
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Axeman of New Orleans

During the period of May 1918- October 1919, a serial killer is on a killing spree in New Orleans, Louisiana.  The victims were attacked using an axe that belongs to the victims.  The only way to distinguish the connection of the attacks was through the axeman’s method.  The backdoor of the house would be first smashed and upon gaining an entry, the axeman would attack the resident with a straight razor or an axe.

The identity of the axeman remains a mystery up to this day.  The case gathered too much attention as the alleged axeman sent a letter that was published in a newspaper.  But not all people were intimidated by the axeman, others sent invitation to the axeman to visit them that night and let them find out who will be killed first.  Another invitation states that he will leave his window open for him not to damage the door.

Here is the alleged letter of the axeman.
 Hell, March 13, 1919 Esteemed Mortal: They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the ether that surrounds your earth. I am not a human being, but a spirit and a demon from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians and your foolish police call the Axeman. When I see fit, I shall come and claim other victims. I alone know whom they shall be. I shall leave no clue except my bloody axe, besmeared with blood and brains of he whom I have sent below to keep me company. If you wish you may tell the police to be careful not to rile me. Of course, I am a reasonable spirit. I take no offense at the way they have conducted their investigations in the past. In fact, they have been so utterly stupid as to not only amuse me, but His Satanic Majesty, Francis Josef, etc. But tell them to beware. Let them not try to discover what I am, for it were better that they were never born than to incur the wrath of the Axeman. I don‘t think there is any need of such a warning, for I feel sure the police will always dodge me, as they have in the past. They are wise and know how to keep away from all harm. Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a most horrible murderer, which I am, but I could be much worse if I wanted to. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. At will I could slay thousands of your best citizens, for I am in close relationship with the Angel of Death. Now, to be exact, at 12:15 (earthly time) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people. One thing is certain and that is that some of your people who do not jazz it on Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe. Well, as I am cold and crave the warmth of my native Tartarus, and it is about time I leave your earthly home, I will cease my discourse. Hoping that thou wilt publish this, that it may go well with thee, I have been, am and will be the worst spirit that ever existed either in fact or realm of fancy. The Axeman 

Surprisingly, the crime associated with the axeman stopped abruptly just as how it began.

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Gentleman Vampire

Neville Heath, 29 years old dubbed as the England’s Gentleman Vampire would often pose as an army officer as a way to lure women into hotels. On the 20th of June 1946 a taxi driver was able to saw Heath with Margery Gardner.  Gardner who was 33 years old was found dead the following day.   It seems that she has been subjected to sadistic torture which includes using a whip that has metal on its ends.  Her nipples were also bitten off by the suspect.  While most of his body was covered in blood, her face except her nostrils was clean.

Fortunately, they were able to find the name on the list of the hotel registry for that specific room.  The police went to ask him a few questions but unfortunately Heath already flew.  He went into another hotel and assumes a different identity.  Also during those times, he met Doreen Marshal who agreed to escort him one evening.  She was never seen alive again.  Her body was found 5 days later with knife wounds and was sexually assaulted.

Heath went to the station in order to offer his help.  He also told them that his name is not Neville Heath.  But the police decided to apprehend him and conduct further investigation.  The police were able to retrieve a whip that seems to be the weapon used in the murder of the 1st victim; they also found a scarf covered with blood that matches her blood type.  Another scarf is found in the drawer that matches the blood type of Doreen Marshal.  The police also uncovered that he was involved into some sadistic incident that involves a woman.  But it was also said that he was gentleman with his fiancé.

Though the instance wherein he allegedly licked the blood off Margery Gardner’s face was never proven.  He was stated to be suffering from Renfield Syndrome due to the fact that she was treasuring the bloody scarf plus his method of brutal killings.

Heath was found sane and criminally liable for the death and was given a death sentence.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Carroll Edward Cole

Carole Cole was a serial murderer, also a cannibal who was executed by lethal injection in December 6, 1985.

Cole was born in Sioux City in Iowa.  When he was a kid, his father has to fulfill his duty during the World War 2. While his father is away his Mom would take him and would force to watch as she entertained different man.  Cole would be beaten by his mother and threatened not to tell anything to his father.

