
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rod Ferrell

Rodrick Justin Ferrell, who was born on the 28th of March, 1980 is the head of a gang mostly composed of teenagers from Kentucky known as the Vampire Clan. In 1988, Ferrell confessed to the 2 counts of murder that involved a couple from Florida.  Ferrell was said to be the youngest individual to be placed in a death row in the United States.

Teenagers were drawn into his gang due to his charisma and to an old structure they called the Vampire Hotel located in the southwestern region of Kentucky that serves as their meeting place.  The Vampire Hotel has been reduced to ruins after the said murders. The road that leads to the said area was closed to prohibit people from conducting meetings.  Graffiti can be found all over the place which includes pentagram, cryptic symbols and phrases such as “Deposit dead bodies here”.

November 25, 1996, while Richard Wendorf was sleeping soundly on his couch, Ferrell entered the house and strike him multiple times using a crowbar that injured his ribs and skull.  Naoma Queen later discovered the dead body of Wendorf.  Ferrel then bludgeoned Queen to death.  The remains of the victims were discovered with a burn marks that resembles the sign of V.  The V sign with two dots is said to be the sign of Ferrell on their clan.

Ferrell is a friend of Heather Wendorf, the daughter of the victims who apparently told Ferrell that her house is a living hell.  Ferrell together with the members of his clan escaped the scene.  They were later found in the state of Louisiana.  The groups were said to be running out of money so Remington, one of the members phone her Mom to ask for help.  But the mother of Remington called the police to inform them about the location of the teens and they were arrested.

On February 12, 1998, Ferell told the court that he is the main culprit of the crime and the others are just an accessory to the crime.  He was given a death sentence until on September of 1999 when his sentenced was demoted to life imprisonment.

Friday, December 30, 2016

King Lycoan

According to some of the version of the myth, King Lycoan was a former head of the Greek Arcadians.  He is also believed to be the first werewolf and some also believed that lycanthropy originated from him.  But that subject is yet to be proven, though the life of King Lycoan is said to inspire most of the legends of a werewolf tales; a ruler that is so vile and wicked that god decided to punish him by stripping him of his humanity.

Based on the legends, there was a time when the Gods ignored the humanity, but still some of the humans tried to appeal to the Gods by offering sacrifices.  Others who were filled with evil intent chose to take a chance of the opportunity and spread torment and terror, one of them is King Lycoan.  King Lycoan’s immorality and blood thirst is said to be unmatched during his days.  The worst part is he considered himself more powerful than the Gods.

The cycle of blasphemies committed by the humans finally caught the attention of one of the oldest God, Zeus.  He decided to go down from the mountain of Olympus and take the form of a human.  As soon as he descended from the Mount Olympus, he was able to hear about King Lycoan and his terrible deeds.  He went into the palace of Arcadia and revealed his true form.  The Arcadians immediately bow down and pay respect to the God.  King Lycoan however, plotted against Zeus. He invited him to attend a small feast in his honor but his true plan is to cut the throat of Zeus when he fell asleep.

Lycoan took one of their prisoners of war and slit its throat.  He then cut his flesh and cooked him.  When Zeus arrived at the banquet, Lycoan presented him a human flesh.  Zeus was well aware of what Lycoan has offered him.  He was so angry that his rage causes the entire house of Lycoan to fall down.  Everyone on the house was killed except for Lycoan and Zeus.

Lycoan appealed to the God Zeus by offering a baby on his altar.  Zeus was even more enraged that he cursed Lycoan to become a wolf.  He was cursed by the God to live the life of a beast for the rest of his life.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Kappa: A Reptilian Vampire

The Kappa resembles a turtle and a monkey that loves to drink the blood of human its name comes from Kappa, the river god.  It has a similar height to that of a 10 year old child and its feet and hands are webbed like a duck.  It also has a beak of the duck and the carapace of a turtle.  Its head contains a soft tissue similar to the consistency of a jelly that is believed to be the source of the power of kappa.

This creature usually dwells on rivers and lakes where it hunts its victims, children, men and women.  The kappa is not really nitpicky to its meal, as long as it can drink human blood.  They lured their target to the deepest part of the body of water and let them drown to death.  After they die, the kappa would enter the victim through its anus.  While inside, the kappa would drain the blood of the victims and devour its entrails.  The kappa’s favorite internal organ is the liver; it is also known to eat some flesh.

When someone drowns, it is only normal for them to see a bulging anus on the body of the drowned person.  Apparently they believe that the bulging anus is caused by the kappa that entered the poor victim’s body.

