
Friday, April 28, 2017

Robert Ackermann

Dubbed as the Cannibal of Vienna, Robert Ackermann and his heated argument over a sex porn tape led to the murder of his friend and 2-day supply of meat.  While most of the common cases of cannibalism consist of blood drinking and ritualistic type of eating, his motive seems to be unplanned and jus resulted from his twisted way of thinking.  Though it was proven that Ackerman is experiencing sexual pleasure in this type of crimes, it was discovered that the incident is not premeditated.

Ackerman lives in a facility for the mentally ill and homeless in Vienna.  He shares his room with the 49 year old Josef Schweiger who has been residing there for quite some time.  The social worker who constantly visited the facility does not seem to be bothered at all to the feud that is happening between the two.  But the neighbor started to see the erratic behavior of Ackerman.  They reported him walking around the facility naked and dumping something on his window that appears to be blood.  He would also go outside the facility and howl on the moon while he is naked.

He is known to be friendly and intelligent at his younger age, but it seems that when his father abandoned his family, the incident took a toll on his innocent mind.  He started to hear voices on his head and at the young age of 15 he started to become a drug dependent.

He was arrested in Vienna prior to the incident of cannibalism, where he disguised himself as a doctor, hoping that he would take the chance to participate in the operating table.  Witnessing and doing a surgery has always been his dream as a child.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


The original name of the Bulgarian vampire is called Opyrb, nowadays they were known as vapir.    During the old days the Bulgaria believed that the vampires originated from an improper burial and some death problems.   Before this they believe that a spirit went on a journey after they die.  They were guided by their guardian angel on their journey to the place that they visited when they are still alive.  The journey is set to complete on their 40th days upon their death.  After their journey is finish, they will now travel to the next life.

But in some instances that the burial rites were not completed, the path toward the afterlife will be blocked causing the spirit to be trapped.  Based on the tradition, family members are required to complete the rituals of their deceased family member.  If they neglect their responsibilities like failing to guard the remains against the random animals that might jump over the coffin, or they did not properly washed the remains, then the person is doomed to return as a vampire.  They also believe that those who died of a terrible accident will be a vampire.  Those who were excommunicated by the church and people who lived a life of sin are also the perfect recipe for turning into a vampire.

These types of vampires have assumed a normal life.  Aside from their night feeding, they would generally appear normal.  Some of them went in a far away village and started a new life.  Some of them acquired a new job and are happily married now.

The belief about the Opyrb grew weaker and weaker as the government takes a firm stand on fighting this traditional culture.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Creature sucking sheep’s blood

Experts are conducting a research on a farm near Moscow after a farmer lost half of his sheep.  Upon investigation it turns out that the cause of death of the sheep is due to the loss of blood.  A mysterious creature has been preying on the blood of the sheep and leaving their flesh.

Vasily Velikodnev told the media that it was 7:00 am in the morning when he went to the sheep pen only to discover 18 of his sheep died.  Most of them have a noticeable leg injury, some of them have torn ligaments on legs and others have their legs broken and twisted.  They also have puncture wounds and it appears as if they have been drained out of blood.

The next day the workers noticed that more sheep were not responding normally and looks ill.  The farm manager decided to slaughter the sheep because they fear that they might have contracted a disease.  There were a total of 33 sheep that has been killed on the mysterious attack.

The sanitary office inspected the meat and upon declaring that the meat is safe to consume, the farm manager fed it to his dogs.  The farm workers are a little puzzled about the attacker of the sheep.  They shot stray dogs that are lurking within the vicinity even though they are convinced that a dog will never do such a thing.  Sheep are known to be strong runners and dogs would eventually grow weary in chasing them.

Experts said that the torn ligaments could be caused by a bite of a bat however there are no known species of a bat that can break the legs of sheep.  Whatever caused the mass killing of sheep on the period of just two nights remains to be unsolved up to this day.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

“Snuffy” Stukeley

The incident that happened to the family of Snuffy Stukeley is a part of the New England Vampire.  The New England Vampire era began during the mid-1700s at the time of the Revolutionary war.  The vampiric manifestation that time is linked in the consumption which is called tuberculosis at this time.