When his father came back from the war, nothing has changed and he would be often whipped by his mother.  He was also bullied in school for having a girl’s name that is why he would always use his second name “Eddie”.  He grew up hating girls because of this.

He drowned a 10 year old boy when he was just 10 years of age.  The death was deemed to be an accident until Cole confessed to the murder after so many years.  After he dropped out of school Cole would be constantly visiting prison due to petty crimes such as burglary, vagrancy, etc.

He tried to commit suicide on one occasion and admitted himself in a mental institution.  During his stay he confessed that he often fantasized about killing women.  He was later released after he was diagnosed with a personality disorder rather some psychopathic behavior.  Personality disorders are not curable at that time by the psychiatrist.

After his release, he would pick up women in trade for sex.  He would fantasize about killing them.  Though most of these women were unharmed the next day, there is one time that he killed a woman because it reminds him so much of his mother.

His first recorded crime of murder as an adult was Essie Buck whom he picked up in May of 1971.  He strangled Buck while she is inside the car.  He drove around with the dead body, eventually he decided to dump the body.  Two weeks later he killed an unidentified woman.

He got married on July of 1973 to someone who is also suffering from alcoholic problems.  They would often result into arguments.  Cole would leave after the arguments for days; during the time he was away, Cole is said to commit murders including that of a woman that he cannibalized.

In September of 1979, he killed Pashal by strangling her to death.  A suspicious neighbor reported it to the police.  But even though the body of Pashal was found wrapped in a blanket and hidden in a closet, the authorities declared that her alcohol intoxication caused her death.  Cole was then released.

He was remarried on 1980.  During this time he committed more murders.  The police brought him for an interrogation for the death of his last victim.  During the course, Cole confessed to 14 other murders, though he claims that he cannot be sure about the exact number since most of the time he is drunk.

He was sentenced to death and was executed in Nevada.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Petrus Gonsalvus

Petrus Gonsalvus also known as Pedro Gonzales is a man suffering from a case of hypertrichosis defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth.  Unfortunately during his time, his case is not fully understood by the people.  Ulisse Aldrovandi, an Italian naturalist referred to him as “The man of the woods”

Petrus Gonsalvus was born in the city of Tenerife on 1537.  His life was well documented due to his condition; during that time it is considered as a werewolf syndrome.  Little did they know that the case of Gonsalvus was no more than a genetic defect and not of a curse or witchcraft.

Gonsalvus was the first ever human to be recorded with the genetic defect.  Hypertrichosis was also called as the Ambras Syndrome which was taken after his family that spent their lives living near the Ambras Castle.

Gonsalvus went to the court of the King of France, Henry II and was later sent to the court of Margaret of Parma where he got married and had children.    Since the genetic defect is hereditary, two of his children also acquired hypertrichosis and at least one of his grandchildren.

Gonsalvus together with his entire family finally settled on Italy.  Despite the fact that he was not normally treated by everyone due to his peculiar case, Gonsalvus was known to live a healthy life.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Wolf of Moscow

Serial killers are being dubbed as a “wolf” depending on the method of their killings.  Usually when the perpetrator committed a gruesome crime and mutilated the victims’ body in a manner that only an animal can do, then they were compared to the animal such as a wolf.

Such is the case of “The Wolf of Moscow” named Vasili Komaroff.    He was held responsible for the death of at least 33 individuals.  Surprisingly, the corpses of the victims appeared a day after a horse trading, which led them to one unlikely suspect, Vasili Komaroff.

Vasili Komaroff is known for being a happy man but unbeknownst to many, he had a temper problem.  There was a time when he almost killed his own son due to his violent ways.  The authorities went to Komaroff to investigate and they stumbled upon the body of his new victim which is under the hay stack and waiting to be dumped.

He lured his victims through horse trading and when the unsuspected victim turned their back on him, he would immediately bludgeoned them with a hammer or strangle them to death.  Authorities describe the victims as “trussed like chicken for roasting.”  Investigators found five dead bodies, but the other victims had been thrown into the river and were never found.

His wife was also charged with murder under the theory that it is impossible for her not to know about the grisly crime.  Authorities believed that the wife had a firsthand knowledge and just decided to overlook the wrongdoing of her husband. 

On June 8 the court found him guilty and was sentenced to death by firing squad.  He was executed on June 18 together with his wife.  While on the way to the execution ground he apparently said “Well it's my turn to be put in the sack now."