There is a popular legend about the kappa.  One day the kappa went home missing a limb after a tough battle, he went back to those people who possess his arms and promises anything in exchange of its arms.  The locals return the arms of the kappa if the creatures promise that he will never attack the villagers again.  The kappa agreed to the terms and no people was harmed by the kappa after that fateful day. (in some stories, the kappa taught a person how to heal any wounds)

In South America, there are sightings on creatures that resemble the appearance of the kappa. They associate it as an alien encounter.  They described it as a being that stands at around 2-3 ft and is covered with reptilian scales.  Their hand and feet are also webbed just like the kappa but no draining of blood was recorded, but people who saw them felt weak and anemic similar to the attack of the chupa-chupa.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Genesee River Killer

Arthur Shawcross dubbed as “The Genesee River Killer” killed his victims in ways that only animal can do.  His long list of serial murders began when he was paroled early which led to the criticism of the justice system.

Shawcross, born in Maine who later moved to Watertown in the state of New York was responsible for the murder and mutilation of 13 individuals.  He dropped out of his ninth grade and enlisted in the army when he was 19.  Then he went to Vietnam to fight the war, he also confessed that during this time he murdered and cannibalize two Vietnamese women.

After his military service, he went back to Watertown where he married for four times.  His relationship didn’t last too long due to his violent behavior. In May, 1972 he lured a 10 year old boy named Jake Blake into the woods.  He attacked him and strangled him to death.  After 4 months he killed and raped an 8 year old girl.

He was arrested for the crimes that he committed.  But the prosecutor had to drop the case against Jake Blake due to the lack of evidence.  They charged him for manslaughter instead of first degree murder.  He was given a 25-year sentence, but he only served 15 years because he was given an early parole.  This is where the true horror started.

His second killing spree that claimed 11 individual started on March of 1998.  He will mutilate the bodies of his victims in unimaginable ways and dump them on the Genesee River.  Most of his victims are prostitutes.

After the body of his last victim was found, the police decided not to remove it on its original place.  According to the profile of the killer, the killer tends to return on the crime scene so the police decided to keep the surveillance team in the area.  Shawcross indeed return to the crime scene and he was spotted by the police masturbating on the creek where the body of his last victim was floating.

During the trial which was televised lived on national TV, Shawcross pleaded not guilty due to the claim that he is insane.  But the jury found him sane and he was found guilty and sentenced for 250 years of imprisonment.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Greek Vampire: vyrkolaka

The vyrkolaka are the dead person taken over by a demon spirit during their death and burial.  The corpse will rise up from their grave and torment their family by drinking their blood which will eventually kill them.

But their victim is not limited to their families; they also kill animals and other people.  They will also return to their coffin to sleep; however, they tend to sleep with their eyes wide open.  They also love to walk when the moon is shining brightly.  The Vyrkolaka is also said to have the ability to take the form of any animals and human.

There are also other beliefs that could lead to the creation of a vyrkolaka, especially when the soul of the dead person is lost.  One of them is when the dead person is not given the proper burial method.  A sudden death could also lead to someone becoming a vyrkolaka, such as murder or a tragic accident. People who committed suicide and those who are cursed (or their parents while they are conceived) also have a chance of becoming an undead creature. Others include people who live a life of sin, people who died unbaptized, people practicing witchcraft and wizardry,  people who consumed the meat of the sheep that was killed by the wolves, thieves etc.

A vyrkolaka can be killed by a priest.  A traditional method of exorcism is performed every Saturday night-Sunday morning.  The priest uttered the prayer while they are pouring a boiling oil and vinegar onto the grave.  If the vampiric manifestation persists, the exorcism would be repeated or in any case the body of the suspected vyrkolala would be torn into pieces.

There is an account of a vyrkolaka in the town of Ambeli.  Apparently there was a woman who died after giving birth to a child; they tried to undo the event by handing the child over.  The woman was said to transform into a vyrkolaka and started to terrorize her husband and her children.  They dug the grave and discovered a hole on the coffin.  The priest performed an exorcism for 3 straight Saturdays to end the vampiric manifestation.

Incidentally, Greeks do not only use vyrkolaka for the vampires, they also apply the same term for the werewolves.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


The Platnik from Bulgaria has a precise and short life cycle.  After a person died, they will spend the next 9 days inside their coffin while undergoing transformation.  The surface of its grave will also start to sink in while it develops.  After 9 days the platnik will rise upon its grave and will start to attack its family members for the next 40 days.  While in a spirit form, the platnik would look like a hen, a dog or a human being.

The platnik causes trouble by breaking dishes, tormenting the livestock of the family, vandalizing their home and attacking people.  One can prevent the Platnik from assaulting people by utilizing the things that he is afraid of like an animal skull, an iron, light, fire and even wolves.  According to the stories the platnik will stay away from that area which contains the things aforementioned.