Snuffy Stukeley is a Rhode Island farmer.  Their family is known to be prosperous and he is a father of 14 children.  One day Sarah has been inflicted with the consumption and died.  Not long after her death, several of Stukeley’s children and relatives started to get sick.  The signs and symptoms were similar to the disease that killed Sarah.  They also complained about nightmares and that Sarah is visiting them every night to torment them while they are asleep.  There was also other claiming that Sarah has been pressing on their chest making it difficult for them to breath which is similar to the old hag syndrome.

Eventually his children died one after another which arouse suspicion that Sarah is exhibiting a vampiric manifestation.  In hopes to save the remaining member of his family, his neighbor suggested that the body of Sarah should be exhumed and examine.  They believe that Sarah’s body could hold a clue on how to stop the plague that struck his family.

When the body of Sarah was exhumed, they found the heart of Sarah containing fresh blood.   Blood flowing on a corpse is deemed to be a sign of vampirism during that time.  Her body was extracted and burned reducing it to ashes.  According to the story only one more of his child died and the others survived which solidify their belief that Sarah is indeed a vampire.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Francina Ileus

The case of Francina Ileus was documented into many works which includes, Les Eglises Protestantes en Haiti by Rev. Fritz Fontus, Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombi by Wade Davis among others.

The case of Francina Ileus allegedly happened in 1976.  Francina was also called Ti Fanm which means little woman.  She used to work as a market woman when she was still alive.  She left her husband and decided to go with another man on whom she had a child.  She was declared dead on 1976 at the age of thirty.  But there has been a rumor about Francina Ileus becoming a zombie after she refused to marry the person that her family chose for her.  The story spread like a wild fire that brought fear to the villagers.  The police, in an attempt to disprove the story, exhumed the body just to find rubble of rocks.  The grave was empty with the remains of Francina Ileus.

In 1979, a friend of Francina recognized a woman in a catatonic state wandering around.  She was sure that the person has a striking similarity to Francina.  The mother recognized her for her unique features such as the scar on her temple caused by a childhood accident.
The zombification of Francina Ileus was blamed to her jealous husband for apparently being pregnant with the child of another man.  There is also a story that her mother seek the help of a bokor to turn her into a zombie after disobeying her will to marry the man she chose for her.  It was said that the book “Roaming Through the west Indies bear a similarity with the case of Francina.

But sceptics such as Douyan claimed that the case of Francina cannot be used as a proof to the zombie legends.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


The Country of Pomerania is once located between Germany and Poland.  It is where the vampire Murraue originated.  A Murraue is considered a type of Alp which is the vampire creature of Germany.  But the Murraue possess distinct qualities that set them apart from the other vampires of that region.

Naturally, a person who was born on a Saturday will become a vampire, but this time a person who was born on a Sunday will become a Murraue.  They also believe that a person whose eyebrows are grown together is also destined to become a Murraue.

There were times that a needle of a pine tree will curve as they grow.  It also forms something that resembles a bird’s nest.  When the rain comes, water will start to gather on those tiny needles and if a person walk underneath those pine tree and water from that needle falls on his head, then he has been marked to be the next victim of the murraue.

The murraue vampire attacks during the night when most of the people are asleep.  They will torment their victim by first instilling fear on them and putting pressure on the victim’s feet.  The murraue will slowly move to their chest then to their head causing their body to paralyze completely.

Then they will start to sexually assault the person while draining their life energy in the process.  The only way he can get rid of the murraue’s attack is if he can call the name of this vampiric creature while he is still a normal human being.  It is also known to be vulnerable to sunlight; the sunlight can harm him and eventually kill him if he was exposed for a longer period of time.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Samodiva is a vampiric wood nymph.  They are part of the vampire culture of Bulgaria.  They appear to be young women with long flowing hair and were often sighted with wings.  This vampiric nymph commonly wear a simple dress accentuated with a green belt designed with a feather and a quiver and bow that hangs on their back.  They were believed to dwell on the natural caves and old trees.

This vampiric nymph can wield the power of the different elements.  They also have the ability to fly.  Occasionally, the samodiva would patrol the woods while riding a stag and with a live snake fastened on her.  A samodiva is particularly angry with hunters, should she came across to one, she would decapitate his head that will serve as her trophy and drain him of his blood.  If by any chance the hunter managed to escape the samodiva, they nymph will cause drought on his village.

If you happen to see a samodiva dancing at night, you will not be able to resist the temptation to dance with her.  You will enjoy the whole night dancing with her, but as the morning comes, the samodiva will be all alone, those who dance with her vanished into thin air and will never be seen ever again.