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Case of a Clinical Lycanthropy and Cotard Delusion

The co-existence of Clinical Lycanthropy case and Cotard Delusion existed in an incident that involves a 32-year old high-school dropout.  He claims that he is not only dead but in fact he was turned into a dog.

His family immediately took him to the Kerman Psychiatric hospital located at the southern portion of Iran.  The said man refused to go to his work for two weeks believing that he is already dead.  At first he said that he felt restless and his senses seem to be subtle and he felt some sort of electric shock.  Afterward he felt as if his body has changed and believe that he already died.  He believed that his sin caused his death and that his jaw makes a sudden movement which led to his belief that he has been turned into a dog.  His wife is also suffering the same condition while he says that his children have been turned into a sheep.  The mere scent of their urine can cause him restless since the wolf is the natural predators of sheep.

He started having sleepless night, because he was too scared that he would sexually assault his daughter.  There was an instance in his life when he was still alive that he sexually assaulted a sheep and he is still not over it.  He also refused to have sex with his wife since he does not want to infect her with his sin.

Then eventually, the man would exhibit signs of schizophrenia, he started accusing some of his friends that they are trying to hurt him.  He also said that his relatives attempted to poison him.  But he didn’t seem bothered since he claimed that God will protect him even if he is dead and that no poison could ever hurt him.

He was subjected to electro-convulsive therapy and consecutive medical treatment.  After a continuous medical therapy, some signs of clinical lycanthropy and Cotard delusion have been relieved.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Dog that Haunts Leeds Castle

Throughout the century, the world has been haunted by different malevolent spirit.  One of them would be the Black Shuck that reportedly haunt the area of East Anglia during the 16th century similar to Black Shuck are the Snarly Yow and the Irrinja which is also called the devil’s hound.

But around the year 1440, a similar lack dog haunts the Leeds Castle.  It is said to be a spectral of black dog that even haunts the surrounding place.  It has a curly hair and looks like a black retriever.

The Black Dog first made its appearance after the aunt of Henry VI,  Eleanor Cobham was proven guilty of practicing witchcraft and was imprisoned at the said castle on the year 1440.  Black dogs like the black shuck and irrinja are said to be a harbinger of death.  But in the case of the Black dog that haunts the Leed Castle, it is said to be a saver of life.  In one point, a woman who came from the Wykeham-Martin family was sitting outside her window when he sighted the creature.  The black dog allegedly walked right through the wall.  The woman immediately left hoping that she could get a better visibility of the creature.  But as soon as she left, the wall collapsed.  Had she not jumped off to see the creature, there is a high probability that she would die due to the collapsing of the wall.

The Black Dog is said to be a spirit that can pass through walls and disappeared right before your very eyes.  But it is still believe that the black creature bring bad omen to anyone who sighted it.

There is no known defense against the creature. The only thing one can do is to keep cautious in everything he does as it is believed to be a harbinger of death.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Werewolf Tribe

A.C. Ayres, a farmer from Kentucky, was tending his farm when he stumbled upon this metal glint.  He examined it closely and found out that it is an old copper bracelet.  The finds of A.C. Ayres in not that uncommon, considering that place was once a home of the Native American.  But something about the wristband feels unusual.

A.C. Ayres was right on his gut feel.  The bracelet led him to discover one of the eeriest archaeological piece found in North America.  That piece is an evidence of a wolf-worshipping tribe in Indian cult.  That tribe had said to perform strange rituals and rites attributed to the wolf.

Ayres decided to call for the help of a known archaeologist who have a great interest on artifacts.  The archaeologist once came to their land since he knows that artifacts like the one Ayres found can be usually found within the area.  The team of archaeologist was so eager to see the piece of wristband that Ayres discovered.  It turns out, he stumbled upon a grave site that was built 1500 years ago by a group of people they called the Adena Culture.

The group thought that it might be a perfect day to find some pieces of history in the area and started excavating.  After a few hours they discovered the remains of a huge man who died during the prime of his life.   They noticed that the skull area has been badly damage or crushed by a heavy object.  While the archaeologist was trying to piece up the skeletal remains, he discovered something bizarre, that there were skeletal remains that did not come from a human.  The skull resembles the skull of a wolf.