Sadly, only a bolt of lightning can fully destroy a platnik, and considering how rare a lightning strike the ground, the chances are pretty slim.  But based on some legends, traditional method of driving away the vampire manifestation may also work.  This includes exhuming the body and drilling a stake into his heart.

The platnik would only be able to reach its final transformation when it was able to drink enough blood before it reaches the 40th day.  The platnik now appears to be a normal human being, the only difference is that they do not possess fingernails and their eyes are said to be red.  But they do not lose their powers as they can still shape shift in a form of a wolf or a dog.  Their body is not composed of bones but a substance similar to a cartilage.

During its final transformation, the first thing that he will do is to attack his widow on a broad daylight.  After she died, the platnik would leave the village and look for another town to live.  He will choose a town that is far away from where he used to live.  He will find a new love on a new town and have grandchildren.

In its perfect form, the platnik is now easy to kill.  Any normal wound can cause him to bleed to death.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Clara Geisslerin

Clara Geisslerin was accused of witchcraft and was subjected to numerous unimaginable tortures to make her confessed.   She was 69 years old and living at the town of Gelnhausen in Germany when she was placed into trial in 1597. Some of the charges include digging the corpses of children and drinking their blood, murder and having a pact with the devil.

After torturing her she was forced to admit that she has a sexual relationship with the devil while they are in the form of an animal and also on drinking the blood of the children.  She also stated twenty names of other suspected witches whom she collaborated with.

The document stated:
 Her feet were crushed and her body stretched out to greater length, she screamed piteously and said all was true that they had demanded of her: she drank the blood of children whom she stole on her nightly flights, and she had murdered about sixty infants. She named twenty other women who had been with her at the sabbats, and said the wife of a late burgomaster presided over the flights and banquets. 
But once the torture stopped, she decided to recant those statements and maintain her innocence.  The local officials decided to continue the torture so they could save her soul. She again testified that she had children with the devil while having a sexual relationship with them and she killed them all.

But again, once the torture was stopped, she withdrew all those testimonies.  And even swear that God will judge those who accused her.  By that time all the names that she implicated on the case of evil craft testified against her.  The 69 year old woman was tortured for the third time.  For the third time, Geisslerin admitted to having a pact with the devil and doing evil deeds but this time she could no longer recanted what she stated since she died while under the inhumane torture.

The judges blamed the demon for her death and said that the demon can no longer afford Geisslerin to divulge further information so they decided to shut her up permanently.    The case about Geisslerin and her blood sucking confession was closed after her death.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Huli Jing

Huli Jing is like the Kitsune and Gumiho of the Mainland China. They are vampiric spirits in a form of a fox.  The Huli Jing tends to be invisible during the day, it reveals itself at night and its tails can be easily seen.

The Huli Jing shape shift every night to hunt for it prey.  Reports about this creature said that it is often seen at the rooftop of a house searching for its victim.  Like most of the oriental vampire, Huli Jing prefers the life energy of their victim.  It will seduce their victim and drain their life force during a sexual intercourse.

One of its hunting methods is to take the identity of the person that has died long ago and return to the place where it used to live.  And just like other undead, huli jing can take the form of any creatures, but it fondly uses the image of a beautiful women, a scholar or an old man.

They can survive for a thousand of years, they also have ghostly properties as they can pass through solid walls, and they also have the ability to see places that are thousands of miles away.  It can also possess a person and drive him mad.  But huli jing tends to be generous to those who worship them, they granted them with the ability to fly.

In order to drive it away, a special potion is brewed and should be consumed.  In order to make that potion, prayers that are written on rice paper should be burned and reduced to ashes; the ashes should then be mixed to the tea.  A small token of offering can also prevent it from attacking you.

One also has to remember that all of the power of Huli jing can be found on its tail, cutting its tail would make it lose all its powers.  They can easily be fooled into drinking too much alcohol; one has to take this opportunity for her to reveal herself.  If one plans on cutting its tail, the huli jing will haunt him and his family members for the rest of his life.  There were also instances when the huli jing fall in love and had children, but once their true identity has been revealed, the huli jing would leave, never to return again.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


The vampire Tlahuelpuchi is widely known in Tlaxcala particularly those indigenous cultures of Nahua. The name originated from a compound word tlahuia which means illuminate and pochtli which means youth.  That is why Tlahuelpuchi means illuminated youth.

True from the word where it originated this vampiric creature is glowing especially in the time that it shape shift.  This creature has the ability to shape shift in order to trick his victim which is usually children.  They usually assault their children victims at night by feeding on their blood.  Tlahuelpuchi are born with the curse to be a blood sucking creature, they tend to find out about their true identity during their puberty.  Most of the Tlahuelpuchi on the legends are female, maybe because they believe that the female creature is a lot stronger than the male Tlahuelpuchi.

