
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Omaima Aree Nelson

Omaima Nelson is a model and a nanny who was convicted for murdering her husband.  The incident caught the interest of the public and the media due to the allegations of cannibalism. She was sentenced to life imprisonment and currently serving it at the Central California Women’s Facility.

Nelso was born and raised in Egypt and in 1986, she immigrated to the U.S.  She met her husband Bill Nelson in October 1991. Bill was a 56 year old pilot that time while Omaima was 23 years old.  After only a matter of days the two decided to get married.

On 1991, thanks giving day, Omaima claimed that his husband sexually assaulted her in an apartment located in California.  Omaima said that she only defended herself by stabbing him and hitting him repeatedly with an iron.  After killing her husband, she dismembered his body, cooked his decapitated head and severed hand.  The body parts were mixed with the leftovers.  There was also an allegation that Omaima castrated her husband as a form of revenge.   Omaima told the court that during the short month of being a couple, she suffered sexual abuse on the hands of her husband.

She was arrested on December 2, 1991 on the charge of murdering her husband.  It was revealed during her trial that the circumcision done on the kids living in Cairo was traumatic and painful to her.  The trauma was increased by the sexual assault committed by her husband.  She was convicted of a second degree murder and was sentenced to 28 years of imprisonment.

She was compared by the media to Hannibal Lecter.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Robert Dale Conklin

Robert Dale Conklin was executed for being implicated in stabbing his lover to death using a screwdriver and dismembering his remains after.

It was in March 1984 when maintenance personnel at the Conklin’s apartment was collection aluminum cans from the dumpster when he discovered pieces of human flesh, credit card, knives bed clothes with blood, screwdriver, rope, random documents and wallets that belongs to the victim.  It is all encased in a black trash bag.

The pieces of human meat were believed to be from a lawyer who began a sexual relationship with Robert Dale Conklin.  The authorities launched a search inside Conklin’s apartment and they discovered that his bed clothes are missing and the mattress was soaked in blood.

The kitchen garbage disposal seems to be jammed due to the internal organs. Conklin, a former Mc Donald’s manager was arrested by the authority.  He said that he and the man were caught in a wrestling in a bed when he reached the screwdriver and stuck it into the victim’s ear and wriggled it around.

Conklin admitted that he drained the blood of the victim and dissected it to get rid of the evidence.  A book containing the details of the dissecting performed on the body was found on the scene of the crime.

The defense claimed that their client acted only in self defense to prevent the lawyer from raping Conklin.  They also presented the evidence that Conklin while on parole for a different charge live a productive life.  He was executed on July of 2005.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Vyacheslav Zhuravlev

A self proclaimed vampire has been arrested in Russia after he bit a man to death and sucked his blood after.  The suspect named Vyacheslav Zhuravlev beat his victim to death before biting him on the neck and feeding on his blood.

The victim’s name was not divulged as per the law of Russia.  He died on the spot on a park located at the Abakan city which is in the southern portion of the central Russia.  Vyacheslav Zhuravlev was dubbed as the Siberian Vampire due to his manner of attack.  He reportedly chased two girls who apparently saw his disturbing attack.

The investigating team claimed that the two girls were walking along the park when they saw Vyacheslav Zhuravlev covered with blood and lying side by side with a dead man.  The attacker allegedly looked at them and produced a growling sound.

The two girls were stunned and started running away from the scene, but Vyacheslav Zhuravlev has no plan of letting them go, he chased the two girls and managed to catch one of them.  The suspect started beating on the poor girl.

The scream and shriek of the two girls were heard by a patrol police who arrested the “vampire”.  He has been charged with a murder.  Upon interrogation, the attacker claimed that he just wanted to see what it feels like to kill someone.  The attack was so disturbing that the victim’s head was almost severed from his body.

He told the investigation team that he was just asking the man about the direction towards the nearest Bus Stop when he decided to attack him and kill him.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Creating the Real Frankenstein

The most famous story of a reanimated corpse has yet to be the story of Frankenstein.  Dr. Victor Frankenstein attempted to play God and pieced the body parts of the dead together to create a living monster.  But many claimed that there was an inspiration behind the character of Dr. Frankenstein.  Dr. Polidori who also wrote the story of The Vampyre was believed to be the inspiration behind Bram Stroker’s Dracula and Frankenstein.