They also discovered that the four front teeth of the skull were missing; the remaining set of teeth was in perfect condition.  There were also signs that the four pieces of teeth has been taken out deliberately.

There were beliefs that the man was sacrificed in a certain ritual offered to a God, and in this case a wolf-God.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Whitehall Victim

In 1888, White Chapel in London has been the site of the most gruesome crimes in the history of mankind.  The series of killings were blamed to the infamous Jack the Ripper.  But on the same year, another murder was committed that was earlier attributed to the Jack the Ripper but was later found out that there was no connection established to the murder and Jack the Ripper.

Near the Whitehall in a place called Victoria Embankment, there was an ongoing construction on a Police HQ building which is now known as New Scotland Yard.  On the 2nd of October, 1888, a worker went inside the newly constructed basement and found that there is a large parcel.  He decided to open the parcel and discovered a torso belonging to an unidentified female that is starting to enter a phase of decomposition.

Prior to the discovered decomposing torso, a right arm which belong to the unidentified woman was also found in the River Thames.  After two weeks of the discovery of the torso, a dog accidentally found a left leg of the victim at an area near the construction site.  The uterus of the woman was deliberately removed from her torso.  The head as well as the remaining parts of the body was never found.  The cause of her death cannot be identified.

The victim was never identified as well as the culprit.  The reason why her uterus was removed is still a great mystery.  The investigation of the authority on the crime failed to reveal any suspect.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Nancy Young (Foster, Rhode Island)

Circa 1827 was the year when the next vampire case in Rhode Island happened. Nancy Young is also a victim of the consumption, since back then a little is known about this disease, it is expected for the people to find explanation on the unexplainable deaths.  And how convenient it is to blame it on a vampire?

Nancy Young was the oldest daughter of Capt. Levi Young and wife Anna and also the second to the oldest out of eight children.  Captain Levi young was serving the military, and after his retirement he decided to move to a farm in Connecticut.  When Nancy reached her right age, she took up the bookkeeping position of the farm.

At the age of 19, Nancy suddenly became ill.  The family first thought that it was just a cold, until they found out that it was consumption.  She remained lying in her bed for a month before she finally succumbs to tuberculosis.

The Young family started to became ill one by one, beginning with Almira and her other siblings.  Their disease possesses the same symptoms as the disease of Nancy.  Captain Young thought that it was a manifestation of the undead.  He exhumed the body of his eldest daughter, Nancy and burned it.  He asked the member of the family to stand beside the fire and inhale the smoke believing that it will cure them from their disease and would also prevent the other members of the family from getting sick.

But unfortunately Almira died at the age of 17 on the 19th of August 1828.  Out of his 8 children only 3 of them survived.  The other died due to consumption.   The case of Nancy young is similar to the Mercy Brown Vampire Incident where the consumption is associated with vampirism.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Laurie Tackett

Born in Indiana on the 5th of October, 1974, Laurie Tackett is one of the people involved in the murder of Shanda Renee Sharer. The incident that caught the interest of the media due to the 12 year old girl that was tortured and burned.   Tackett would often tell her friends that he was possessed by a vampire named Deanna. Tackett’s father is a factory worker who was convicted twice due to felony.  Tackett said that she was molested twice when she was just a child.

On May of 1989, her mother discovered that she would change her attire into pants in school.  Her mother was so furious that the confrontation led to an attempted strangulation.  Social worker stepped in as soon as they got aware of the situation.  They would constantly visit the house of the Tackett to prevent any abusive event.  The incident prompted a rift between Laurie and her mother.  One time, she visited a friend house and found out that the girls are using a Ouija board, a tool use for communicating to the dead.  Her mother demand that the board should be burned and that the house should be exorcised.

At the age of 15, Laurie started to take interest in occultism; this is also the time that she said she was being possessed by the vampire.  In 1991, Laurie began dating a girl who is also involved in the occult.  She would inflict harm to herself and her parents would discover the wounds that would led to her hospitalization on March of 1991.  She was given a medication that could help her feel calm.  But after two days she cut herself in the wrist and she was sent back to the hospital.