These vampires were believed to have their own society.  They also managed to have a pact with a shaman and when someone asks for help on that shaman, he will not divulge the true identity of the tlahuelpuchi due to their pact.  The main sign to distinguish the attack of this creature is through the bruises that can usually be found on their neck.  They love to victimize children but they are also known to attack anyone.

Tlahuelpuchi has to detach their body from their lower portion in order to shape shift.  They usually take the form of a bird (vulture or turkey) in order to have the ability of flight.  A ritual is necessary for this creature to enter a house.  Then she must fly around the house doing a sign of the cross before she can penetrate the house.

They are required to feed on blood at least once a month or else they would die.  They would usually prey on the infants.  Unlike other vampires, the only way to catch this creature is when you saw her on action.  Other members of the family protects the identity of the tlahuelpuchi due to shame and the curse that if a tlahuelpuchi dies, the curse will be passed down to a family member.  There is no cure for the curse.  Garlic, onion and other metal objects are known to be effective against this creature.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Haiti belief and scientific proof on zombie

Article 246 of the Haitian Penal Code It shall also be qualified as attempted murder the employment which may be made against any person of substances which, without causing actual death, produce a lethargic coma more or less prolonged. If, after the person had been buried, the act shall be considered murder no matter what result follows.

Article 246 of the Haitian Penal code states about producing a lethargic coma, which is someone referred to as a zombie.  As you can see in Haiti, zombie is accepted as reality in their culture.  And there are hundreds of cases reported about zombification every year, though the process of zombifying someone is still not clear.

Haitian doctors on the other hand attributed zombification to poisoning.  In order for someone to turn a person into a zombie, a zombie powder has to be use.  They called it coupe poudre.  The coupe poudre, consists of toxins from the cane toad, tree frog, tetrodotoxin which is a toxin from the puffer fish and others.

High amount of tetrodotoxin can be lethal to those who ingested it.  But if given with the right amount, the body can be put in a state of paralysis, their heart rate would slow down (others used it to fake death), and their metabolism rate decreases.  Their mind is also placed into a trance effect.

The irritant found in the toxin of cane toad can cause wound on the skin of the person.  With the combination of a heart stopping toxin and a skin irritating poison.  The doctor would perhaps wrongly declare someone for being dead.  Some of them managed to resurface again, and the wounds cause by the toxin would make them look like a zombie.
But the voodoo master is not done yet.  She prepared another medicine to administer the effect.  The second potion is believed to contain toxin that can cause hallucination to the victim.  They believe it is a way used by the Haitians to punish those who violated the law.

But others said that there is not enough toxins present on the zombie powder to stage a fake death.  They said that it is not even enough to affect humans.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dames Blanche

The Dames Blanche/White Ladies of Fau is similar to the la Llorona of Mexico and the famous White Lady of Balete Drive in the Philippines.  Sightings were usually reported in Lorraine and Normandy.  They were also known as Damas Blancas in Occitain where they appear in the Pyrenees Mountain.

The Dames Blanche is also blamed for the drowning and disappearance of fishermen in the coastal region of a town in France.  In St. Tropez the Dames Blanche is described similar to a banshee that was usually sighted on a deserted road.  Locals, who have sighted about the creature, described her wearing a tattered wedding dress.  Stories say that she was waiting for her fiancé in the castle but he never showed up.  She was so heartbroken that she waited for her fiancé all her life wearing the same wedding dress.  She returned from the grave and wreaks havoc to those unsuspecting drivers who happened to pass on the deserted road.

There is no way to escape the Dames Blanches once she presented herself to you; speeding up your car is useless as the dames blanche would instantly appear at the back of your seat and unleash a horrifying scream that will cause you to lose focus and crash your car.

Thomas Keightley however describes the creature as a less benevolent type of creature.  They were said to ask for a small help to those who happens to pass to that road and those who successfully finished the task would be able to pass the road.  The famous La dame d’Apringy that is usually sighted at the Rue Quentin in Normandy requires you to dance her first before you are allowed to pass.  There is another Dames Blanche in the narrow bridge found in the district of Falaise, those who refused to fulfill her demands will be tormented by a certain familiar that accompanies her.

The White Ladies of Fau which originated in Juria Lake preys on young men.  They lure them using their beautiful presence to an isolated area where they drained them of their blood.  One type of Dames Blanche stands tall among the rest as numbers of literary works were written about her.