Chris Goulding, a student of New Castel University was searching for the influence of science on the poetry of Percy Shelley when he stumbled upon a document that could’ve been the mold for Dr. Victor Frankenstein.  Dr. James Lind was the mentor of Shelley in 1809-1810 in Eton.  On the documents, the idea of using electrical impulse was mentioned; they claimed that it was able to start a muscle movement on an experiment that was conducted on the dead frog.  It stated that upon running electricity to the frog, the leg of the frog started to twitch.

He was also the first doctor noted in the history of England to use galvanic experiments similar to what Dr. Frankenstein did in the novel.  Percy Shelley was so interested in the science of Dr. James Lind, Goulding also mentioned the unfinished biography of Mary Shelley (author behind Frankenstein)
 ‘... became intimate also with a man whom he never mentioned except in terms of the tenderest respect. This was Dr Lind, a name well known among the professors of medical science... he has often said... “I owe that man far—oh! Far more than I owe my father.” ’

Friday, May 26, 2017

Vompir, A Blood-Sucking Creature from Macedonia

The existence of vompir, a vampire revenant, prevails in Bulgaria and Macedonia.  The female vampire spirit is called Vompira.  This type of vampire is created when the person who died was not properly buried or mourned.  Those who also died in disgrace and those who died of unnatural causes are also believed to become blood-sucking creatures.  For example, those who took suicide and those who died while giving birth are feared to become a vompir.


How Vompir Attacks the Victim


The spirit would return to the land of the living, but it tends to possess other bodies of a corpse and control it.  Though the idea of reanimating a corpse is more associated with ghouls, vompir is considered a vampire due to the manner of its attack.  The creature would launch its attack at night while the victim was sound asleep.  He would then suffocate his victim and start to drain his blood.


How to Defend Against the Atack of Vompir



If someone found himself under the attack of a vompir, praying to the God of night and darkness is considered an effective way to drive the spirit away.  It is also wise to pray to Troyan (goddess of Beauty and love) and Lada (deliverance). Aside from his ability to control a lifeless body, the vompir can also cause someone to experience horrifying nightmares.  He is also held responsible for causing drought and for diverting rivers.  These are some unique abilities that are only possessed by this unique vampire species.

 Blood sucker


A vompir can be conquered when it possesses a corpse.  The reanimated corpse must be decapitated. His arms and feet should then be cut off.  The whole body is bounded or stabbed with a stake made up of aspen wood or inserted a raven’s claw into his head.  The body must then be reburied under a giant millstone. 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Edward & Stephania Andrews

On May 15, 1970 Edward and his wife, Stephania attended a party at the Sheraton hotel on Friday on Chicago Illinois.  The cocktail party was sponsored by an organization wherein Stephania was a member.  During the time of the party the other guest said that Edward started to feel ill and hungry.  They also stated that Stephania was crying when they left the venue.  The couple left with their sports coupe with plate number BB9986.

The attendant at the parking garage claimed that Edward hit the door on their way out.  In addition he also saw the couple took the wrong route.  That was the last time they were ever seen on public.

They were reported missing on Monday, their co-workers started to get worried after both of them failed to appear at their work.  The police went to their house and discovered that the newspapers are all piled out of their house and the letters at their mailbox were left untouched.  A neighbor of them had the key of their house and when the police opened the house, nothing seems to be missing except for the couple.

Edward and Stephania Andrews have been married for 6-7 years by the time that they disappeared.  They were described by the people who know them as trustworthy and hardworking and were never heavy drinkers.

Authorities theorized that Edward might be disoriented and drove off the bridge.  The police performed a thorough investigation on the river but they were unable to find any vehicle.  40 years had passed and the police were still unable to tell what happened to the couple.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Nodding Disease in Uganda

WHO (World Health Organization) authorities are puzzled as to what is the cause to the strange disease that is known to exist on the year 2009. The disease is known to inflict the children at first.  The disease causes the children to pass out or sleep in bizarre events.  Some signs and symptoms of the disease are similar to the zombie manifestation that can only be seen on the big screen.