Laurie together with her friends took Sharer into the Witch’s Castle and bound her.  But the girls are worried that people might discover them due to the noise of Sharer.  Tackett led them to a dumpsite where they tortured her and burned her alive.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Marcelo Costa De Andrade

One of Brazil’s renowned serial killer, Marcelo Costa De Andrade is also known as the “Niteroi Vampire”.  Marcelo spent most of his childhood in a slum area in Rio De Janeiro.  As a child De Andrade, suffered on the abusive hands of his grandfather and step parents.  He was only 10 years old when he was sexually abused and when he turned 14 he turned to flesh trade as a mean to generate income.  When he was 16 years old, he had a relationship with an older man and at the age of 17 he tried to rape his younger brother.

He was 23 years old when his homosexual relationship ended.  He decided to move back with his mom and rekindled their relationship with his brothers.  His life seems to be going back on track, he started going to churches 4 times each week, until on April 1991 when he made his first victim.

For a period of 9 months, an estimated number of 9 victims were attributed to de Andrade.  He would normally victimize those poor kids on the street, strangling and raping them.  There are also occasions when he showed some signs of necrophilia.  He decapitated one of the boys and smashed the skull of another.  There are also some incidents where he drank the blood of the victims.  He claimed that the blood of the young boys will grant him the beauty of youth.  Authorities never suspected a serial killer on the loose at first when random street kids disappeared since there is quite a high criminality rate in Rio.  De Andrade liked to kill young boys because they have beautiful skin plus he thinks he is doing them some favor since the church taught him that children who died before the age of 13 went straight to heaven, so the children that he killed must be grateful to him for sending them to the kingdom of God.

December of the same year when he met a kid named Altair de Abreu with his brother on the terminal.  He offered them money in order to light a candle to pray to a saint.  They we’re on their way to the church when they passed on a vacant lot.  Marcelo immediately turned to his younger brother Ivan and strangled him.  Altair was so shocked that he can’t even move.  He froze as he watched Marcelo killed his brother while raping him.  Altair was so helpless that he can only cry, when he’s done with the brother, Marcelo hugged Altair and said that he love the kid and asked him to live with him.  Altair was scared that he just agreed hoping that Marcelo would spare his life.

Marcelo took Altair on his work the next day but the office is closed.  The young boy managed to escape de Andrade and went back to their Mother.  He said that he lost his Brother on his way.  After a few days, due to the pressure of his sister, Altair confessed everything and they went to report the whole thing to the police.  Meanwhile Marcelo went back to the crime scene, took the hand of Ivan and kept it on his pocket to prevent the rats from devouring it.

The police though that the incident about Ivan was an isolated case.  They were astounded upon De Andrade confessed to the murders he committed.  He said he liked boys so much that he doesn’t want them to end up in hell.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Zhang Yong Ming

Zhang Yong Ming is a Chinese serial killer that is also known as the “Cannibal Monster” for mutilating the body parts of his victims, consuming their flesh (either by feeding it to his dogs or selling it to the market) and keeping their eyes on a bottle of wine.

Zhang Yong Ming has confessed of murdering around 11 males between the periods of March 2008-April 2012.  It is said that he fed his dog with flesh from his victims.  He also sold part of those flesh to the market telling them that it was an ostrich meat.  Zhang Yong Ming was executed on January 10, 2013.

Prior to this incident, Zhang Yong Ming was already arrested and sentenced to death in 1979.  But his sentenced had been reduced and was eventually released on September of 1997.  He was also given a piece of land near the village of Nanmen, probably to start anew.  But they were wrong to even set him free.

On the early parts of May 2012, the Secretary of the Public Security aroused a suspicion on the increasing number of young men missing in the province of Yunnan.  He immediately formed a team to sent to the province and investigate the matter.   Han Yao, a 19-year-old guy, one of the recorded missing people was proven to be murdered.

The team soon found out that there has been an increasing attack on the road to Zhang Yong Ming’s house.  There has been also a deliberate attempt to destroy the evidence by burning, dismembering or burying.  The villagers also claimed that one time they saw a garbage bag hanging outside their home and saw a human bone protruding outside of the garbage bag.