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Devil Baby

The story begins in the 18th Century in a plantation managed by a wealthy man.  The man has three beautiful daughters but as most fathers would say, they would still want a male child to be the heir of the plantation and also to continue the family name.  So they tried and tried to have a baby boy but after 6 pregnancies, they still failed to produce a baby boy.  On the seventh pregnancy, the wife seeks the help of a Voodoo Queen and asked her to grant her a baby boy.

But apparently, the Voodoo Queen held a grudge against the wealthy man.  He cursed the baby that it will carry the appearance of a devil.  The wife got her wish; she was able to give birth to a baby boy but with a horn, tails claws and other features of a devil.  The devil baby started attacking the neighbor’s child.  The wealthy man would usually lock the child up in the attic.  The devil baby escaped but before his escape he wished on the day of his birthday that he’d be given a chance to attend the Mardi Gras.

After that, sightings about the devil Baby were reported in New Orleans.  Some says that the devil baby is in possession of Madame Delphine La Laurie.  This prompted them to experiment on their slaves, the doctor may have been inspired on the idea of the Devil Baby and tried to create their own demons.

There is also a story that the devil child was killed by Marie Laveau.  There were people who allegedly witness the said event where Marie Laveau is strangling the devil child by attacking her kids.  They said that he kept the mummified body of the devil child in her attic.  But Marie Laveau’s residential house was already demolished.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Vampire Effect on Society

The crime that Mister Lorca has committed can be compared to the attack of a vampire.  He was responsible for attacking a drunken man by biting him on the neck and drinking his blood.   The incident happened on the night of October 25th, 1974.  Lorca lured a drunken man on his house by promising him with a shelter and some food.  Upon reaching their house, Lorca bit him on the neck and start sucking his blood.  The man fainted due to the loss of blood, but Lorca thought that the man was already dead so he returned to his coffin to sleep.  After a few moments the man gained his consciousness, he went straight to the police to report the said incident.  The policemen rushed to the house of Mr. Lorca, they found him sleeping at his own coffin with blood on his lips.  Lorca was arrested that night.

Before this, the neighbors already noticed odd behaviors being exhibited by Mr. Lorca, his unusual craving for raw meat and he instructed people to call him Count.  His case may not be a clinical vampirism but an obsession for the vampire culture.  Some people further testify that Mr. Lorca even has some book about occultism and that he is only active during the night time.

There is also this case about a Polish immigrant who died due to choking on a clove of garlic he put in his mouth as a form of a ceremony to repel the undead.   Demetrious Myicura has reportedly been scared of the vampire attack.  He stuffed his room with cloves of garlic and he was found dead in 1973.

The Kashubs though a group of Christian sectarian has maintained their strong belief on some paganism.  They also hold a firm belief that vampires walk among us.  A professor once visited that village and witnessed that grim process that one has to undergo if they were suspected to be a vampire.  Some performs the removal of the upper incisor if proven to be a blood sucking creature.  They also perform exhumation and other form of desecration on the corpse to prevent them from rising from the grave and spreading terror all over the village.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Vampire-related Trial

Toronto, 25th of November 2003, when a boy was found murdered at the basement of their house.  It appears as if someone has drained the blood of the 12 year old boy.  The body was mutilated acquiring 71 stabbed wounds.  His brother together with two of his friends was arrested as a prime suspect on the crime.  But since they are all underage, their names were not divulged on the press reports.  The victim was given the alias “Jonathan”.  For three months the trial against these suspects went on with a shocking testimony coming from a girlfriend of the accused.  The whole trial is awaiting its verdict when the reports were picked up by a news agency.

The girlfriend testified that one of them is associated with a vampiric culture and that the murder of the boy was planned.  She also offered a recorded phone conversation as evidence.  She further stated that they planned to kill the whole family.  Apparently after they killed “Jonathan” the two of them went to the stepfather armed with a baseball bat in attempted to kill him.  The two of them were both charged with attempted murder case.

The defense insisted that the phone call and the time that the crime happened was a coincidence and cannot be used as evidence on the court.  They said that the victim’s brother acted on his own free will and killed his little brother out of anger.  One of the suspects stated that the call was an attempt to impress the girl as she was trying to end the relationship.  He claimed that he also said similar things to other girls hoping to impress them.  He further testifies that the drinking of blood before having sexual intercourse was just a joke.

All evidence seems to point to the boys, but when a series of post on a vampire website together with a blog owned by the girlfriend was found that clearly exhibit his odd fetish on blood and vampirism, the court decided that the girl was unfit to become a witness.  Though the girlfriend said that he was only influenced by his boyfriend into this vampire sub cultures, the judges said that the testimony of the girl can no longer be trusted and declared the case as a mistrial.