There were mothers in Uganda who were bounding their children in fear that their children might wander around the town mindlessly.  Up to this day there is no known cause or cure to the disease.  Nodding disease has been linked to other conditions such as the “river sickness” that is known to cause blindness.  But in the case of nodding disease the kids affected with it is normally from the ages of 5-15 years old.

One mother shared her experience about the disease on an article that was published on Daily Mail.  She said:
 (Grace) Lagat now has to tie up her children when she leaves the house to stop them from disappearing. She told the TV station:’When I am going to the garden, I tie them with cloth. ‘If I don’t tie them I come back and find that they have disappeared.’

The case of the nodding disease in Uganda continued to baffle most experts.  They believe there is a type of agent that can cause people to behave that way and why do the signs appear on younger kids only.  There is an account about a 19 year old victim but the signs gradually decrease as they grow older.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Victor Ardisson

Victor Ardisson is a grave desecrator and also shows some signs of necrophilia.  He is also known as “The Vampire of Muy”.  Ardisson was born on September 5, 1872 at a community in Provence named Le Muy that can be found in south eastern section of France.  He worked as a mortician and a grave digger. But unlike the criminals, who earned the moniker “vampire” which includes Peter Kurten and John Haigh, Victor Ardisson is not violent and he attacks only the dead bodies.  During his work he was said to violate corpse of dead women.  There were times that he would sexually assault them or decapitate their head.

There was a case where he dug up the body of a 3 year old girl and took her home.  The police allegedly smelled the scent of a putrid decaying flesh that is coming from the house of Ardisson, and that is when they found out that there was a corpse inside his house that led to his arrest.  He claimed that he took her home and had oral sex with her hoping that she will be resuscitated.   He also slept next to her and claimed that he is in possession of a head of a 13 year old girl that he calls “My bride”.  He also confessed that he kissed this head from time to time.

On further investigation, it was revealed that Ardisson would have a constant conversation with the bodies of the deceased and would feel enraged when the corpse would not reply to his words.  He was charged with desecration of corpses and mutilation of the dead bodies.  He was sentenced to spent the rest of his life in a mental facility and receive treatment for his mental health problem.

Monday, May 22, 2017


Ramanga is one of the most bizarre living vampire creatures that are found in the lore of Madagascar.  It is one of the earliest incarcerations of evil.  This is a creature that offers disgusting services to the noble men of the tribe, most especially the chief.  It is said that whenever a high profile individual clipped his nails, the ramanga has to eat those nail clippings.  And if the noble man went into an operation that consists of a dripping blood, the ramanga also has to drink that blood.  If during that time a ramanga is not present around the area, the clipping and the blood was preserved to be consumed by the next ramanga or living vampire.

In the popular series, Young Dracula, the Ramanga is known to be a high ranking vampire.  The fact that the whole family knelt in front of him means that he is someone that deserves a high respect.  In the series it was also shown that Ramanga has the ability to create copies of himself.  He can also transform into a bat that he use to escape when sensing a danger.

The Ramanga literally means blue blood; their eating of nail clippings is due to their belief that this substance contains magical elements.  They eat this because the nobles are afraid that those magical elements may fall into a wrong hand and may be use for evil deeds from the source of the nails.  They also drink the blood of the nobles because they believe that the soul of a person is in his blood.  In every noble house on Betsileo tribe, they are known to maintain at least one Ramanga who would eat their nail clippings and drink their blood.

Sunday, May 21, 2017


Owenga can be found on the legends of Guinea, a North African country.  These are the spirits of the dead magicians or people who practice black magic that returned from the living to continue their life of sin and torment those that are still living.  The owengas only attack those people from their own town.  There are no known ways that can kill this undead creature but a certain offering can be done to appease their soul.  Blood offerings usually that of the animal that has never mated is an effective way to calm the troubled soul of the owenga.  The blood is poured into a bowl and left outside of the house particularly in the doorway so the owengas can see it immediately.  The Owenga will accept the blood offering in an instant and leave the village at peace.