A Serbian myth about a samodiva tells a story of a vampiric nymph named Villa who raised a prince and nursed him with her own breast.  The prince acquired a supernatural power which was developed due to the caring of a samodiva.  He also gained control of a winged horse which he rides and a step sister named Gyura which is also a samodiva.

Friday, April 21, 2017

National Geographic Television Series Caught the Sound and Video of a SkinWalker?

Navajo is known for its paranormal incident particularly the popularity of the Skin Walkers.  National Geographic television series entitled “Navajo Cops” allegedly captured the image and sound of a skin walker that the locals called “The Howler”

The episode tackles about the Navajo policemen investigating stuff regarding a sound that allegedly capture the howler.  Though some may say that the mysterious sound came from the Big Foot, others firmly believe that it came from a Skin Walker.  The skin Walker is a malevolent spirit of a werewolf that is part of the legend of the Navajo tribe.

The episode entitled “Eyes of the Howler” relays about the pursuance of the officer in discovering the mysterious sound in the audio.  The officers were led to the back county where SWAT allegedly encountered the “howl”.  They tracked the noise that led them to a cave, where the video caught a glimpse of a set of red eyes.

The supervising producer of the series gave a statement about the episode:
  “I’m supervising producer on the series. I wasn’t with the crew that shot the Howler footage… but I can tell you that cameramen and producers were thoroughly spooked. Not only did they hear the weird howling -which freaked them out – they all saw this pair of eyes watching them from a small cave… and the eyes disappeared by the time the police arrived there. I don’t know how to explain the phenomena (and there may be dozens of ‘ordinary’ explanations) but I do know that the traditional Navajo officers were convinced they had encountered, heard and seen a Skinwalker, with the results caught on tape.”

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Werewolf Witch of Estonia

During the period of 1610-1659, there were around 100 witch trials held in Estonia. What is interesting is that the Baltic People who generally occupy the place do not really believe in demons and witches.  They do believe in the use of magic, but they commonly think that the magic can only use for the good of many.  What the Estonian firmly believes during that time is the existence of werewolf and being a shape shifter that time is punishable by death.  In effect most of the people accused of being a werewolf were placed in the said witch trial and considered as witches by the government.

During that period, there was once a trial that involves 18 women and 13 men; all of them are accused of being a witch.  They were also blamed for the damages in the cattle industry of the farmers in the nearby region.  They were subjected to inhumane and sadistic torture before they admitted that they can indeed shape shift in a form of a wolf.  When they were asked where they are hiding their wolf skin, they said that they are hiding it under a rock.  But in order to prove their accusation, the accused had to confess that they indeed made a pact with the devil.  Apparently with some torturing they managed to squeeze the fact that they did sign an agreement with the demon which gave them their ability to shape shift.

But there was one particular case in Estonia where the people who were accused of being a werewolf were given a lighter punishment.  This was during the Thiess trial and the Benandanti werewolves who claimed that they were the hounds of God and the opponent of the witches.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Werebeast of Swamp Indians

The account of the werebeast of the swamp Indians was told by Alyne A. Pustanio and was written in the works of Brad Steiger.  The story is about a swamp trapper scaring the people of the village while wearing a skin of the animals and pretending to be a werewolf.  The man was caught and given to the Indian Shaman of Louisiana.  It was said that due to the curse that the Indian Shaman placed to him, the man became an authentic werewolf.  They called the werewolves, the Rugarou (Loup-garou)

During the ancient time, there were a tribe known for its great warriors who owns a large area of the land, they were the Attakapas tribe.  The attakapas tribe is known for cannibalizing their enemies and a tribe who possess super human strength.  But there were different rumors about this tribe on how they became so powerful.  Legends say that these tribes are skin-walkers; yes they are a pack of werewolves.

Attakapa means Man-eater, they are known for eating their captives thus they were named as such.  In 1700’s the tribe of Attakapa was defeated by two tribes, only a handful of them survived.  Fearing for their safety, the survivor went to the swamp.  But after finding out that they are members of the Attakapa, the villagers did not welcome them and let them starve to death during the cold winter nights.

Legend says that the dark spirit engulf the surviving Attakapa and gave them the power to shape shift and started to prey on humans.  The members of the tribe who defeated them usually ended up as the victim. Today, the only surviving tribe is the Chitimacha, but the terror of the Rugarou beasts is still fresh on their mind especially during the long winter period.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Angel of Death in U.S.