The authorities searched the house of Zhang Yong Ming and found eyeballs preserved inside a bottle of wine.   Though he confessed to murdering the 11 boys, he never showed any sign of remorse for the crime that he committed.  He even refused to apologize to the families of the victims.  Some police officers were also penalized upon proven that they neglected their duty during the murder.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Irrinja is a devil dog similar in some ways with the Black Shuck.  But compared to the black shuck which is originally a devil hound, an Irrinja is a man who went into a transformation.  The transformation of an Irrinja is a unique one compared to the other types of werewolves who would just need a special ointment, a wolf skin of a wolf strap.  The irrinja when he was still in a human form need to wait for a sandstorm.  During the sandstorm he would lie down on the ground and let the sand cover his body.  He would let the storm pass; a sound of a bird would signal that the storm is indeed over.  The Irrinja would emerge on the sand in a form of a devil dog that is hungry for the taste of human flesh.

The legend also says that this type of creature is not dependent to the moon that makes them one of a kind.  However, based on the legends, the reason on why the man lay down on the ground is not clearly stated.  The tale of Irrinja haunted Australia on the old times and will continue to haunt them to this day and the future ahead.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Daniel Rakowitz

An American cannibal and murderer, Daniel Rakowitz was born at the year 1960 in the state of Texas.  At around 1985, Rakowitz moved to New York.

In 1989, Rakowitz was walking on Manhattan’s East village boasting that he was able to kill his roommate.  Monica Beerle, a student and a Swiss dancer met her unfortunate end in the hands of Daniel Rakowitz.  In addition he told the people that he boiled the head of Monica and made a soup out of her brain.  He tasted it and liked it; he therefore claimed that he is a legitimate cannibal.  Some of them remembered the time that he brought a soup to the Park and gave it to the homeless.

The police received a tip from an alleged homicide case.  They arrested Daniel Rakowitz but during the interrogation, the police were bombarded with different satanic confession and sacrifice.

On February 22, 1991, the court found him not guilty due to the reason of insanity.  The court then recommends that Daniel Rakowitz should be sent into a mental institution.
In an interview, Daniel Rakowitz said “"I'm the new Lord, and I will take leadership of the satanic cultists to make sure they do everything that has to be done to destroy all those people who do disagree with my church. And I'm going to be the youngest person elected to the U.S. presidency.”

Is Daniel Rakowitz really an insane person?  Or did he really establish a pact with the devil that prompted him to commit an act of murder and cannibalism?

Monday, May 16, 2016


Iceland also has a rich culture of werewolf, but they call them varulfur.  One of the most popular types of Varulfur is called Hamrammr. It is a werewolf with an unbelievable strength.  People who know this creature said that it can amass strength after it devoured its meal.  Also aside from the unstoppable increase in its strength, the hamrammr can also change its form to any animal that he consumed.  But despite of being fearful to his immense strength and shape shifting ability, Icelandic people admire and praise it.

As stated by Adam Wayzt:

The term anthropomorphism was coined by the Greek philosopher Xenophanes when describing the similarity between religious believers and their gods — that is, Greek gods were depicted having light skin and blue eyes while African gods had dark skin and brown eyes......Anthropomorphism carries many important implications. For example, thinking of a nonhuman entity in human ways renders it worthy of moral care and consideration.”

Some people describe Hamrammr as a shape shifter rather than a werewolf.  Others called them were-animals.  This is due to the fact that his shape shifting ability is not limited to werewolves alone.  Legends say that they can also take the form of a deer or a rabbit.  In addition, the Hamrammr does not only take the physical appearance of the animal, they also inherit their characteristic.  They were known not only as a dangerous creature but also a clever and powerful species.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Peter Bryan

Peter Bryan, a schizophrenic who was convicted of murder and cannibalism was set free from a hostel by a mental facility that resulted in the murder of two people.  It was not clear why the medical staff agreed to transfer him to a hostel where he is on his free will. 
Three hours after he was set free from the mental facility, he murdered Brian Cherry, who is an old friend and cooked his brain.  He was then sent to a secured hospital and after less than 10 days, he killed a co-patient named Richard Loudwell.

It was later discovered that Bryan was left in the care of an intern with no sufficient amount of training.  Peter Bryan was known as a manipulative murderer; the intern was not informed that he is taking care of a dangerous killer.  Furthermore he was not informed that he was dealing with a serial killer. 