But there are some instances when the Owenga feels so much anger and cannot be appeased with a simple offering of the animal’s blood.  It will return on the village from time to time to take a life of the villagers and spread disease.  You should also be careful in offering blood to the Owenga.  Make sure that no amount of blood was spilled on the ground since this would make the Owenga much stronger.  Any spilled blood should be clean immediately.

Thus, if you visited any village in Guinea, they have the tradition to clean up any blood residue and burn any clothing with a drip of blood because they believe that any villagers who strictly follow this tradition will always be free from the torment that was brought by the Owenga.

The Owenga is believed to feast on the blood of its victims while they were sleeping.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Operation: Resurrection

Operation Resurrection is one of the secret projects of the CIA in hopes of reanimating the dead.   The tests were conducted with a number of apes, those who had been proven useful would continue to the next stage, those who will not, would end up dead.

It was during the period of 1965-1966 when the CIA reconstructed the isolation chamber of the brain butcher, Dr. Cameron.  It is said that they rebuilt it at the National institute of Health.

The apes first underwent a lobotomy and then were put into a total isolation.  This experiment also made use of the radio frequency being transmitted into the brainwaves that was cultivated by Leonard Rubenstein.  Apes that were able to pick-up the signal of the radio frequency were decapitated.  Their head was also transplanted into the body of a dead ape and see if they were able to pick up the radio frequency, reanimating them in the process.

The apes that failed to meet the criteria were flooded with high frequency of radio waves, until they collapsed on the ground and lose their consciousness.  Autopsies done on the dead apes showed that their brain tissues were fried by the high frequency.

The result of the said project was never mentioned.  If in any case they were successful in reanimating a dead ape, how long would it take before they became successful in re-animating the humans?  Or are they already successful in attaining that level of knowledge?  This experiment shows that a new type of zombie can be possible other than those who were drugged using a tetrodotoxin. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Monclova Monster

Most of the residents of Colonia Chinameca were baffled on the incident that was reported by two children.  The two children claimed that they saw a creature that walks on his four legs but can also walk using his hind legs.

The children saw the creature in an empty lot on Calle Londres on a Saturday night. Omar Andres Armendariz and his friend Jose Rolando Gallegos both of 13 years old were shaking in fear upon telling the residents about the alleged creature.

The mother of one of the kids called the police and requested that whoever was responsible of causing the kids to panic should be apprehended.  The police immediately went to the location where the supposed creature was reported and search for a creature with the dog’s eyes, but are green in color.  The police searched everywhere but was unable to find the culprit.

Incidentally, this is not the first time that the Monclova monster was sighted.  On April 6, 2010, people of the Colonia Alamo were startled upon seeing a creature submerged itself into the Monclova River.  The police were summoned on the location to search for the creature that has similar description to the creature that was described above.

The residents contacted the police at 2:00 am reporting about a “strange animal” that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The monster made an appearance again on April 9, 2010. This time it doesn’t only frightened people but also blamed for mutilating 10 goats.  Jaime Cruz, 21, a shepherd claimed that he has seen the beast for a number of times.  He said that the beast can leap greater heights.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Shunamism which is sometime referred to as Shunamatism is said to be an ancient form of psychic vampirism.  A practice that can be traced back to biblical ages particularly those accounts associated to King David.  The method is said to heal the ill and also to prolong the life of an individual.

The method was mentioned in a book of the Bible:
 1 Kings 1: 1-31 Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat. 2 Wherefore his servants said unto him, Let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin: and let her stand before the king, and let her cherish him, and let her lie in thybosom, that my lord the king may get heat.  3 So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king.  
Shunamism involves an elderly person sharing a bed with someone younger for sexual purposes.  The belief involves that the body heat is a form of life force that could extend the life of someone and that the body heat of a youth can be transferred to someone by having sex.

The practice of Shunamism lasted up to the 1800s though at that time, an elderly person sharing a bed with a younger person is considered appropriate just as long as it was done with the opposite sex.

The belief of Shunamism survived up to this day, that an older man can withstand the test of time by having a sexual intercourse with a younger woman or with a virgin.  Those men who believe that life force can be transferred in a form of sex are considered a psychic vampire.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Steven Craig Hurd

Steven Craig Hurd is a devil worshiper who was convicted for the murder of two individuals.  He died inside the prison on the 28th of May, 2005.