Based on the previous written article, we all know that Dr. Josef Mengele has been involved in some activities on the Nazi ground such as reviving the dead and gene alteration.  He also experimented on mind control and other cases that can be attributed to zombification.  But what happened to him after the war?

Dr. Josef Mengele assumed the name Dr. Green and contributed in forming MK-Ultra.  He was known to work side by side to Dr. White (Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron).  MK-ULTRA funded the research of Cameron on mind control experiments and other secret testing.

Dr. Cameron has been interested in the experiments performed on the prisoners of the Nazi by the Germans.  He also worked for the CIA in the field that requires manipulation.  He was also involved in Project Bluebird and project Artichoke and eventually on MK ULTRA.

Those that know Dr. Cameron said that he was obsessed on everything that is related to the human mind and behavior.  He would often find ways on how to control one’s tentative thinking.  He also performed lobotomy and shock treatments.  Most of the projects of MK-ULTRA are focused on brain-washing and mind manipulation.

Dr. Cameron would then relocate their experiments with the help of a CIA authority named Allan Dulles.  Their office became a center of brain-butchery.  Many of those experiments performed in that lab were inhumane and too extreme that most of the patients died.

But what happened to those who survive; those whose mind was successfully altered?  Some says that those groups of people are still lurking within the area.  With no more master to control them, they continuously attack random people and attack them as a way to survive.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Talamaur is a living vampire found in the island of Banks which is located in the country of Vanuatu.  It is said that they have the ability to communicate with the other side or the spiritual world giving them the ability to contact the deceased and establish a relationship with them.  They claimed that they were able to control those spirits and sent them like a familiar that can affect the lives of the living people.

There was a record on the said island regarding the fate of someone who was suspected of being a talamaur.  The villagers captured him and he was forced to inhale the smoke of the leaves burning.  Apparently he continued to be on that state until he agreed to confess that it was indeed the controller of the spirit.  He will then have to declare the names of those spirits and the name of those people he intended to victimize.

There was another type of talamaur that do not have the ability to control the spirits of other, but he can control his own spirit.  This type of talamaur claimed that he can command his soul to descend and venture to a house of his victim.  The soul of this talamaur was believed to suck the life force of their victim, which is similar to mot Asian vampires.

The talamaur can be discovered through the rustling noise near the corpse and also the screeching of the door.  They said that if someone wishes to be a talamaur, he needs to feed on the corpse to have a certain tie with the soul of the decease.  If someone was able to inflict damage on the ghost controlled by the talamaur, the bruises and scars would appear to the master.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Kukudhi is a part of the Albanian culture especially on the mountainous northern area of Albania.  They believe this is a final form to transform into a vampire.  The tribe believes that it will take at least 30 years to achieve the perfect form of a vampire.  During those 30 years, a vampire would learn his skills and magnify his strength to be able to become a complete kukudhi.  When a vampire reaches the stage of the kukudhi, he is no longer vulnerable to sunlight plus he no longer needs to return to his grave.  Some of them were believed to live a normal life as a merchant who constantly victimized people for their blood and some has started a family of their own.

Kukudhi is also called as Kukuthi, Lugat or Kukuth.  The only time that one can kill a kukudhi is before it reaches its final transformation.  One should stake the heart of the vampire cut its limbs behind the ham stringing and turn into ashes.  They can also perform traditional methods of vampire exorcism which are mentioned in the history like using hawthorn or burning the internal organs of the suspected vampire.

It is known in the legend of Armenia that a vampire who was able to reach the final stage can only be killed by a wolf.  They believe that the strong teeth of the wolf would be able to penetrate the strong skin of the vampire.  If it was successful in tearing a leg of the kukudhi, the vampire would return to its grave and will never rise again.

The legend of the Armenia about Kukudhi might be where the rivalry between the vampire and werewolf began.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

La Diablesse

La Diablesse which is literally translated as the devil woman is a succubus in the legends of Trinidad and Tobago.  It usually appears like a beautiful woman but can easily be distinguished due to her fashion sense.  She always wears a long dress and a big hat with veil.  She wears a long dress to hide hear hooves and a hat to conceal her true identity of an old hag.  It is said that when she made a move, you can hear the sound of a rattling chain.

