheless declared dead.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Estrie is one of the scariest types of vampire.  It is known to attack any human just to satiate their thirst for blood.  Estrie can be found on the old legends of Hebrew.  The name was believed to be originated from the French term strix which means night owl.   They said that the estrie is similar to succubi, both of them takes the identity of a woman who have an outstanding beauty that they use to seduce young men.  But as we said, the estrie’s victim is not limited to men alone; they also kill children and pregnant women.  Estrie can change it form and able to turn into a birds or other animals.

A Jewish book has an account regarding this creature

"1465 There are women that are called estrie... They were created at sunset [before the first Sabbath before creation]. As a result of this, they are able to change form. There was one woman who was a estrie and she was very sick and there were two women with her at night; one was sleeping and one was awake. And the sick woman stood up and loosened her hair and she was about to fly and suck the blood of the sleeping woman. And the woman who was awake screamed and woke her friend and they grabbed the sick estrie, and after this she slept. And moreover, if she had been able to grab the other woman, then she, the estrie, would have lived. Since she was not able to hurt the other woman, the estrie died, because she needs to drink the blood of living flesh. The same is true of the werewolf. And since....the estrie need to loosen their hair before they fly, one must adjure her to come with her hair bound so that she cannot go anywhere without permission. And if a estrie is injured or seen by someone, she cannot live unless she eats of the bread and salt of the one who struck her. Then her soul will return to the way it was before. 1466 There was a woman who was suspected of being a estrie, and she was injured when she appeared to a Jew as a cat and he hit her. The next day she asked him to give her some of his bread and salt, and he wanted to give it to her. An old man said to him (Ecc. 7:16) “Be not overly righteous.” When others have sinned one must not show kindness, for if she lives, she will harm people. Thus the Holy One, blessed be He created her for you [as a test].

An estrie is not afraid of religious artifact.  It can enter holy places and act like praying and even ask for the healing of a priest, thus the priest would commit a sin without even knowing it.  It was believed that giving the Estrie a blessing is highly prohibited and considered an act of the evil.  Injuries of this creature can be quickly healed upon drinking blood.

To kill this creature one must decapitate its head and fill its mouth with soil.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Nadilla is an undead creature who was believed to dwell in the Baghdad city during the 15th Century. Nadilla is a woman who married a handsome man named Abdul-Hassan, he was a son of a very wealthy merchant and was supposed to be married to another woman.  When he was asked about his upcoming marriage, he was advised to think about what will become of his marriage first and to relax on the country side.  While he was walking on the country side, he heard a beautiful voice of a woman.  He followed the mysterious voice and saw a stunning woman.  Though he doesn’t know anything about the beautiful woman, Abdul-Hassan asked her to marry him.  His father agreed to the idea of his marriage with the women but he somehow felt that there was something strange.

The two of them had been experiencing the happiest day of their life, the only thing strange about the lady is that she refused to consume any food during dinner; the woman claimed that she is on a strict diet.  Abdul-Hassan started to have doubt with his wife; he saw her leaving the house at night and returning before the breaking of dawn.  He suspected that he might have another man in her life.  When he decided to follow her one night, he was astonished to discover that her destination is the cemetery. She would dig up a freshly buried corpse and eat them.

Abdul-Hassan confronted his wife and asked her about the incident that he witnessed.  Nadilla was unable to give him any answer.  That night while Abdul-Hassan was sleeping, Nadilla tried to attack him, Abdul was able to strike him with the sharp sword and her remains were placed in the coffin.  After three days, Nadilla allegedly came back to life with a super human strength, fortunately Hassan was able to flee and escape.  The next day they went to her tomb, they noticed that her body has no sign of decay.  But what is more surprising is the amount of blood that is spread throughout her coffin.  Hassan decided to burn the remains of Nadilla, her ashes were dispersed in the River of Tigris after.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Rolang: Corpse Who Stands Out

Rolang or “corpse who stands out” can be created through a magical incantation and a very complex ritual ceremony of a Tibetan magic user known as ngagspa.  The only purpose of the ngagspa to create such terrible creature is to utilize its tongue since their tongue is known to possess magical elements.

In order to do this, the ngagspa has to acquire a corpse, and then he has to lock himself in a room together with the corpse in preparation of the ritual.  The ngagspa has to lie above the corpse while clearing all his mind of other thoughts except for the incantation that he repeatedly speak.  The ngagspa has to put his lips on top of the lips of the corpse and use his arms to pin down the arms of the corpse.

Eventually the corpse will start to become a rolang, a ngagspa has to maintain the contact of his lips.  The rolang will try to escape the ngagspa but he must do all he can to keep the rolang from escaping.  In the moment that the lips of the ngagspa loses contact with the corpse, the spell would be broken, and will lose control of the vampiric creature.  The vampire would go into a rampage all over the village and kill everyone that crosses its path by ripping their bodies.

