
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Vampire grave discovered in Venice

An Archaeologist, Matteo Borrini, discovered the remains of a suspected vampire during their excavation.   The old ritual to prevent a suspected vampire from spreading the plague is still evident on the skull.  The remains are estimated to date back as far as the 16th Century.  The bones, believed to be owned by a woman in Lazzaretto Nuovo Island were found with a piece of brick stacked in her mouth.  This ancient practice was believed to prevent the vampire from chewing the cover and eventually rising from its grave and spreading the undead disease.

Matteo Borrini, further stated that back then, when a series of random death happened (mostly about consumption), the deaths were commonly attributed to vampires and other blood sucking creatures.    They believe that these people who have been infected by the disease would soon rise up and terrorize the village.  They think that by biting and sucking the blood, the disease would spread so in order to stop it, grave diggers would normally place a brick in their mouth.  They suppose that the series of death can only stop by that procedure.

The skeleton was believed to be a victim of the Venetian Plague.  Normally dead corpses would throw out blood on their mouth causing the shrouds to sink inside their mouth and appears as if the corpse is chewing it.  These remains were probably the 1st ever suspected vampire to undergo a forensic investigation.  The remains were exhumed from a mass grave that was discovered by Matteo Borrinni. 

But Peer Moor-Jansen came forward and said that while the discovery of the skeleton is interesting; his claim of the first vampire to be examined was just ridiculous.  Moor-Jansen claimed that he found a skeleton under a similar state in Poland.

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