
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Kathakano or Catacano Vampire

The Kathakano possesses the closest similarity to the western vampire.  It is a pale blood-sucking creature that walks on the darkest of night and spread disease that causes the random death of the villagers, more like a generic vampire. A Catacano is a grinning vampire, so there is a widespread belief in Crete not to trust anyone smiling.


How to Identify a Kathakano/Catacano



At first sight, a kathakano might look like an average stranger passing by.  He seems like a happy and friendly drunkard.  However, if you get too close to this creature, it will spit blood on you that would cause a terrible burning sensation.  The spit of this vampire creature was believed to contain a high amount of acidity produced by its undead body.  While the victim is excruciating in pain, the Catacano would charge and devour its victim using its sharp teeth.


How to Kill a Catacano


Like most vampires, it is better to kill a kathakano while sleeping.  A Catacano would return from its grave in the morning, where it rests, and it is in its most vulnerable state.  When the casket is opened, and the suspected corpse contains no decay, there's a high probability that they are a vampire.  A person should behead the carcass immediately.  They would then have to place the head on a large pot filled with vinegar and melted snow.  He should then boil the mixture of water and vinegar.


After a few minutes of boiling the mixture, they should place the head on the boiling vinegar using tongs.  The process should last for an hour; the time kept according to a priest's pocket watch.  After this, the method of repelling the undead manifestation is complete.  The head should be placed back to the casket to be reburied.


However, on the off chance that the attack of the kathakano persists, the head and the whole corpse should be burned until it turns into ashes.  The ashes should be returned to the casket and reburied.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Abere: Vampire of the Melanesian Island

Abere Demon is a woman who possesses unbelievable beauty to seduce her victims.  She is a part of the Melanesian Island mythology, an island that can be found near the continent of Australia.
Though not entirely depicted as a vampire, Abere is more of a demoness but has a striking similarity with the vampires of the west.  Like the other female vampires, this demoness uses her beauty to lure men into her lair.  Usually dwelling in swamp or wetlands, this creature would pretend to be asking for help, and when you least know it, she will tangle you with the reeds until you can no longer move.  By this time, the creature would start devouring your entire flesh.


How does Abere Demon Attack?

 Abere Demon

There were times that this beautiful demoness would present itself to you while bathing in the wetlands naked. She will run away from those men and hide in the reeds.  Eventually, they would be lost in the swamp while looking for the naked woman. They will be unaware that the Abere demon is just keenly observing them.  It will then attack them at the time that they are vulnerable.  She also has woman servants who help her in searching for a victim.  The Abere can command the reeds to grow, trapping her victims in the process.  They said that no one could escape the power of the Abere once you enter its lair.


How to Defeat the Abere Demon?


Vampire of the Melanesian Island

There are no known ways on how to defeat the Abere Demon.  Unlike other vampires, where you have to draw stakes in their hearts to end their terror, methods of repelling their powers are not stated in the legends.  There are also no known ways to distinguish them from an average woman. There are also some rumors that Abere will not devour her victims. According to some legends, she has a bunch of daughters that she needs to feed.


Draugr Vampire

 "The will appears to be strong, strong enough to draw the hugr [animate will] back to one's body. These reanimated individuals were known as draugar. However, though the dead might live again, they could also die again. Draugar die a "second death" as Chester Gould calls it, when their bodies decay, are burned, dismembered or otherwise destroyed. -Remley, Gregg A. Smith ; with a foreword by Paul G. (2007). The function of the living dead in medieval Norse and Celtic literature


The draugr, which translates to 'walking again,' is an undead creature that is part of Norse and Germanic Mythology.  They are similar to the zombies that possess a human body without a soul, apparently to guide a treasure. There are two types of draugr, sea draugr and land draugr.


Characteristic Of Draugr


Like the zombies, the draugr has a noticeable sign of decomposition, but they are strong and can increase the size of their bodies.  Unlike the zombies that have lost their sense of thinking, draugr is known to be clever.  They are said to return from the living world to torment those who did them wrong or guard a valuable thing, particularly a treasure.   Upon increasing the height of their body, their weight follows, making him impossible to move without the help of a machine.  He can also change into a mist that allows him to escape any threatening situation.


How the Draugr Attacks its Victim


The draugr does not only victimize those they hold a grudge against.  Sometimes they also attack the cattle and also the shepherd:


"[T]he oxen which had been used to haul Thorolf's body were ridden to death by demons, and every single beast that came near his grave went raving mad and howled itself to death. The shepherd at Hvamm often came racing home with Thorolf after him. One day that Fall neither sheep nor shepherd came back to the farm."