The Rolang is known to be a very dangerous vampire creature.  It’s simple touch is proven to be fatal.  According to the legends, only a few lamas know about a ritual that can stop the rolang.  The spell would return the rolang from its original state as a corpse and will never rise again.

In the case that the ngagspa was able to prevent the corpse from escaping, the tongue of the rolang would make its way to the mouth of the ngagspa.  The ngagspa need to bite the tongue as hard as he can.  The rolang would collapse and the ngagspa would have the magical element of the tongue of the rolang.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Elifasi Msomi

Elifasi Msomi is a witch doctor who is responsible for the deaths of 15 women while allegedly being controlled by a vampiric spirit called tokoloshe (tikoloshe) It was Msomi’s wish to become more powerful,  that’s why he summoned the demon.  The demon apparently told him that in order for him to become more powerful, he would need to sacrifice flesh and blood of humans.

To prove his loyalty to the demon, Elifasi Msomi called on her mistress to witness the horrid view of him raping a girl.  He then stabbed the young girl to death.  Instead of being impressed with his ability to communicate with the demons, his mistress ran to the police and he was arrested.    But shortly after his arrest, Msomi was able to escape the prison.  He said that his escape was all thanks to the tokoloshe.

On the month of April, 1955, he was already attributed for stabbing 5 children to death.  Elifasi Msomi was once again arrested and placed into custody. But as soon as he was transferred into the normal cell, Msomi was once again able to escape.  He again claimed that the tokoloshe helped him in his escape.

A month later and there are now a total of 15 victims and for the third time he was arrested. Elifasi Msomi was even confident to help the police on their search for the undiscovered bodies since he believe that he will once again be helped by the tokoloshe on his escape.  But this time, the tokoloshe could no longer help him since Msomi was sentenced to death in September 1955.

The culture about the tokoloshe was so strong that the prison guard let a witchdoctor in just to see the body of Msomi after he was hanged.  They said that Elifasi Msomi is indeed dead and the tokoloshe already left the body of the murderer to search for a new host.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Monster of Glamis

The Monster of the Glamis Castle is known as a reformed creature that was being kept in an undisclosed area of the castle.  Some believe that it is a surviving member of the family of the Bowes-Lyon, other said that it is a monster that resembles the appearance of a zombie.

Accounts about the monster can be found on some literary works but the authenticity is hard to confirm since some of the accounts varies from one to another.  On the works of Miss M. Gilchrist, it stated that there is in fact a monster that was living in the castle, the monster is thought to be a half man and a half frog.  Miss M. Gilchrist claimed that the alleged monster is the rightful heir.

But perhaps the first person to tell the world about the secret behind the walls of the Glamis castle would be Sir Walter Scott.  According to his accounts:
 “After a very hospitable reception, . . . I was conducted to my apartment in a distant part of the building. I must own that when I heard door after door shut, after my conductor had retired, I began to consider myself too far from the living and somewhat too near the dead.”

One of the earliest surviving documents about the monster of Glamis appeared during the 1840.  based on the clerk on the Notes and Queries on 1908.
 “The mystery was told to the present writer some 60 years ago, when he was a boy, and it made a great impression on him. The story was, and is, that in the Castle of Glamis is a secret chamber. In this chamber is confined a monster, who is the rightful heir to the title and property, but who is so unpresentable that it is necessary to keep him out of sight and out of possession.” 

On the writings of James Wentworth day, he claimed that the monster would be Thomas Lyon-Bowes, The rightful Lord and first son of Thomas Lyon-Bowes.   The said baby has been cursed when he was still in his mother’s womb.  The monster is said to be indestructible and for more than six centuries, the family would assign three people on the castle to look out and take care of him.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Dennett Family

Annie Dennett was suspected to be the cause of his father’s illness; her body was exhumed hoping that it will cure his father, Moses Dennett.

Moses Denett who was born in the year 1759 came from Portsmouth.  His grandfather was a prominent blacksmith at New Hampshire, England and was believed to be one of the wealthiest families in Portsmouth.

Moses became a tailor and decided to move to Barnstead with his wife.  Moses and Betsey was blessed with 4 kids; Polly was born in 1782 and died 8 years later, Hannah was born in 1784, Annie on 1786 and Charles on 1788.

Annie Dennett died when she was 21 years of age, March 27, 1807.  Exactly 3 years after her death, a reverend priest attended her exhumation believing that Annie became a blood sucking creature and was feeding on the life force of her family.  Her Father, Moses was believed to be contaminated with tuberculosis that time, but as we all know, consumption has yet to be understood on that age.  Her family is the one who decided to exhume Annie’s body believing that it will prevent further sickness from the family and help their father recuperate from his health.