But the hostel was not free from the interrogation of the authority, as they discovered an allegation of a 17 year old girl for a sexual assault.  Had they contacted the authorities and report the incident, the deaths of the other could’ve been avoided.

In February 2004, Bryan went to a DIY store where he purchased a claw hammer, a knife and a screwdriver.  He then visited Brian Cherry and killed him.  The authorities discovered a half naked Peter Bryan covered with dried blood while Cherry’s one leg and both of his rams had been dismembered by Peter Bryan.  They also found a piece of meat on the frying pan.  Peter Bryan later announced that he feed on the brain of Cherry with some butter on it; he said he loved the taste of it.

After the murder of Cherry, he was sent to a hospital where he murdered Loudwell.  The hospital apologized for the death of Loudwell and accepted their shortcoming.  The number of patient on the hospital decreased drastically after the death of Loudwell.  In efforts to increase their security, the hospital increase their attending nurses in hopes that it would again bring back the trust of the patients.

Peter Bryan was then given a life sentence and ordered never to release from Broadmoor.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The case of Stefan Ramin

Arihano Haiti, 33 years old, a tourist guide was implicated in the murder of a German adventurer named Stefan Ramin.  He was sentenced for 28 years imprisonment for the murder and for cannibalizing the victim.  He was also legally charged for sexually assaulting Ramin’s girlfriend.

Mr. Ramin hired Haiti as a tourist guide to take him into an island for goat hunting purposes.  But sadly, Ramin never returned that day.  Haiti then went back to his girlfriend to tell that Ramin had an accident and urgently needs help.   She was suspicious and decided not to go, Haiti then decided to tie her up into a tree and sexually assault her.
After she escaped, she went to the police to seek help.  The investigators found jaw bones. Melted metal and teeth, believed to be the remains of the victim.  When Haiti was arrested and placed into trial, he said that he only resulted to shooting him because he tried to sexually assault him.  He then decided to sexually assault his girlfriend as a form of revenge.

But the authorities said that there is no evidence that can tell that the victim has a history of homosexual tendencies.  The prosecutor claimed that the suspect’s alibi is only a pure work of fiction. Haiti is known to have contact with transvestite and the possibility of him raping Ramin is a lot possible compared to his alibi.

The authorities also performed analysis on Haiti and there were no indication that he was sexually assaulted by the victim.  They said that something went wrong while they are on a trip that resulted to Haiti killing and eating Ramin.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Swift Runner, Possessed By a Wendigo?

A Cree Indian with an adequate amount of education, Swift Runner who lived in Alberta during 1879 was held responsible for killing and cannibalizing 6 individuals.  Swift runner had a wife on which he had 6 children.  He worked in the trading industry and also as a guide for the police.

The crime spree of Swift Runner started during the starvation period of the Cree Indians.  They said he had a case of a Wendigo Psychosis that gave him the urge to cannibalize human flesh.  He killed his family and wife, cooked them and devoured their flesh. He was arrested in December of 1879 and was sentenced to death by hanging at Fort Saskatchewan.

Prior to this, Swift Runner is known to be a loving father who is always fond of his children.  He is a trustworthy and a gentle 6 foot tall that made him well liked by the traders in Hudson’s Bay.  But at the time when he returned to the village, he could not give a satisfactory explanation to the police on why her family is not with him.  He led the police to a grave site found near his winter camp and said that one of his kids dies and was laid to rest on that spot.  The authorities dig the grave site and found the remains of one of the boys.

The police managed to find human remains that are scattered all over the camp.  When one of the policemen showed him a skull, he told them that the skull belongs to his wife, by this time Runner started telling the details of a gruesome crime.  The jury that time did not take the Wendigo psychosis seriously, they were not a believers like the Cree Indians.  They saw Swift Runner as a cannibal and a murderer who needs to be apprehended.

The Cree would think of an incident as a possession of a Wendigo spirit.  The case is not rare and had dozens of similar incident.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

William Suff

William Suff dubbed as the “Riverside Prostitute Killer” is held responsible for the death of more than 20 individuals.  He also cooked the breast of one of his victims during one time.   He liked to impersonate policemen, do community works, drive cars and write books.  He was known to be very helpful to his neighbors.  But he already has a history of violence when he beat his 2 month old daughter to death.