Aside from being an undead creature, the Draugr is also known to possess knowledge of the evil craft, which resembles the power of the witches.  They can also enter the dream of anyone but not to give them nightmares; they do this to leave a present to the person they visited in their dreams.  They can also spread diseases and curse their target.  


Draugr Weakness

The Draugr are said to be weak against silver things. They have high resistance against different elements. To prevent someone from transforming into this creature, a pair of scissors placed on the corpse's chest is effective. It is also advised to hide twigs and straws inside their clothes. Place needles on the sole of the suspected draugr and tie their feet to prevent them from walking on the land of the living.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Bouda Hyena

Bouda, aside from being a blood-sucking creature, is also considered a were-hyena since it can shapeshift into a form of a hyena, thus being called Bouda Hyena. It is a type of living vampire found in the lore of Morocco, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. They can shapeshift into a hyena using their magical ability.


What Are the Powers of Bouda Hyena?



When it transforms into a hyena, the Bouda Hyena will look like any other hyena, except for the magical amulet that the creature wears. If the creature loses the amulet that it wears while in its animal form, the beast would immediately return to its original human form. They are also skilled in crafting magical amulets and charms. They are often found at their forges crafting charms to improve their magical ability and control and achieve a better transformation.  Bouda is also called “bultungin” in Nigeria, which translates to “I changed myself into a hyena.”


Bouda in Legends

 Bouda Hyena

According to the Bouda Hyena Legend in Ethiopia, it is believed that every blacksmith can wield magic and transform into a hyena. They would usually assume their human form during the daytime. Since that time, most blacksmiths are Jews; the Ethiopian Christians would often think that all Ethiopian Jews are Boudas. They believe that the Jews are exhuming their corpses and devouring them. In Sudan, the same belief about blacksmiths exists. Except for the fact that they also think that woodcutters and people with lots of hair can shapeshift into a hyena.


Bouda in Literature


In Hawayan-Al-Koubra, Al-Doumairy wrote that they are vampiric creatures that will attack their prey at night and drain their blood by biting them on the neck. They also release a pheromone that can hypnotize or put their victim into a state of trance. A medical treatise was written in 1326 also mentioned people who are were-hyenas. It also stated how to cure these people of this bouda hyena curse. In early Greece civilization, they believed that improper disposal of the carcass of the werewolf would lead to the birth of werehyenas. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Midnight Washerwomen Les Lavandieres

Midnight Washerwomen, also known as Les Lavandieres, is a part of the Celtic lore. They are three old women who go to the edge of the river during midnight and wash the shroud of those about to die. The three Les Lavandieres may be derived from the old Celtic story of the three goddesses of death and slaughter.


Who Are the Midnight Washerwomen?


Midnight Washerwomen

The three women have said to turn their back away from their religious beliefs. They can often be sighted at the isolated part of the river. The description of the vampiric creature depends upon the location. In England, the Midnight Washerwomen appear similar to a ghost. In France, the creature is depicted as a being similar to a skeleton. Nonetheless, in those countries where they are believed to exist, the Les Lavandieres is considered a harbinger of death.


What to Do If You Encounter a Midnight Washerwoman?


If you are traveling alone at night and happen to come across them, you must wring out the laundry. If not, the washerwoman would turn and break your limbs and throw you in the water. Midnight Washerwomen were also known to capture a victim. They will make that captive wash his own burial shroud. Obeying their every command will ensure your survival, but these three women will immediately kill you before completing the tasks.


Accounts on Les Lavandieres

 Midnight Washerwomen

Jacques Cambry has told a legend of Midnight Washerwomen during the 18th century. They are not always represented as old women, but they are often night creatures dressed in traditional clothing. They have high physical strength and are very agile. According to some, you should never disturb them when they are washing their clothes. Otherwise, they will put a curse on you. There have been different stories about this creature in Normandy and Brittany during the 19th to 20th centuries.


The Midnight Washerwomen are bound to wash the burial shroud of the unbaptized children. They will be relieved from their work once they find someone willing to do it for them.



Saturday, December 4, 2021

Boo Hag or Slip Skin Hag

A Boo Hag or a slip-skin hag is a witch, vampire, and demon combination. It is a part of the legends in the Southwestern part of the United States, especially those practicing Hoodoo and Gullah descent.


How Does Boo Hag Attack Its Victim?


Slip Skin Hag

During the day, a slip-skin hag appears to be normal.  But by night, the creature will slip out of her skin and fly to search for her victim.  It was believed that the Boo Hag would torture her victims while sleeping.  Those attacked by the creature complained about strange scratches, nightmares, sudden illness, and fatigue.  The attack is said to be the cause of unexpected mental illness and eventually causes the victim's death.  There is also a case of sexual molestation, especially if the victim is male.


