
Tuesday, November 23, 2021


An undead vampiric creature also considered a ghost witch, the Skadegamutc is a part of the legend of various American tribes, particularly of the Wabanaki tribe. During the morning, the Skadegamutc are nothing but corpses.  They are vulnerable to sunlight which is why they only attack during the night.  As soon as the night falls, the Skadegamutc will rise from its grave and hunt for its victim.


How to Turn into Skadegamutc?

 NAtive american vampire

Wicked people or witch is said to turn into a skadegamutc when they die.  This curse is similar to European vampires wherein an evil person or a person who did not receive atonement for his sins will not stay dead but become an undead. Skadegamutc maintains its existence by feeding on the human meat and sucking on the blood.  They can also shapeshift in the form of a ball of light.  According to the legends, the usual prey of this creature involves hunters and those who often take shelter in the cemetery at night. 


How to Determine a Skadegamutc


During the daytime, this creature will appear like a harmless corpse. However, when the night comes, the corpse will reanimate and wander to search for the victim. To make this possible, the Skadegamutc will shapeshift into a ball of light that allows them to cover great distance swiftly. Once they find their victim, it will attack its prey from above, devour their flesh, and drink their blood. The hunters have told many legends from the past. In one account, a group of hunters decided to rest close to this undead's burial ground. After the creature was reanimated, it attacked the hunting team and killed them one by one.   

How to Kill the Skadegamutc

 Skadegamutc  vampire

This creature is also said to possess dark magic that can place a hex or curse on people.  They are also believed to have superhuman strength.  Their camouflage ability helps them in concealing themselves from enemies.  They are said to be immune to standard weapons. One has to approach the corpse of a suspected Skadegamutc and burn them during the day because they are vulnerable during the daytime.  In some stories, an arrow seems to halt this creature's attack; though it is unclear if the number of people in the crowd or the arrow aimed towards him caused him to retreat.


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