Friday, December 16, 2016


Mantinande is a vampiric spirit in Kenya that measures at around 2-3 feet tall.  Mantinande (star monkey) has a huge body that is covered with orange fur.  It eyes are dark and slitted; it has pointed ears attached on its narrow head.  The creature is also believed to never wear any type of clothing.  His penis is described as elongated and serpentine.

The mantinande is known to be a familiar of a witch.  He is bounded to obey the command of a witch and the magic that it possesses comes in handy to every witches.  Beside from its knowledge in wielding magic, the creature can also brew a special type of poison.  The mantinande is often given the task to kill the enemies of the witches.  It would prepare a large amount of poison and sneak inside a person’s room at night.  The mantinande can remain undetected due to its ability to appear invisible to the naked eye.

The poison that he prepared will be dispersed into the air and will eventually kill everyone inside the room.  It is also said that a tiny bit of drop of that poison poured in a water supply will kill anyone who drinks from it.

In order to survive, the mantinande requires blood.  They usually get their supply of blood from the cattle.  They also love to drink milk on cows, so every time they seek a cave to live in, they will make sure that it is near a river since cows tends to frequent on that area.

In some instances, the mantinande would also feed on the blood of the woman and child.  He would do it if he is sure that it poses no threat to him.  In able to drive the creature away, an iron would come in handy.

Mantinande were also held responsible for dispersing sickness in a community.  They would often seek the help of a witch doctor to trap the creature and strip him of all his power.  However no one is allowed to look at this trap as it has a danger of freeing the mantinande.  Women are also advised to take a nap on an elevated bed to avoid the cryptid.  However, there are also claims that the creature is not a vampire spirit but an alien who was using the women of Kenya to spread his own species.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


The term pijawica means “red-faced with drink” is a term used to describe a town drunk in Croatia.  But pijawica is also a type of vampire in Eastern Europe.  They believed that a person who lived a life of sin is cursed and condemned to turn into a pijawica  just like the cursed transformation of the other undead.  But what separates pijawica, is that there is a certain type of sin that can transform you into this creature.  If you are a person that exhibits incest especially to your mother or son then you are surely to become a pijawica.

According to the old legend, the pijawica can be killed using a fire.  But fire will only work once it is awake.  A pijawica can be killed on the traditional method once it is sleeping.  People must exhume his corpse and decapitate his head.  They would then have to place his head behind his arms or in between its legs to prevent it from rising up again.  A certain type of incantation is also believed to work against pijawica.

Ancestors also believed that if you placed a wine or cloves of garlic in all the opening of the house, the pijawica would not be able to enter your house since wine and garlic is believed to possess substance that can repel the manifestation of the vampire.

Accounts of this type of vampire creature can also be found on the book of Montague Summers: The Vampire-His Kith and Kin:

“Ralston must certainly be quoted in this connexion, although it should be borne in mind that he is a little out of date in some details. The Songs of the Russian People from which (p. 410) I cite the following passage was published early in 1872. Of Vampires he writes: “The name itself has never been satisfactorily explained. In its form of vampir [South Russian upuir, anciently upir], it has been compared with the Lithuanian wempti = to drink, and wempti, wampiti = to growl, to mutter, and it has been derived from a root pi [to drink] with the prefix u = av, va. If this derivation is correct, the characteristic of the vampire is a kind of blood−drunkenness. In accordance with this idea the Croatians called the vampire pijauica” 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Pishtaco is a mythological creature in the country of Peru.  Based on the legends, the Pishtaco are unsuspecting individuals who prey on Indians to kill them and mutilate their bodies in the most gruesome way.  They usually cut their fats to cannibalize; they cut the leftovers to small pieces and sell them to the market to turn into a chicharrones.   The Pishtaco originated from the word pishtay which means to cut in slices or to behead.

Their pleasure in taking the body fat can be traced back to the culture of the Andes region during pre-Hispanic era.   Extra fats are signs of good health, wealth, beauty and strength.  During those times people who lack body fats are thought to be sickly, zombie-type bodies back those days are abhorred by the people of Andes.

When the Spanish came to the Andes, the people feared them, thinking they were some Pistaco that are out to take their body fats, since they always depicted the pishtaco as a tall white man.  Even today, they believe that the machinery in the sugar mill needed some human fats to have a smooth start and also they believe that jet engines will fail to start without the help of human fats.

Their belief to the Pishtaco also became a problem to the International Aid Community, who was extending their help to the Andean aborigine.  They believe that the primary task of this organization is to fatten up the people in order to consume their fats.