Enoch Hayes Place kept an account of what happened on the exhumation.  According to him, the brother opened the casket and as expected for someone who’s already 3 years dead, only bones and fragments are found inside the casket.  The diary of Enoch Hayes Place is a great example that even a high ranking official or a minister attends the exhumation of a suspected vampire. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Stanoika is a wife of a haiduk who died when she was 20 years old.  As we all know a haiduk is a kind of a soldier or a freedom fighter.  Stanoika is also blamed for a number of death that happened in Serbia, just like Arnold Paole,  Stana, Miliza and others that are documented on the Visum et repetum by Johann Fluckinger.

Stanoika died a mysterious death after being sick for only 3 days.  Her body was exhumed 18 days after her death and just as expected, the body remained fresh after a short period of time.  Her body was discovered having a vivid color as if she was still alive.  And the fact that she reported that she was being tormented by the phantom of Miloe (another suspected vampire and a haiduk) every night, they immediately assumed that she could be infected with the vampiric manifestation.

They also noticed at the right side of her ear that there was a marking that looks like a blood shot that is about the size of a finger.  While the people are taking the remains of Stanoika out of a grave, a massive amount of blood gushed out of her nose that startled those who are present during the exhumation.  And just like Miliza a fresh spat of blood was also noticed on her chest.

The head of Stanoika was decapitated and burned together with her body and her ashes was dispersed on a river nearby, believing that it will put an end to the random death.  No further cases of death were associated with the vampires after that day, or at least no documents were found to associate the succeeding deaths on a vampire incident.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


A fenrir is not typically a werewolf but a giant wolf.  In Norse mythology he is the son of Loki and Angroboda.  Fenrir is a giant wolf that was prophesized by the Gods as the one that would cause Ragnarok or the End of the World.  Due to this prophecy, the Gods decided to place the little puppy in a cage.  It is said that only the God of War has the courage to feed the Fenrir.

Fenrir grew bigger and bigger, the gods immediately decided that they had to do something about it.  But no gods have the courage to face the humongous wolf so they decided to trick the creature.  The gods told him that he is weak and he would never be able to break free when they chained him.  The fenrir accepted the challenge and let the Gods chained him, but his strength is unbelievable as he easily break any chain that he was bounded into.

The Gods seek the help of the dwarves and ask them to create something that could restrain the wolf.  The dwarves use the substance called Gleipnir, a substance so soft but supposedly unbreakable.

Just as the Gods were planning to bind the Fenrir for eternity, the wolf has grown tired of the chain games.  In addition, the wolf took the new chain that was made of Gleipnir as a form of mockery and told them that it would be a shame if someone so strong as him would ask to break a soft chain.  Finally the Fenrir agreed to be chained but in one condition, one of the Gods has to place his hand into his jaws.  Tyr, the God of war was the only one who agreed to do it.

Fenrir use every ounce of his strength in breaking free of the chain but he was unable to.  As a form of revenge, he bit the arms of Tyr.  The gods then placed a sword in between his jaws that forbid him from biting anyone.

After a long time, the chain weakened and Fenrir was able to break free.  True to the prophecy, Fenrir killed Odin and started Ragnarok.  Eventually, Vidar, the son of Odin killed Fenrir.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Snarly Yow

The Snarly Yow is similar to the Black Shuck.  It is a phantom dog or a black hell hound that is said to haunt the South Mountain region of Maryland.  Those who have claimed to saw the creature mostly described it as a black dog but there was one instance when a witness claimed that it is a white and a headless dog which is dragging a chain.

Based on the stories, the Snarly Yow lived in the canyon and always follows the same trail.  It has a habit of chasing the vehicles and frightening people while hiding in the bushes right before they pass.  The creature is also said to block roads that prevent people from passing and sometime faking that they were run over by the car.  Motorist who experienced the fake accident get out of the car to check the dog but didn’t found anything.

But unlike the Black Shuck, there were no known incident that the Snarly Yow inflicted harm on a human being.  There is also no story about the Snarly Yow being a source of bad fortune or an omen.  You can found a sign at the base of the South Mountain that states about the Snarly Yow, the sign says something like this:

"Beware of the “Snarly Yow.” Legend has it that the shadow of a black dog used to prowl the heights of South Mountain. One night, a huntsman, famous as a sure shot, encountered the beast. He aimed and fired his rifle. The shot went right through the animal with no effect. He fired again and again, each shot passing through the shadowy beast. Finally overcome with dread, the huntsman fled."