How to Determine a Boo Hag?


A traditional Hag is always in her spirit form, a characteristic different from the Boo Hag. Boo Hag, according to the legends, resembles a vampire. However, as opposed to the vampire that enjoys blood, this creature consumes the breath of its victim. They will not have skin; therefore, their muscles will be apparent, which gives them a red complexion. To cover this, they will steal their victim's skin.


An Incident about the Boo Hag

 Slip Skin Hag

In 1916, there was a report about an incident that involved a slip-skin hag.  It can be found in the works of Roger Pinckney, "Blue Roots: African American Folk Magic of the Gullah People."


"Neighbors suspected a certain woman of going out after dark and tormenting a former lover who had found a new partner. They found the skin hanging behind the woman's bedroom door, salted it thoroughly, and waited anxiously in the closet. The woman came in at dawn, commanded the skin back into its rightful place. The skin, in salty misery, did not respond. "Skin, skin, don't you know me?", the woman pleaded. The neighbors leaped from the closet, and the hag disappeared into thin air, never to return."


How to Kill a Boo Hag?

 Slip Skin Hag

You can kill a Boo hag by destroying its skin before it returns to sunrise.  You can also place salt or red pepper in its skin to inflict suffering and pain on the creature when she returns to her original skin.  If you suspect someone of being this creature, writing the name Hag on her front door would prevent her from entering her own house.  Hoodoo practitioners can also perform a ritual to turn a boo hag into an insect and trap them in a bottle, making them easier to kill.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Wedge of Aiud

In 1974, a wedge-shaped item was discovered on the banks of Mures River at least two kilometers on the eastern part of Aiud of Romania. The thing was said to be excavated 35 feet below the sand and close by the bones of two mastodons. A mastodon is a massive, tusked, extinct, warm-blooded creature. Physically, the ancient thing seemed to resemble the upper part of the sledge. The object was professedly taken straight to the Archaeological Institute of Cluj-Napoca for analysis; the experts were surprised to find out that it is made of a combination of aluminum encased in a dainty layer of oxide. The compound of the wedge of Aiud is made out of 12 distinct components. This ancient discovery is interesting because aluminum was not yet discovered until 1808 and was not created in large amounts until 1885. Aluminum needs a heat of 1,000 degrees to create. The way that the artifact was found in the same layer as the mastodon bones would make it no less than 11,000 years of age.


What is the Purpose of the Wedge of Aiud?


Wedge of Aiud

Some people believe that the aluminum wedge is proof of the visit of life from another planet.  Engineers who have examined the object said it resembles a landing base of some sort. Still, it is not like a part of a spaceship.  Some scientists believed that the thing was manufactured here on Earth, but the specific purpose of the item was not yet identified.  Because of the limited amount of information surrounding the artifact, the origin of the antiquity is still not verified.  The thing has been on display until 1995.  Today, the location of the item remains undisclosed to the public.  Nonetheless, the picture of the aluminum wedge does exist.


Some of the facts surrounding the Wedge of Aiud


 Wedge of Aiud

In 1974, while the workers were digging a channel across the Mures River, they accidentally stumbled upon a bone of two mastodons.  They were additionally baffled by the presence of a peculiar object in the form of a wedge.  Researchers who analyzed the thing claimed that it is not a natural rock formation because of the symmetrical shape and other details.  Almost 89% of aluminum makes up the primary component of the wedge which is astounding.  Considering the age of aluminum, which is around 11,000 years of age, as stated by some experts, aluminum production was not yet possible at that time.  Furthermore, the amount of aluminum present on the Earth is only limited and can only be produced at a massive level of heat.  Two separate laboratories conducted the analysis on the Wedge of Aiud, and they were able to produce the same perplexing result.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Kozlak: Poltergeist Vampire

Most vampires are born due to a curse, living a life of sin, or breaking a promise.  However, this is not the way you can turn into a Kozlak vampire.  Apparently, one turns into this beast if a mother fails to breastfeed her child correctly. In the Philippines, they also have a baby vampire called Tianak. Unlike the Kozlak, the Tianak is a fetus who died from abortion. According to the legends, the beast will return to enact vengeance on the people who caused its untimely death.


How to Turn into a Kozlak Vampire

Kozlak Vampire

If a baby dies after the mother forgot to nourish the kid with enough breast milk or died violently, then the baby is sure to return from the land of the living as a vampire. The baby would rise from its grave, terrorizing the whole town and sending disease to the livestock.  The Kozlak Vampire usually takes the form of an animal that can fly, such as a small bird or a bat.