He usually dumped the bodies of his victims in a grove in Riverside.  Police believes that he may have been responsible for 22 killing in the area.  Evidence was found inside his own car that led to his conviction and eventually a death sentence on 1995.

The prosecutors also pointed out the possibility of him cooking the breast of one of his victims when he joined the chili contest.  His recipe seems to be the favorite of the judges that made him the prize winner.  The allegation was never proven due to lack of evidence.

His method for killing includes, stabbing, strangling, raping and mutilating the bodies.  William Suff is known to be a loner, who loves cooking chili for his office mates.  He is also working on a book that is about the lethal and wild dogs.

William Suff was sentenced to death on the 17th of August, 1995.  And though Suff has showed no history of violence while he is in the Death Row and the authorities are finding it hard to execute the penalty, the public still wants to witness him die.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mara and Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome

Mara is a demon who sits on a chest while you are sleeping causing you to experience nightmares, an incident that was said to originate from sleep paralysis or the old hag syndrome.   They are also often associated with the Incubus and the Succubus, a type of vampire that sexually assaults the sleeping individual while asleep.

The legend of the Mara can be traced back to as early as the 13th Century.  In Germany there are also some incantation believed to be a powerful tool to ward of the mare.  It says:

“Hier leg' ich mich schlafen,
Keine Nachtmahr soll mich plagen,
Bis sie schwemmen alle Wasser,
Die auf Erden fließen,
Und tellet alle Sterne,
Die am Firmament erscheinen!
[Dazu helfe mir Gott Vater, Sohn und heiliger Geist. Amen!]
Here I am lying down to sleep;
No night-mare shall plague me
until they have swum through all the waters
that flow upon the earth,
and counted all stars
that appear in the skies.
[Thus help me God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!]”

In Romania they are spirit of a beautiful woman that turned into an evil spirit and visited man on their sleep. They will torture the man in their dreams and suck the life out of them.  They will be trapped in the land of dreams and they will never wake up again.

Could this creature be the cause of a sudden unexpected syndrome?  In the Philippines where it is termed as bangungot, around 43 men died per year due to unexpected matters.  All victims never woke up again; the cause of the death is still unexplained up to this day.  Most of the victims are only young male.  It also happened in Thailand during the year 1982-1990 where healthy Thai men went to sleep and just die all of a sudden.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Issei Sagawa

Issei Sagawa is a Japanese man responsible for murdering and cannibalizing a Dutch woman in 1981, Renee Hartevelt.  After he was released, he caught the interest of the media and started to make a living out of the crime that he committed.  Because of his frequent appearance on the media, people started calling him “The Cannibal Celebrity.”

Compared to other renowned murderers who were poverty stricken when they were kids, Issei Sagawa comes from a wealthy family.  He was able to attend the University of Paris, On June 11, 1981, the 32 year old Issei Sagawa invited his classmate, Hartevelt to dinner at his apartment for a short literary conversation.

Immediately after Hartevelt arrive on Sagawa’s apartment, he shot her in the neck using a rifle.  He then proceeds on his main objective of eating her.  Sagawa admired the beauty and health of Hartevelt, he believes that by eating her, he would be able to acquire those qualities.  An act of vampirism famous in Asia, one draws out the energy of its victim rather that its blood.  But in the case of Sagawa, he did both by feeding on her flesh and blood in hopes that he would be able to absorb her energy.

Sagawa first claimed that he lost his consciousness upon shooting her but he immediately realize that he had to carry out his original plan of eating her.  He first sexually assaulted the corpse, and then began eating her hips and legs.  He compared the human meat to a tuna, odorless and soft.  He wanted to get rid of the body evidence by dumping it to the lake, but he was apprehended in the process.

His wealthy father provided him with the best lawyers and after a series of trial, he was found legally insane and unfit to stand on a trial.  The court then ordered Sagawa to be admitted in a mental asylum.  The continuous publicity of the case of Sagawa led the French authority to extradite him to Japan.  Upon his arrival on his homeland he was immediately taken to a hospital where he was found in his sanity but referred to him as evil.    But the Japanese authority lacks the proper documents to send him to prison for the reason that they were being held by the French authorities.

Sagawa then admitted himself in a mental institution and became a free-man on August of 1986.  The life of Sagawa has been the source of inspiration to some of the macabre movies and songs.