La Diablesse would often approach her victims in a peculiar way, like appearing out of the tree during the night while her victim is travelling.  He may also show in a crowd and lure her target into following her.  One can easily distinguish a La Diablesse in a party when she became a source of envy from other women who are in the crowd.  She will seduce a man and follow her to the deep forest where she planned on killing him.  She will cast a hex on her victim and he will not find his way home.  She will then trick her of walking into the cliff or cause her to drown in a river.

She is known to possess the ability to shape shift in a beautiful woman.  Her powers make her alluring to men and can also be used to control the mind of her prey. She also has the ability to glide on the ground.

Someone can tell if a La Diablese is nearby by her scent.  According to the legends her smell is bordering on the scent of perfume and a decaying flesh. If a man believes that he met a la Diablese, the only way to counter her power is to strip naked and wear the opposite side of his clothes.  If someone managed to get close to a La Diablese, snatching her enchanted bag will reveal her true form.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Tata Porras

Aswang is the Philippine version of the bloodsucking creature. In September 2004, Tata Porras, 16 years old living in Barangay Cabuling located in Tantangan said that his brother Michael, 14 years old was attacked by an aswang.  He said that the aswang took the form of a giant dog with red glowing eyes similar to a fireball.

The description of Porras resembles the appearance of aswang as it was told in a story; a creature who has the ability to shape shift in any form and devour its prey.  On the night of September 22, he and his brother were sleeping in a small nipa hut that is near the rice field and looking after the ducks when the incident happened.  Their parents were taking a nap in their own house not far away from the makeshift hut.

"Aswang talaga ang nakita ko," (I really saw an aswang) he said in their local language.  He added that the big black dog was about to bite the neck of his younger brother when he saw it.  The creature is about 3 feet high.

When the aswang was about to bite his brother on the neck he grabbed the single shot gun and shoot the aswang.  The aswang was startled on his action and it fled into the dark.  Before the said attack, Tata was hearing an eerie sound outside of the hut.  His younger brother Michael was shot in the right leg after Tata attempted to shot the aswang.  He was immediately sent into a nearby hospital.

The local radio unit reported the bizarre incident.  Others did not believe her story, but there are people who believe him who allegedly experienced the same incident within the area.  Some of them believe that the particular region is infested with Aswang.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Vilkacis is known as a sprit savage who possess an individual and take control of his will afflicting him with his savage nature.  Vilkacis is a werewolf that is a part of the Latvian and Lithuanian culture.  It is also called Vilkatas or Vilkatis depending on the region.  This is also the creature blamed for clinical lycanthropy.

There are different stories that described a Vilkacis.  There are instances when he was described as a spirit that takes control of a human being and there are also stories that depict them as a human that undergoes a transformation.  There is also a legend that tells a story of a sleeping man that was possessed by the spirit of the Vilkacis.  After sometime the sleeping man turned out to be dead making it impossible for the soul to return to its original host.  Occasionally, the Vilkacis would also bring back treasure from it long journey.

Unlike other types of werewolf wherein you have to be cursed in order to be one, turning into vilkacis does not require that or even a bite of werewolf.  They said that you can turn into a vilkacis by going under a tree that is forming an arc during the full moon.  But it is not explain on how you can return to your human form.  Latvia has a different interpretation on how you can turn into Vilkacis.  Like European werewolf, Latvia believes that you need to possess a wolfskin in order to become one.

This creature also does not seem to possess regenerative ability as it retain the injuries that it acquired during the time that he is a vilkacis.  Latvia also believes that only women can turn into Vilkacis, a woman had to strip off her clothes and hide it in a place that is impossible to see for when someone touches that clothes they would remain in the form of a wolf for nine years.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Bori is a vampire creature in Nigeria particularly in the legend of the Hausa people.  This vampiric creature is described as a human with hoofed feet and sometimes with no head.  Bori is not generally a wicked creature.  It has the ability to grant someone with good fortune, but it can also curse someone and infect them with a disease.

The Bori has the ability to shape shift.  Hausa believes that it usually takes the form of a python.  But it doesn’t only take the appearance of the snake; sometimes it can also take the identity of a family member of its target in order to lure their victim.  If people wanted to make sure that their companion is a human or a bori, they need to look into its feet.  But sometimes, Bori wears a long dress in order to hide their feet; fortunately, the bori leaves a footprint.  A bori disguise as a human would leave a track similar to a chicken.