Adult Vampire


There are some stories wherein an adult dies violently and becomes a Kozlak Vampire.  They said that this type of vampire has proved to be more troublesome compared to the baby Kozlak.  They will dig on their grave and torment their own family by tearing their throat.  The locals believed that only a Franciscan monk could help you in a battle against Kozlak.  They can lend you an amulet that is supposed to drive the evil spirit away; he also knows how to kill this creature.


How to Kill the Kozlak

 Kozlak:  Poltergeist Vampire

The monk has to search for a hawthorn, not just any type of hawthorn; a hawthorn must grow into the mountain.  The Franciscan monk then has to create a stake out of the hawthorn and impale the corpse's heart.  They believe that by doing so, the dead body's contract with the demon will be revoked, and his link to the evil presence would break, freeing the soul of the dead body.  But it doesn't end there.  The monk then has to decapitate the corpse's head and stuff his mouth with cloves of garlic.  By that time, they can rebury the carcass, and the attack of the Kozlak Vampire should stop.



In some cases, a Kozlak Vampire would like to enter the house of a housewife and throw random stuff (most of the time kitchenwares).  In other instances where they spotted a Kozlak on the farm, the creature would pull the wagon and would make an annoying noise.  The people believed that one should not sweep on the room of the deceased for several days to prevent him from becoming a Kozlak.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Dearg-diulai: The Blood Sucker

Dearg-diulai is a vampire that takes the form of a stunning woman to lure men and feed on them by sucking their blood.  This vampire creature is a part of the Irish folktales that usually haunt sad places to look for heartbroken men.  


Legends of Dearg-Diulai



The legend of Dearg-diulai varies depending on the region.  In Waterford, they believe that the dearg-diulai seduces men and then sucks their blood. Antrim also has a slight variation of the story. Based on the local legend, a Dearg diulai is a name given to a troubled spirit who cannot find peace in the afterlife; she was able to find a beautiful woman and eventually took control of her body. This creature is also famous in Country Kerry as a woman that haunts a particular road.  There is a story about a certain drunken man who encountered this creature. Instead of running, he blessed the Dearg-diulai and prayed for her soul.  The beast was released from her curse and finally found peace.


The Story of Abhartach


There is also a story about a male Dearg-diulai.   The story is about a town leader that was so cruel to his people.  Abhartach cruelty spread throughout the other land, and Cathan, the chieftain of the next town, decided to slay him.  Cathan successfully got rid of the vile ruler, and Abhartach was buried upright, which is based on the Celtic tradition.  However, not long after his death, he rose from his grave, attacked the villagers, and drank their blood.  Cathan killed him for the second time, but Abhartach returned from the living again. This time Cathan killed him with a sword made out of yew, which was believed to be embedded with magical powers to repel the undead elements.  The villagers decided to bury him upside down. His casket was also covered with mountain ash that possessed the same magical power as the yew.  No more disturbances were recorded after that time.


Other Names of Dearg Diulai


Dearg diulai is also called Deamhain fhola, Dearg Diliat, Dearg Dul, Deamhan, etc.   The legend of Dearg diulai may be derived from the Celtic warriors who drank their blood.  According to Celtic myths, one does not transform into this creature all of a sudden.  It is said to be a result of the continuous consumption of human meat. 


Monday, November 29, 2021

Countess Elga: The Legend of a Vampire

On June 10, 1909, the news that tells the account of an alleged vampire surfaced the pages of Neues Wiener Journal, a popular Vienna newspaper. It was related to the deaths of the number of children, which they blamed on a vampire.  They believed that Countess Elga became a vampire and was responsible for the surprising number of death. The number of fatalities that year at the Carpathian Mountains is beyond the average rate.


Countess Elga

Franz Haartman Testimony on Countess Elga


Based on account of Franz Hartman, who lived in a town not far away from the said castle:


"Two years ago I was living at Hermannstadt, and being engaged in engineering a road through the hills, I often came within the vicinity of the old castle, where I made the acquaintance of the old castellan, or caretaker, and his wife, who occupied a part of the wing of the house, almost separate from the main body of the building. They were a quiet old couple and rather reticent in giving information or expressing an opinion in regard to the strange noises which were often heard at night in the deserted halls, or of the apparitions which the Wallachian peasants claimed to have seen when they loitered in the surroundings after dark. All I could gather was that the old Count was a widower and had a beautiful daughter, who was one day killed by a fall from her horse, and that soon after the old man died in some mysterious manner, and the bodies were buried in a solitary graveyard belonging to a neighboring village. Not long after their death an unusual mortality was noticed among the inhabitants of the village: several children and even some grown people died without any apparent illness; they merely wasted away; and thus a rumor was started that the old Count had become a vampire after his death. There is no doubt that he was not a saint, as he was addicted to drinking, and some shocking tales were in circulation about his conduct and that of his daughter; but whether or not there was any truth in them. I am not in a position to say."