Hurd had established a group of devil worshippers when he was just 20 years old.  He was able to recruit 3 teenagers and a 31 year old female in his cult.  In the beginning, the group lived like a scavenger and hunts their food on the pile of garbage.  They would later learn how to mutilate and dismember the body of smaller animals while chanting their satanic rituals.

Later on, the group has grown tired of just dismembering animals, they thought about a better sacrifice, a human sacrifice.  On two succeeding nights, the group murdered an attendant and a teacher, in honor of Lucifer.

Florence Brown, 31 was abducted on June 4 in an orange grove which is near a campus.  Brown was stabbed several times using a long knife severing his right arm.  His heart and lungs was also removed as a form of human sacrifice.

The remains of Brown were found on June 17 by hikers.  His body is so mutilated that the police are convinced that only a person with mental disability can do this.  When he was arrested, he told the police that he wanted to use the car of Brown to visit the Head Devil which is located in San Francisco. But Anton LaVey’s church of Satan rejected his claim.

Hurd was proven to be mentally incapacitated and was admitted to a state hospital.    While he is on the hospital he claims that Father Satan continues to pay him a visit.  His teenager followers were sent into a juvenile system for reformation.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Drinking Deities

Buddhist in Tibet believed that after a person died, his soul would wander into a place that is dominated by the law of karma. People will be judge according to the things that they’ve done in the past.  The thing contained inside ones heart will be judges by the Peaceful Deities and the brain by the Wrathful Deities.

The Wrathful Deities is also known as the 5 blood drinking deities.  The deities will make their appearance 8 days after once death.  Vajra will appear on the 9th day which is the order of the wrathful deities.  The intellect will be personified by Bhagavan Vajra Heruka which is depicted by the Tibetan monk as a deity that holds a human scalp on one of his hands.

Embracing him was his mother who was holding a red shell that is filled with blood. Vajra Krotishaurima would place the shell filled with blood into her son’s mouth.  On the 10th day, Ratna-Heruka would appear which has a striking similarity with Vajra-Heruka but only with different colors.  The next day another deity would appear, Padma-Heruka wearing red clothing.

The 12th day would mark the appearance of the blood drinking deities, Lotus Order. They were said to possess different head of animals that engaged in blood drinking activities.  Some of their behaviors are also attributed to ghoul like cannibalizing corpse.  Several other vampiric deities would appear up to the fourteenth day.

The body of the decease will never be attack by the deities.  They are just a representation of the things that the deceased person committed during his lifetime.

Monday, May 15, 2017

He Needed to Eat

Sergey Gavrilov was arrested upon being suspected of stealing a mobile phone, but the police discovered a more gruesome crime that he committed.  The body of her mom was discovered with both of her legs missing.

Gavrilov is spending much of his money on vodka and gambling machine and a little to nothing was left on his meal.  The judge further explains that Gavrilov is starving and needed to eat (apparently his own mother).

Gavrilov hit his mother in the head with a brick and strangle her to death using a cable.  The attack resulted to the refusal of his mother to give her his monthly pension due to the fact that he is just wasting his money to buy alcohol.  He placed the body of his mother in the balcony of their flat before taking the money and heading into a two-day drinking spree.

After he headed back home, he discovered that there is nothing much left for him to eat, so he decided to slice her own mother and eat her.  He said that the body looks like a frozen meat inside the freezer.

He prepared a soup and pasta with the meat of his own mother as the main ingredient.  The meat was able to last for a month.   He was sentenced to spend 15 years behind the prison cell though he was found mentally fit and normal. 

Sergey Gavrilov reduced his prison sentence after confessing that he did not enjoy the taste of his mother that much.  He said that he is just too hungry and he needed to eat; this was taken seriously by the judges and granted him a lighter punishment.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Kanima are depicted by the South American culture as a human transforming into a jaguar.  It is not designed to torment the innocent people rather it murders the people who has committed a terrible crime.  But the pop culture has given them a new face, as they were portrayed as a reptilian creature that also kills the murderers.