If a person would meet a bori, he does not need to worry, since it does not entirely kill its prey.  He is only known for taking an ample amount of life force to his victim in order to keep its existence.  Victims of bori often exhibit a zombie-like behavior and appear as if they are in a trance.

If one manages to reveal the true identity of the bori, the creature would be bound to him and act as if it’s a familiar. But if the owner accidentally burned it, the Bori will be set free from its master.

The Bori can also take control of the body of a living person.  The Hausa believes that if a woman is possessed by a Bori, she cannot be held responsible for anything she does against her husband or the government.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Ravana, the King of Sri Lanka

According to an Indian legend, Ravana is the name of the King of Lanka.  He was known to be god-fearing and a ruler of a rich kingdom.  He is also smart and brave; he is described as having the skill and ability to use any type of weapons.  The story said that only Lord Shiva has the skill to kill him.

Ravana was also blessed with the ability of flight and remain invisible to the naked eye.  The king can also control the elements of water and fire as he can command it to rain water or fire.  Surprisingly he can also order the sky to rain arrows.

But despite of all these gifts, Ravana continued to be a pleasure seeker.  There came a time when she used his abilities and skills for his own gain which made him lustful, unjust and erratic in the process.  Eventually the king was so engulfed with corruption that he gave up his humanity and transformed into a demon.

The demon was depicted as having 10 heads and 20 arms that became the ruler of rakshasas.  Upon gaining his demon form, he immediately felt the lust for blood.  He was compelled to drink the human blood.  He also maintains some of his abilities including the shape shifting ability.  He also has insurmountable strength that he can split mountains using only his bare hands.

Like Sekhmet (Egyptian God) he can also destroy human soul.  On top of this Ravana has also a speed regenerative process.  There is only one vulnerable part of Ravana, which is his heart.  Any normal attack that penetrates the heart of Ravana would prove to be fatal.  But he can be eventually restored by pouring blood into his mouth.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Gwrach Y Rhibyn

Gwrach Y Rhibyn is a vampiric fay in the legends of Wales.  It is described to have two different forms.  The first appearance that the creature takes is an old hunchback wearing a green cloak.  While wearing the cloak, the face of Gwrach Y Rhibyn cannot be seen.  Only darkness inside the cloak is visible to the naked eye.  Another form is that the being under the green cloak looks so hideous a mere sight on the face under the cloak can drive you mad due to its extreme ugliness.
There is also a string of drool that hangs in either the corner of its mouth.  The drool can be saliva or a blood.  It is also said to have only one nostril, a protruding tooth similar to a tusk, webbed hands and feet, a green skin, thin, a long barbed tongue and gray hair.  It was also believed to have a pair of bath wings that he hides on his side.

Gwrach Y Rhibyn commonly attacks the more vulnerable people like children, elderly, bedridden people and while the victims are sleeping.  Their manner of attack is similar to other type of vampire, it sucks their blood but not to the point that they will die.  They tend to return to the same victim every night, taking a little amount of blood enough to maintain their existence.  Eventually the victim will weaken and die.

This creature lurks secluded area and waterways.  Gwrach Y Rhibyn can apparently tell if a man with pure Welsh blood will die.  It will be invisible and search for that person and guide them until they reach the crossroads.  The creature would then warn the person about his impending death.  The person would then turn insane after the sight of the creature.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Emilie Sagee

Emilie Sagee worked in an all-girl school.  She was known to be a very good educator but for some reason, she keeps on switching jobs.  In her 16 years of works she managed to move at 19 positions.  In an incident that everyone witnessed (except for Emilie) the school found out the reason why.

13 students inside the class witness a phantom standing side by side with Emilie mirroring her every movement.  It then stood behind her while she ate pantomiming her.  Everyone else could see her “doppelganger twin” except for her.  Usually when the apparition manifested, Emilie would seem to be powerless and sloppy. At one time, Emilie claimed that she was thinking about the movement and thought that she might have the control to the apparition.

The scope of the event grow wider and wider, as the phantom moved from the other class.  It appeared in a classroom full of students.  It took a sit on the teacher’s table while the real Emilie is tending the garden outside.  Those who found the courage to approach the “spectral” found out that they can passed through it but its texture reminded them of a thick fabric.

