
Monday, June 6, 2016

Harppe Vampire

Dom Agustin Calmet, who reported the incident about the Lievaba vampire also include the account of the Harppe Vampire in his journal.  But originally it was Chevalier Ricaut, who heard the tale about the Harppe Vampire.  A monk named Sophrones told him while he is studying the Greek Church.

The monk was well known in the local community of Smyrna, where the Vampire of Milos originated.  The account was included in the works of Calmet “Dissertation of Revenants, the Excommunicated, and the Ghosts of Vampires” published in the year 1751.

Harppe was the name of the man who was excommunicated by the church.  On the time of his demise, he was buried in a low lying ground.  After a short time, he reportedly came back to the land of the living as a vampire.  The community wanted to dispose the vampire in the traditional way.  They wanted to disinter the body, decapitate and pour a boiling wine on the body of the suspected vampire.

But the family of the deceased begged to the monk to prevent those things from happening.  The family members were planning to reach Constantinople to get an absolution for their son.  The monk agreed under the agreement that the body of Harppe would be moved inside the church premise.  Starting that day, morning mass was held and prayers throughout the day hoping that the soul of Harppe would be restored.

One day while the church is holding its mass, the attendees reported about the horrifying shriek that they heard inside the coffin.  The monks opened the coffin hoping that they will saw the body of Harppe in perfect condition with no sign of decomposition.  But they were shocked to see the sudden change in the body of Harppe; it has withered and starting to enter the phase of decaying.  It was then that the monks discovered that the parents of Harppe has returned and was granted the absolution for their son.

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