Based on the South American culture, a kanima is a were-jaguar that acts as a familiar to its master.  It is said to be a spirit of vengeance.  During the old times, a priest sought the help of this creature to kill all the murderers and to bring peace to the region.  The bond that binds the master and kanima develops until it reaches the point that the will of the kanima and its master became one.  Eventually, the master would no longer need to instruct his familiar, the kanima would kill anyone willingly that is unfit on the sight of his master.

“Teen Werewolf” gave the kanima a new look as they portrayed him as a creature covered with scales.  They also have long tails and have the ability to climb walls similar to other reptiles rather than to a werewolf.  Their claws are sharp that secretes toxins that can paralyze their victims for hours.  They are also said to have a very speedy regenerative power, as shown in one of the episodes that it was hit with number of bullets and was able to continue the fight.

In addition they can enter the cycle of chrysalis and transform into a new creature with wings.  The only similar thing about the kanima is that they are bounded to the power of moon.  And unlike the werewolves who seek for pack, this one needs a master.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Happy Vampire

Catacano is a vampire that laughs for no reason at all. It is also known for its toxic blood.  He usually grins at people showing his pearly white teeth and randomly spits blood to his victim.  The victim will suffer burns and other effects of toxins.  They said that the only way to kill this creature is by salt water or boiling the head of the catacano in vinegar.

This creature is a vampire from the Greek region particularly on Crete and Rhodes.  The catacano is swift when launching its attack, he is also known for being very arrogant.  This vampire has a unique way to spread his cure to others and inflict them with vampirism.  His spits that can kill someone can also turn him into a vampire.

This creature is not that popular unlike the other species of vampire.  There is a little information about this undead.  This creature is believed to be similar with another vampiric creature called Brucolaco.  Just like most of the people who turned into a vampire, catacano was cursed due to their immoral life and also for being excommunicated by the church.  They believe that this creature return from the dead after they were buried to an unholy land.  Their body will not undergo decomposition but their skin will be tough to the point that it could withstand a tough beating.

The Catacano often search for their victims on the cemetery, but also victimized random people on farm and on the road especially during noon time.  They said that they only time you can kill this creature is during Saturday with the steps provided above.  You can also decapitate their head and burn their body.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Boundas are creatures found in folklores of Africa, they are were-hyenas.   In most Tanszanian and Moroccan legend, bounda is man who lives in a tribe and works as a wood cutter and a blacksmith and has the ability to shape shift in the form of a wild animals.  The locals believed that a wizard granted them the power to change their form.

The boundas eyes have the ability to put you in a daze, though it wasn’t clear how the boundas are using that ability.  Furthermore, the creature is said to stalk the gravesite at night to rob the graves of fresh corpses and cannibalize them, a feature that is similar to a ghoul rather than to a werewolf.

Though there are many ways that a werewolf and a boundas are different, they said that a boundas is the first cousin of a werewolf.  There is also a high probability that a boundas is female specie since most of the women are considered as the alphas of the packs, but then again these claims might vary depending on the region.

Also unlike the werewolf who needs lunar intervention in order to shape shift, boundas are not bounded into the moon.  They can transform into a hyena anytime they like.  Thus the boundas are greatly feared since the local villagers are unaware on what time they will attack.  In addition, a bounda can also be a hyena that takes the form of a man, so boundas are not necessarily a human.

The tale of the Boundas are still alive on the African region, they said that anyone who was hairy and with a nasal voice are easily suspected of being boundas.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Vampire Facial, a New way of Anti-aging

The Vampire facial involves a doctor creating a small puncture wounds on your face allowing a significant amount of blood to flow through it.  The doctor would then start to spread the blood all over your face in claims that it will make you look younger.  Somehow similar to what a witch told to Elizabeth Bathory during the old age, but this time a certified plastic surgeon is recommending this procedure.