The creature is said to have the ability to magically appear and disappear.  It can also change its color at will.  They are also known to be immune at bullets.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Gayal is an Indian vampire.  A person can become a gayal when he died without a successor or heir and also if a person never had the chance to get married.  Some says that a person who died and was not given proper burial rites can also turn into an undead.   The gayals are said to possess an ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) that allowed them to see the future and the past.  This creature also possess a smaller fangs compared to the other vampires that is why they appeared normal.  It is also believed that Gayals possessed an unrivaled beauty that they used to lure their victims.

Gayals usually attack the kids, seeking revenge and feeling envious that they never experienced having kids of their own.  He also attacks his relatives to force them from fulfilling all the rituals that is suited for the dead.  In some areas, the Gayal is given a sacrifice of milk mixed with the water that came from the Ganges River to calm the restless soul.  The Mothers also give their sons a coin as an amulet to repel the forces of Gayal.

There are some beliefs that the Gayals compared to the other types of vampires are the most spiritual ones.  They really enjoy having a company around and would, from time to time seek the companionship of a human.  They are also the first vampire to be documented in Indians literature.

The ability of the Gayal also grants him the power to summon the other forces of demon and also to communicate with the land of the dead.  He is able to place any spirit of the dead to his control causing them to reanimate.  But Gayals fell short on strength as they are often cited on stories to rely mostly on their wit and intelligence.

The threats of the Gayal led to the belief of the Indians that all of the dead should be given the proper burial rituals.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

John George Haigh “Acid Bath Murderer/Vampire Murderer”

Born on July 24, 1940 in England, John George Haigh grew up in a strict family.  But compared to the other serial killers, John George Haigh had a very normal life and was affectionate towards his parents during his childhood days.  He had a huge circle of friends and he also made friends easily.  He married at the age of 25 but filed a divorce after a short period of time and he showed no interest on sex after that incident.  Over the next 10 years, John George Haigh will be serving years of imprisonment due to dishonesty and fraud.

During the investigation of his crime it was revealed that during his childhood days Haigh had a weird fascination over blood.  Sometimes he would wound himself and suck the blood out of that wound.  He also enjoyed other forms of torture like crucifixion. 

In 1943, Haigh accidentally met William Mc Swann which happens to be his former employer.  Mc Swann introduced him to his parents.  On September 1944, Mc Swann suddenly disappeared.  Haigh told Mc Swann’s parents that their son fled to Scotland to escape the military enlistment.  But the truth was Haigh murdered Mc Swann.  After sometime, Mc Swann’s parents are getting worried since they did not hear a word from their son.  Haigh then decided to kill them.  He sold their properties, encash their cheques and moved to other place.  Haigh committed a series of murder after that, usually by hitting them in their head or shooting them with a revolver, and after that dissolving their body in an acid bath.

Haigh last victim was Olive-Durand Deacon, 69 years of age. Like his past victims, Ms. Deacon was wealthy. Upon hearing that Haigh was an engineer, she presented Haigh with her past idea about an artificial fingernail.  Haigh killed her by shooting her in the neck.  The police found numerous evidences on the death of Deacon that pointed to the killer. 

Haigh was arrested and placed into a trial.  During the court trial, Haigh relayed some disturbing dreams.  His Exact words were:
 “Before each of my killings, I had a series of dreams, I sawa forest of crucifixes that changed into green trees drippingwith blood . . . which I drank, and once more”

Haigh was hanged on 1940 in London.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Lobizon is a were-dog of the South American region that walks upright which makes it closely related to the werewolf.  It is particularly popular in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.  Based on an eyewitness, who claimed that he was visited by a Luison, the creature seems to exhibit a slimmer figure that can easily be mistaken for a tall monkey.  It has sharp claws and its ears are large and hanging like a dog. It has shorter legs that are similar to a child’s leg and a tail.  It also has a creepy stare.

Luison are known to attack humans and dogs.  There are also accounts that said they have been attack by Luison inside their house.  According to one reported attack in Argentina where a house was allegedly infiltrated by the Luison, the residents of the house managed to outmatch the Luison by clubbing it repeatedly and beating it to the period that it appears to be dead.  The people decided to drag the body outside, but as soon as they went out, the Luison quickly ran away as though it was never hurt.

There is a popular legend on Argentina about what makes a Luison.  People believed that the seventh son will definitely be a luison at the right time.  They said that people who takes the form of this creature will transform on a full Moon particularly during Friday night, the Luison will then return to its human form at the breaking of dawn.

The Argentina possesses a very strong belief on this creature.  So strong that even one of the most famous Argentinean President ordered to its citizens that all seventh sons must be baptized.  Some sightings of Luison are also associated with UFO attacks like the chupacabras which incidentally is also popular in the South American culture.

Luison has a different role on some European countries.  This creature serves as a Grim Reaper.  It is believed that whoever was touched by this creature will surely die.  And just like the curse of the wolf, the person that was bitten by the Luison will change into a werewolf.