And on recent crime, Pishtaco is also a name given to a gang who were supposedly murdering people for their fats.  The officials estimated the number of victims at around 60.  The authorities believe that these people sold these fats to European companies for cosmetics use.  When the ministries reported that this news is a hoax, the chief of police quit his job for a supposed cover up.  The police claimed that a fat of a person can be sold at around $15,000/liter.   The gang members allegedly severe the heads of their victims and cut their limbs.  They tied the torso on a hook while a candle heated them.  Body fats will them drip on the container placed below.  The incident of the Pishtaco gang happened in November 2009.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Cheeka of Sproat Lake

Long ago, there was a popular legend about a creature of Sproat Lake named Cheeka.  It was said that the first settlers of this place was attracted to the beauty of its paradise.  But residents of the Alberni Region were always given a warning about a creature named Cheeka.  When the White Man settled on the region, the Indians told them to leave the place to Cheeka since the creature does not want to share the wealth of the land.

But people did not listen to the warning of the Indians.  The white People decided to create a temporary shelter along the banks of the lake.  First family who attempted to settle on the place was the Cooper family on 1885.  But their family was welcomed with series of fire incident that affected their lives.  Alas when the family had enough, they took all their clothing and leave the place.  The series of fire stopped after they left.

Then a man named Watkins build a cabin along the river.  Not soon after he finished the cabin, a great flood washed the nearby village. Families who lived there asked Watkins if they can take a shelter on his cabin and he permitted them.  Due to the lack of food, Watkins took his canoe and went into the river that night.  Not long after, people started to hear his scream and shout for help.  The next morning they found Watkins dead and his canoe was left untouched.

After a short period of time, many people decided to settle on the breath taking view of Sproat Lake.  Most of them died.  Some of them were found with a ripped throat, others look like they were eaten by a vicious animal.

The most known attack by Cheeka was to a resident named Weiner in the year 1910.  It was a fine night, when the neighbors heard a loud sound of explosion.  They found the house of Weiner flattened.  It looks like a giant creature stepped on it.  The neighbors were scared and worried about the condition of Weiner so they tried to find him on the rubble.  Unfortunately, the body of Weiner was never found.

The curse on the Sproat Lake subsided one day for no known reason.  Elders claimed that Cheeka is just on a vacation and will return one day to unleash its terror once again.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


In Lithuania, a woman who died after being playful or idle for her whole life would return as a vampire creature called Veles.  The woman would return as a cloudlike spirit but can also take the appearance of a beautiful woman with long hair.  She also has a lovely and enchanting voice.
Their voices are said to be so mesmerizing, that anyone who heard the chant of the veles would forget anything else and divert their attention to the sound.  They will forget eating, drinking or even sleeping for numerous days.  Their victim is usually the male species.  They tend to dress provocatively or sometimes naked in order to lure these men.

But not like the vampires of the West, the veles would only attack humans when she’s in the mood.  She is believed to use her song and dancing skill to lure a man into the deep woods where she would drain them of their life energy.  Rich grass would start to grow on the path that the veles walked.  Walking on it will bring you bad luck.

The Veles is similar to the Samodiva of Bulgaria in terms that it is also a brave warrior.  It rides upon a stag or a deer using her bow and arrow to hunt or when she is in combat.  The Veles is said to be so powerful that the ground shakes upon physical altercation.

The veles also have the gift of prophecy.  It also have the power to heal and to shape shift in a form of an animal especially wolf, snake, swan and falcon.  A small token of offering in the place where it lurks can appease the troubled soul and prevent her from hunting.

It is also known to extend its help to the people but to no amount of bribe.  They tend to help humans when they feel like it.  Also if someone takes an oath to a veles, one must adhere to the vow since breaking their promises would also end up their life.

Stealing a feather from a veles while it is in bird form can diminish her power.  She would be so weak, that in moment that she retrieves back her feather she would immediately escape.  In order to kill a veles, one has to pull out a hair from the veles.  It will turn her back to her original form and eventually kill her.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sekhmet/ Sekeht

Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess wherein in one myth she became so obsessed with the lust of blood that she started killing humans, she was only sated after she drank an alcohol dyed with a color red making it look like blood.

She was originally known as the Goddess of Healing and a warrior goddess.   Her image is depicted as someone with a face of a lioness which is considered as the fiercest hunter in Egypt.  Legends say that her breath formed the desert and she also serves as a protector of the pharaoh.

Sekhmet is also called Lady of the Bloodbath, Mother of the Dead, Devouring One, Lady of Transformations, Terrible One and Pacht.  The place where Sekhmet originated is still unknown though experts believed that it is only imported in Egypt and was adopted into their religion.  Surprisingly, Sekhmet was made the daughter of Ra though she was believed to be older than him.  During the ancient Egypt they only believe into two types of demon, those demons who were under the control of Sekhmet and those who have yet to be controlled by her.

