
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Polong: Malaysian Vampire

A Polong is a tiny vampire about the size of a thumbtack under the command of a particular practitioner of black magic.  This small creature is of Malay descent, but don't let its size deceive you because this one is instructed by its master to torment and eventually slay its prey. Having said that, this could be similar to the familiars of the witches of the Western culture.


Polong Malaysian Vampire

Polong: A Humonculus of Malaysian Folktale.


Someone with knowledge of witchcraft created Polong.  The blood of the murdered person was collected and placed in a bottle.   The bottle is set aside at around 1-2 weeks.  The owner should then utter a magic incantation.  After two weeks, he should be able to hear someone crying inside the bottle.  The owner must cut his finger and feed the Polong with his blood.  It is a traditional sign of pact among the Southeast Asian nation.  This method is believed to strengthen the bond between the owner and the creature.


Appearance of Polong

 Polong Malaysian Witch familiar

There is no clear description that depicts the actual appearance of a Polong.   In some parts of Malaysia, they believe that the creature will take the form of a fiery ball when they are released from the bottle to hunt. Its height is no more than an inch. They are often female and will possess their victim. The victim will often act deliriously until the creature has been successfully exorcised.


How Does a Polong Attack


Polong like the Pelesit grow berserk when they are hungry and will start to harm others.  However, in some books, Pelesit will often be familiar of the Polong. These two creatures will often work hand in hand.  The Pelesit, which is a cricket demon, will drill a burrow into human skin.  The Polong would then enter that opening to suck the blood of the victim.


A few indications that Polong attacked a specific person are through the markings in his body.   The attack should leave bruises, and most often than not, they would be spitting blood.



If a Polong enters the human body, it will not listen to anyone except the master.  The master would then present itself to the victim's family, offering his help that he can exorcise the polong in exchange for money.  Sometimes a Bomoh (witch doctor) is called to repel the attack of the Polong.  The Bomoh would place black pepper on the victim to drive the creature away.  If the victim is a Muslim, he must recite prose found in the Quran.  The Polong will plea for the prayer to stop, it will then state the name of its master, but the shaman says that the Polong statement cannot be trusted due to its loyalty to its master.


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