
Monday, October 18, 2021

AL-half human/half animal creature (Armenia)

An Al is a part of the Armenian lore; a half-human, half-animal cryptid usually preys on pregnant women.   Some scholars believe that the identity of an al may have sprung from the Babylonian legend of Alu, a phantom that causes disease in the shape of a black dog.


Al Demon

Al: Armenian Monster


According to legends, the Al can be identified with its fiery eye,  brass fingernails, iron teeth with the tusk of a wild boar, and hair similar to a snake.  The Al often conceals those characteristics by wearing a pointed hat with bells.  It is said that the Al can often be seen living in damp and dirty old places.


How Al Attacks its Preys


The al attacks the pregnant women by strangling them and taking their unborn baby, which is said to cause their miscarriage.  Based on the stories, al often attacks those unborn babies that are up to 7 months old.


The Story of Al

 Al Armenia

The story of al is associated with Christian literature.  Some said that the Lord gave Adam an al, but they were not in harmony since the al is a composition of fire and Adam was made up of dust.  So the Lord decided to create Eve.   Ever since that fateful day, Al has promised to attack every woman and make their lives a living hell.  There is also this story about St. Peter that came upon an Al.  St Peter was traveling down the road when he noticed a creature occupying the wet spot of the road.  The creature has the same characteristic as an Al that was first mentioned above.  St. Peter approached the beast and told it to identify itself and its activities.


How to Defend Against an Al Demon

 Al Mythology

They said that the best way to defend against an Al is an iron.  A pregnant woman should always make sure that he is surrounded by iron in her bed.  Some say that placing an iron knife under your pillow would drive the Al away.  There are also types of prayers and chants to repel the gruesome creature.


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