Dr. Marotta claims that in order for the procedure to proceed, he would need at least 3 vials of blood from the patient.  The doctor would then place it in the centrifuge at around 20 minutes allowing it to spin continuously.  The blood would be separated into different components while the platelets will be concentrated.  The platelets would then be injected back to the owner using a fine needle.  Dr. Marotta said that the changes would be visible as soon as the procedure was done, but the full effect would be witnessed after 3-4 weeks.
The Vampire Facial costs at around $400-$1,000. Patient should also be ready to tolerate moderate pains as they would be experiencing a sense of discomfort through the puncture wounds.  But the doctor also said that patient should be careful in choosing a surgeon that would perform the vampire facial to them. 

If the blood does rejuvenate the skin, then the prescription of the witch to Elizabeth Bathory was indeed correct.  It’s just that Elizabeth Bathory took it to the next level by murdering women to extract their fresh blood.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Babes in the Wood

The Babes in the Wood is a name given to two unidentified victims whose decomposing bodies were discovered on the 14th of January, 1953 in Stanley Park.  The investigation was slowed down due to the conclusion that the victims are a male and a female.  On 1998, a DNA test was conducted and revealed that they were both male and they were brothers.  The case remains unsolved and no suspect has been identified by the authorities.

The remains of the two unidentified kids were deliberately covered with a woman’s rain cape.  There are also other things discovered in the crime scene such as a fur coat, a shoe of a woman, a lunch box and a hatchet.  Police were thinking that the hatchet could be the murder weapon.

The two children were around the age of 10 and 6, and their remains eventually ended up as a display in the Museum.  In 1998, their remains were removed from the Vancouver Police Museum to conduct a DNA testing.

Prior to the discovery of the remains of two unidentified victims, there were two witnesses who reported about seeing a man and a woman strolling through the Stanley Park with two boys, one of them was reportedly carrying a hatchet.  Later on that day, the witness claimed that the woman was seen walking alone, but the woman was only wearing one shoe that is covered with blood.

What could’ve happened inside that woods that made the woman ran and leave his shoe and fur coat.  What happened to the man that was reportedly accompanying them when they entered the woods?

After 60 years, The Babes in the Wood murder case remains unsolved.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Asena-She Wolf

The Chinese people believed that the term Asena means wolf, while the Turks believed that it is a name fitted for a she wolf.  The legend of Asena is a part of the Turkic lore but the story began in China.

It started around the 7th Century in a region in China wherein a shepherd boy who was 10 years of age was caught in crossfire.  He witnessed how the men around him died one by one.  He already knew back then that when the enemy found his hiding place, he too would suffer the same fate.

The enemy’s soldier eventually found him, but seeing that he was just a child, the soldier decided not to slay him and just leave him bleed to death.  There were also stories saying that the soldier dismembered his joints.  But in any case, the shepherd boy thought that he was already dead back then.

When the night arrives, the shepherd boy witness the unseen as a spirit of a blue wolf presented itself to him.  The shepherd boy was of course scared; he thought that this might be a punishment for a shepherd boy because part of his task is to keep away the wolves from the sheep.

The wolf speaks and told him that her name was Asena.  She took the bleeding shepherd boy into her cave and she realized that the only way that the boy can survive is if she bites him.  Seeing that there is no other way to save him, Asena bit him.  Eventually the shepherd boy was able to regain his strength.  Every full moon, the shepherd boy would visit Asena in her cave.

It is said that the shepherd boy and Asena had 10 kids which inherited the blue wolf curse.  One of those ten kids is believed to be Genghis Khan.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Werewolves in Hindenburg

Up to this day, there is still a belief in the Werewolf of Altmark.  The story of the man who could turn himself in the werewolf is still being told in the small village of Hindenburg.  There are people living up to this day claiming that they knew the account and the people involved in the story of the Hindenburg werewolf.

The story told a man who possess mystic leather made up of a werewolf skin which allegedly still has its hair.  The suspected werewolf would then tie the wolf skin into his body and that would turn himself into a wolf.  During the time that he is in a form of a wolf, he is believed to possess a superhuman strength.  He said that he could carry an entire stack of hay all by himself.  There are also people claiming that the werewolf could take an ox in its mouth and dragged it back home using its sheer strength.