Eventually, the apparition became a normal incident at the campus.  Some of the parent’s of the girls decided to transfer their kids to other school fearing them of their safety.  Due to this development, the school officials had no other choice than to fire her even though she was deemed as a model employee.

Vampires had the ability to steal the identity or copy the appearance of a person.  They have this shape shifting ability that enables them to lure victims.  Could the case of Emilie Sagee be one of them?

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Nightmare Death of 11 sailors

It is like the attack of Freddy Krueger on nightmare on Elmstreet when 11 Filipino sailors died due to a nightmare.  It was 1960 when the US Naval Hospital found in Guam summoned Dr. Gonzalo Aponte to investigate the bizarre death of 11 sailors.  These 11 Filipino sailors are said to be complaining about nightmares before they died inexplicably on their sleep.

This is the time that Aponte found reports about SUND (Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death) that can be traced back to 1917.  Though Aponte was able to connect the bizarre death of the 11 sailors he was unable to form a concrete conclusion about their deaths caused by nightmares.

During the Early 20th century, an American anthropologist wrote about a creature that is quite similar to an Alp. A Lim-um can cause a person to experience nightmare by sitting on their chest and stomach causing suffocation.  A similar English vampire creature known as mare is also believed to suffocate their victims while sleeping.

The case that happened to the 11 Filipino sailors is somehow similar to the vampire attack that happened during the medieval period.  They said that they have been experiencing nightmares for a number of nights until they finally died during their sleep.  Most of the Eastern vampire would drain the energy of their victim while they were sleeping.  These victims would complain about nightmares and the vampire creature would return every night feeding on their life energy until they die.

The case of the 11 Filipino sailors is not the only case of death due to nightmare.   In 1980, 18 Laotian refugees died under the same circumstances.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Werewolf of Padua

Job Fincel recorded a werewolf incident in his work Wunderscheiz en, which means “On Miracles”.  The event happened in Italy during the year 1541 in the city of Padua, thus the man was called the Werewolf of Padua.

A man attacked a group of men when he met them on a rural field.  It was said that the man was so strong that he managed to kill some of the men using only his bare teeth and hand.  The remaining men were able to restrain him.  They tied the vicious man and dragged him to the court of Inquisition where most of the trials on witches are being conducted.

Upon interrogation, the man immediately confessed that he is a wolf.  One of the inquisitors doubted his statement; he was asked about his wolf skin if he is indeed a wolf man.  The man answered and told the inquisitors that he was unlike any other wolf man; he hid her fur between his muscles and skin making it invisible to the naked eye.

The inquisitors decided to test the claim of the alleged wolf man.  If he is truly a werewolf then he would be sentenced into an execution that is fit for a werewolf, if he turns out to be a madman the court would set him free.

But unfortunately, the test includes hacking his arms and legs, to prove that his fur coat can be found in between his skin and muscle.  The alleged werewolf was bounded and his body parts were dismembered.  The inquisitors discovered that there was no fur present in between his skin.  The man (still alive) was bleeding on the floor when the inquisitors declared him innocent of being a werewolf, the court would turn him into a surgeon and be released.

Few moments later, the man was declared dead for losing too much blood.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Carl Großmann

Carl Großmann was a German serial murderer who cannibalizes his victim. He took his own life away while he was awaiting execution without giving confession about his alleged crime leaving most of its details a mystery.

There is not much known about the early life of Carl Großmann, besides from his unusual sadistic sexual fetish and he also had several charges on child molestation.  On August 21, 1921, while he was in his mid-50s, he was arrested in Berlin after his neighbors reported about the screams and loud noises coming from his apartment.  The authorities investigated the apartment of Carl Großmann and found a dead body of a woman on the bed.  He was arrested and was charged with a first degree murder.

Some neighbors also testified that they usually saw Carl with female companions.  They also added that most women who visited his apartment were never seen again.

On World War 1, he had a hotdog stand and sold meat at the black market as a source of his income.  The hotdogs are believed to be made from the meat of his victim.  Bones and other parts that cannot be processed into an edible meat were thrown into the river.  The number of his victims cannot be verified as he did not give a full confession of his crimes.  The only victims the can verified is the body found when the police charged into his apartment and the bloodstains found which apparently belongs to three other victims.  All four incidents were believed to happen in just a few weeks.  Others believed that the victims could go as high as 50 individuals.

