
Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Rose Family

During the year 1874, William G. Rose, 53 years of age is one of the most respected men in the community of South County.  He was known to be tough and strict.  But that attitude of him didn’t save his daughter from dying to a mysterious disease.  Juliet is her daughter on her first wife, Mary who died 8 years ago.  It seems that Juliet is William’s favorite daughter, her demise managed to bring pain to William who is known to be tough and resilient.  Though the doctors have already ruled out that Juliet died due to consumption, it didn’t stop William to look for other things to blame.  William G. Rose is aware of the Young and Tillinghast vampire case; he started to suspect that it is a work of the undead after Rosalind, 7 years of age shows symptoms of the same illness.
Old Hag Syndrome (One of the symptoms associated with vampirism)

William was afraid that Rosalind might suffer the same fate of Juliet.  He seeks the help of the priest named Father Amos Cabot.  The news circulating about the demons and vampires worried the priest about what further step is William willing to take.  He advised William to just pray for Rosalind’s safety.  But William is unsatisfied with what the priest told him so he seeks for other option.

William’s second wife is married before to a man named Thomas Tillinghast a descendant of Stukley Tillinghast.  As we all know the Tillinghast family was once acquainted with vampiric manifestation.  There are no accounts stated that Mary Griswold know about the whole story that surround the Tillinghast vampire case.  What he told William was the traditional method of driving away the force of the demon.  But for him to fulfill that obligation, he must desecrate the grave of his favorite daughter and destroying her remains.

William decided to go to the cemetery the next day.  He waited for the sun to set and contemplated whether it’d be the right thing to do.  When the evening comes, the cemetery is covered with mist, he claimed that her daughter appeared before him and talked to him.  He said Juliet was complaining about the coldness.  He wanted to embrace her but he hesitated after he heard the story about vampire to his second wife.  Right there and then, he was already sure that something paranormal is happening.

William opened the casket of her daughter.  Her daughter shows some signs of pigmentation as if she has nurtured herself with some blood.  He took the knife on his case and cut the heart of Juliet.  He went home weeping while carrying the heart of his beloved daughter.  He burned the heart on the fireplace and the smoke went out of the chimney carrying the curse of the vampire with it.

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