But aside from his super natural strength, he also has the disposition of a wolf.  He would crave for meat causing him to attack cattle and also humans.  One man was claiming that he was attacked by the said werewolf but he managed to escape him.  But no matter how vicious he might seem to be, people are wondering how his wife managed to survive.  Rumors said that his wife new some enchantment or incantation who allegedly can control the werewolf.  They believe that the werewolf told her about the incantation.  Upon putting him in a daze, the wife would take off the wolf skin that would revert the werewolf into its original human form.

The date of this said incident is unknown, though the story has proved to be more popular than the other legends.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


In the Mohawk Indian tribe, the Limikkin is a term used to refer to a skin walker.  Werewolves during the Ancient American folklores were believed to be skin walkers.  Limikkin are also shape shifters just like any other type of werewolves, but they are not limited to wolf alone, limikkin can transform in a shape of any animals they want. 

On the Navajo tribe, they believe that a limikkin is described as a mutation of animals.  A limikkin may only use a garment to change into another form of animals.  For example a wolf strap is enough for one to change into a wolf.  In the case of the Limikkin they believe that the witch is only using a mask in order to shape shift.

Limikkin can transform into a bear, coyotes, dog, fox, and owl or even a crow.  The legends of the Limikkin are normally heard in the Navajo tribe, Mohawks, Aztecs and Hopi.  These Limikkin is said to gain the power of shape shift through witchcraft.  Based on the stories and legends of Limikkin, they are almost impossible to catch but there are easy way on how to distinguish a limikkin from a true animal, they said that a limikkin is unable to move like an animal.

In most stories, there is only one way that one can defeat a limikkin, they said that if you are able to call the Limikkin in its true form, they will revert back to their original human form.  You must call them with their real name while declaring that the person is a limikkin, only then that the creature would become a man making it vulnerable to human attacks.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


The tik-tik is a type of vampire spirit in the Philippines that got its name from a small owl that serves as its familiar.  The owl allegedly creates a ticking sound (tik-tik) that is said to be an alarm that a tik-tik is nearby.

This vampire only attacks at night when it changes its appearance from human to a bird.   During the day the Tik-tik would assume the human form and search for its prey (usually a kid) and at night that tik-tik shape shift into its bird form and hover on top of the house of its selected prey.  It will perch down the roof above the room of the sleeping child.  And just like the manananggal, the tiktik would feed on its victim by sending its long tongue inside the house, eventually reaching the sleeping child.

The tongue of the tik-tik has a barb at the end of it enabling it to pinch a hole on the skin of its victim and feed on them.  After the tik-tik finishes its meal, the bird would look swollen due to the amount of blood that it consumed.  It will fly back to its dwelling place where it would breastfeed its own offspring of vampires.

There are also legends stating that the tiktik does not have the ability to shape shift.  Rather it maintains its human appearance when feeding on its victim.  And while the bird would look like a swollen creature after the meal, the “human tik-tik” would look like a pregnant woman after a satisfying meal.

This particular vampire specie can cause the death of a person just by licking their victim’s shadow.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Franz von Poblocki

Consumption, during the earlier years where often mistaken to be a vampiric manifestation. One reason why they are often attributed to the works of the undead is that a little is known about the sickness and that there is no cure on it during that time, making it a mysterious illness.

In the year 1870, a prominent person died in Neustatt-an-der-Rheda, Pomerania, which is northwest of Poland. Franz von Poblocki died due to consumption and was buried on the churchyard located in Roslasin.  After only a mere two weeks, Anton, the son of Poblocki also succumbed to the same sickness.  Immediately after, relatives and people close to them suddenly got sick and complained about being attack while they were sleeping.

Other family members started speculating about the idea of vampire manifestation.  They sought the help of a famous vampirologist, Johann Dzigielski in hopes that the attack on the family will be stopped.

Dzigielski decapitated the head of Anton and placed it between the legs of the corpse and the body was buried.  He then ordered the people to exhume the body of Poblocki.  Poblocki was also decapitated and his head was positioned on the same way as Anton.

The priest of the local church complained about the process that Dzigielski took since desecration of the grave is highly prohibited on that time. Dzigielski was apprehended and was placed into trial.  He was sentenced to serve four months inside the prison cell.  The family appeal the case and fortunately the presiding judge were a little superstitious and acquitted Dzigielski on the charges.