Carl Großmann was found guilty on the charges and was sentenced to death, but Carl committed suicide before the sentence could be carried out.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sukuyan in Trinidad

Sukuyan is a vampire creature of Trinidad and Tobago.  Melville Herskovits shared a story about a man who discovered that his wife is a Sukuyan.

The wife allegedly does not only feed on the blood of her husband, she also visits nearby homes in order to satiate her thirst for blood.  Eventually the man found out that his wife is drugging his tea drinks every night. One night he decided to pretend on drinking the tea.  He was already feeling daze due to sleepiness but he fight it in order to confirm his theory.

The man heard his wife say:

‘Kin, ‘kin, you no know me?‘Kin, ‘kin, you no hear what your mistress say?‘Kin, ‘kin, come off, come off! 
She witnessed how her wife took of her skin and placed it in a big water jar. She then jumped out of their house and into the roof.  The man was so surprised on what he saw.  That night the man noticed that the night seems to be on fire due to the color of the sky that illuminated the room.  The man took the skin of her wife and put a salt on it.  He then returned it back to the water barrel.  Before the breaking of dawn, the wife returned and attempted to wear back her skin but she couldn’t since the salt inside burned her.

‘Kin, go on.‘Kin, you no know me?‘Kin, you no hear what you mistress say?

The man also heard his wife said thrice “Skin squinch he draw, can’t go on, he burning he.”  The woman in fear of dying placed back her skin in the barrel and covered herself with a blanket and hid under the bed.  The man reported the incident to the authority where he was arrested and identified as a vampire creature.  She was executed by covering her entire body with tar and she was set on fire.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Armin Meiwes

Armin Meiwess is known for killing and eating a voluntary victim that he found on the internet.  He supposedly began eating his penis and proceeds in eating a huge part of her flesh.  He is dubbed as the Master Butcher and the Rotenburg Cannibal.  He also works as a computer technician.

He allegedly posted an advertisement online looking for a willing person to volunteer for slaughtering purposes.  The advertisement reads:  "looking for a well-built 18- to 30-year-old to be slaughtered and then consumed". Engineer from Berlin named Bernd Jurgen Armando Brandes was the one who answered the call.  But before him there were many other individuals who answered to the advertisement but later backed out, which is totally fine with Meiwes as he does not want to force them in doing things that they do not like.

The butchering of the engineer was videotaped and was presented to the court.  It shows that Brandes also attempted to eat his own penis, but it is too tough.   Meiwess also gave him a large amount of pain killer and alcohol plus 20 tablets of sleeping pills in order to have a painless death.

Meiwess sliced the flesh of Brandes and stored some of them in the freezer.  He was able to consume the body for the next 10 months. Based on the trial, Meiwess committed the crime for his own sexual enjoyment.

He was arrested in December 2002 after a college student reported his new advertisement that is posted online.  The authorities searched his house and found human remains and video tapes containing the gory incident.  He was given a life sentence on May of 2006.

Prior to this event, Meiwes was said to be used in the analysis of the cannibalistic incident that happened in 1998 and 2000.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Werewolves of Ossory

One of the most well known stories of werewolves in Ireland was documented by Giraldus Cambrensis, a royal clerk to the king of Britain during the 1100s.  He told about the story of a werewolf couple who apparently attacked a priest.

It is interesting to know that the totem of Ossory would be a wolf.  Based on the legends, Ossorians have the ability to shape shift in a form of a wolf during the old times.  Once they were able to take the form of the wolf, their human body must stay at home.  Their human vessel would remain lifeless until the return of the spirit of the wolf.  If a werewolf would sustain a wound during a hunt, the similar wound would be found in the human body that would be easier for someone to distinguish a true werewolf.

Now back to the story, although the couple was Christians, their family has been placed under a curse and doomed to walk the earth as a wolf for 7 years.    But during those seven years, the wife was suffering from an inevitable death so the husband went to a travelling priest to perform the rite of viaticum to his wife.  Both of them were still in wolf form.

The priest gives in to the wish of the male wolf.  After that, the priest told his experience to the local bishop who requested Giraldus for counsel.  But Giraldus was unable to make it; instead he sent a letter to the bishop.  Eventually the news about the werewolf couple reached the Pope.

Is there a relation on this incident and the monk named Natalis who cursed a family for an unknown reason.  Is it just a co-incidence that the curse of Natalis matched the curse of the Werewolves of Ossory, that each members of the family is destined to become a wolf for seven years?