
Friday, July 8, 2016

Calm Werewolves

Is this were the Thirsty Dog Brewing Company derived the name of their popular drink?  Wulver is a part of the lore and folktale of the Shetland island of Scotland.  Compared to the other werewolves, the Wulver is not a shape shifter.  It is a creature with a head of the wolf and a body of a human who remains at that state.  A wulver would constantly lurk in the caved region.  It is a generally peaceful creature unless taunted.  Their bites would not transform any victim into a werewolf.

A wulver would usually spend its long hours of day, sitting on a rock by the river, trying to catch some fish.  The locals gave a name for that stone, “Wulver’s Stane” (which means the Wulver’s Stone).  It is also said that the wulver would leave some of the fishes in the windowsill as a gift for humans.

A non hostile type of werewolf is also found on the folklores of the Irish people.  A Faoladh is said to be the guide of the lost men and the protector of children and the people that are wounded who is in the form of a wolf.  Based on the legend Faoladh, the king is even accepting werewolves recruit during the times of war.  But unlike the wulver who usually consumes fishes, cattle are a part of the meal of this werewolf.  Faoladh would normally flee once a local would catch him during his exploit since this would turn him back to his original human form.

Giraldus Cambrensis documented an old tale about the Faoladh on1185. The story which is an account of an older tale states that faoladh usually works in pair who would eventually be replaced by another pair after their service has ended.  They would usually eat herds and other farm animals and guide children and heal the wounded.

Though the werewolves on the older stories are not to be seen as hostile, Christianity changes the norm saying that the shape shifting of a werewolf is a curse. St. Patrick stated that it is a form punishment form the wrong doings.

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