The priest and priestess of this Goddess were known to be a powerful member of the society.  They were said to have the ability to heal and drive away demons. An Egyptian text was found that describe the trials that one has to endure in order to become her clergy; it includes facing vampires and ghouls without showing a tiny bit of fear.

Based on the myths, Sekhmet was sent by the gods during the time that the people worshipped the kings more than the Gods.  Sekhmet was summoned by the gods to unleash terror on mankind and to show them that they are misguided on their faith.  Sekhmet was chosen by the Gods due to his ability to also destroy the soul.  Like the vampire, Sekhmet would attack at night devouring the heart of every man he could find and drinking their blood and will eventually ascends before the breaking of dawn.  But eventually, Sekhmet became so engulfed and obsessed with blood and refused to end her assault to mankind.  The Gods made an alcohol dyed with the color of blood.  When Sekhmet drank the alcohol her obsession of blood passed and she regained her senses.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Vampire Craze on Boston Highschool

May 27, 2009, when the police received a call from an anonymous person claiming that a vampire is attending the 400 year old School of Boston Latin School.  Sounds familiar?  In Stephenie Meyer’s popular novel, a vampire would normally hang out of the school, attends the prom, and drives some fancy car.  Are there really a vampire lurking inside the school or are the students of the high school was just engulf on the imagination of Stephenie Meyer?

Lynne Mooney Teta, the head of the high school, quashed the rumors and said that it is not true.  Furthermore he advised the faculty members and the students alike to stop spreading the nasty rumors, he seek the aid of the police to help them put an end to the rumors since it might compromise the safety of the students who are suspected to having an undead manifestation.   Nonetheless, the police visited the school and shared some enlightenment about the case.  They talked to the school authority and gave an advice regarding the psychological effect that it could present to the students.

The news has caught the attention of media (MTV News, Fox, Yahoo, etc.).  Interestingly, this is not the first time that a mass hysteria happened in the high school.  Back in 1977, Halloween day, when a buzz about a possible mass murder might happen due to an axe-murderer on the loose.  Newsweek reported the hysteria and said that this might cause a mad person to create havoc and act lunatic on the situation.  Sometimes a nasty rumor can start like a wildfire and affect the students especially those that are emotionally imbalanced and portray the character of a mad axe murderer or a vampire on the loose.

It is but right for the authorities of the high school to start worrying about students who are carrying wooden stakes and silver bullets and grow amok to those suspected vampires. In addition, someone biting the neck of random students can prove to be fatal.  Another student claimed that he is a werewolf and posted his status as such on a social networking site. It is interesting to know, that somewhere in a place that is a birthplace civilization and advancement a medieval type of story can be so popular.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kamouraska Wolf

The Kamouraska Wolf is a werewolf incident that was reported in Quebec and even landed the Quebec Gazette during the 18th Century.  The locals organized a large hunt to put an end to the torment brought by the creature.   The event was first reported on July 21, 1766:

“By accounts from St. Rock, near Cap Mouraska, we learn, that there is a Ware Wolf wandering about that Neighbourhood, in the Form of a Beggar, which, to the Talent of persuading People to believe what he himself is ignorant of, and promising what he cannot perform, adds that of obtaining what he desires. It is said that this Animal came, by the Assistance of his two hind Legs, to Quebec the 17th of last Month, and set out from hence the 18th following, with a Design to persue his Errand to Montreal.—This Beast is said to be as dangerous as that which appear’d last Year in the Country of Gevaudan; wherefore it is recommended to the Public to be as cautious of him as it would be of a ravenous Wolf.”

The Quebec Gazette reports was followed by another incident which was published on December 1764:

We learn that a Ware-Wolfe, which has roamed throughoutthis Province for several Years, and done greatDestruction in the District of Quebec, has received severalconsiderable Attacks in the month of October last, bydifferent Animals, which they had armed and incensedagainst this Monstre; and especially the 3rd of Novemberfollowing, he received such a furious Blow, from a smalllean Beast, that it was thought they were entirely deliveredfrom this fatal Animal, as it some Time after retiredinto its Hole, to the great Satisfaction of the Public. Butthey have just learn’d, as the most surest Misfortune, thatthis Beast is not entirely destroyed, but begins again toshow itself, more furious than ever, and makes terribleHovock wherever it goes.—Beware then of the Wiles of thismalicious Beast, and take good Care of falling into its Claws.

No further reports were documented about the beast.  Consequently, no accounts were found to prove what happens to the beast after the massive hunt that was organized by the locals.

The Kamouraska wolf is one of the earliest known accounts of a werewolf in the North American region.