More Strange Occurrences


After some time, the property became a possession of a family relative, but it was believed that he did not reside in the castle.  He just instructed someone to maintain the house and make sure it is still in its best form.  One day two men came to visit the castle, a young lawyer and a man of literature.  There was nothing so remarkable in the old place since most of the stuff was sold.  But when they come across this old painting, the young lawyer claimed that the oil painting blinked its eyes and was smiling.  On the same night, the visitors formed a ring on the table, and the table started to move and formed the word ELGA; they asked the person that maintained the castle about some information regarding Elga and was surprised to know that the person in the painting they just saw was that of Countess Elga.



Countess Elga Vampire

Countess Elga's spirit also manifested in the writer's presence. It was also followed by unexplained experiences by the servants inside the castle.  The writer also received an invitation to Countess Elga.  He hired a policeman to investigate the incident, and the police reported that he saw nothing but a black carriage as if waiting for someone to arrive. Shortly after the report went public, the terrified public burned the castle to cinders. Strangely, the high mortality rate among kids also ceased after that incident.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Zmeu: A Vampire Dragon

Zmeu is a vampire-like creature found in different legends across the globe. One, in particular, was through the myths of Moldavia. They believe that his creature can assume the appearance of a flame and enter young girls' rooms every night. The Zmeu would then take the form of a young man and seduce the victim.


The Legend of Zmeu



In Transylvania, the Zmeu takes the identity of a young girl. She was said to live in the deep forest. She would seduce mostly the shepherds, promising them to take their cattle into a greener land if the shepherd made love with her. In Romanian Myths, the Zmeu has human traits and has a specific desire to marry young girls. They believe that this creature is a manifestation of selfishness and greed. Based on the legends of Romania, this creature has an uncanny habit of stealing valuable things that only a young handsome man can retrieve.


Zmeu on The Tale of Jack and the Beanstalk?


There is a legend of the Zmeu that is similar to the famous tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. Some of the English translations depicted this creature as a giant or an ogre. The story relayed a zmeu who kidnapped a beautiful maiden and took it to his realm to be his wife. A Fat-Frumos (the term for a Prince Charming) slew the zmeu and took the young girl to be his wife. In other stories, the Zmeu has a magical stone in its head that is as bright as the sun. His original form was said to be that of a dragon.


Some parables describe zmeu as a dragon. The dragon will transform into a lover or a hero to easily seduce the woman. However, there are instances when it is depicted as something diabolical. When a zmeu would approach and seduce you, one should carry garlic, candle wax, and a celandine to protect yourself from its power.


Friday, November 26, 2021

Lubins (Lupins) Werewolf of Normandy

Lubins or Lupins refers to a specific type of werewolf found in the legends of Normandy, France.  They are usually females and have a shy nature compared to other werewolves who are aggressive.


The Legend of Lubins



The famous Pierre Vidal fell in love with Loba, who was believed to be a lupin (lupine). In his poem "A tal Donna," he described how he was madly in love with a she-wolf.


Crowned with immortal joys I mount The proudest emperors above, For I am honoured with the love Of the fair daughter of a count. A lace from Na Raymbauda's hand I value more than all the land Of Richard, with his Poïctou, His rich Touraine and famed Anjou. When loup-garou the rabble call me, When vagrant shepherds hoot, Pursue, and buffet me to boot, It doth not for a moment gall me; I seek not palaces or halls, Or refuge when the winter falls; Exposed to winds and frosts at night, My soul is ravished with delight. Me claims my she-wolf (Loba) so divine: And justly she that claim prefers, For, by my troth, my life is hers More than another's, more than mine. 


How to Become Lubins (Lupin)


They said that there are two ways to become a Lupin: if you were born into the family of werewolves, and the other is if the curse infected you with a bite of a Lupin.  Lupins undergo a painful transformation every full moon.  Their form resembles more of a human than a werewolf since they can walk using their hind legs with a stance of an ordinary man, but their features are the same as a wolf.  The Lupins, since they are all females, have some protective nature that can be compared to that of a Mother's instinct.  A type of Lupins was also used by J.K. Rowling in her famous novel Harry Potter wherein Remus Lupin was cursed to become a werewolf.


Where to Encounter Lubins (Lupins)


According to the legend, the best place to spot this werewolf would be in a graveyard. The Lubins will usually gather here while they are in their wolf form. They will unearth the remains of the dead here and feast on them. Some may think that this is a trait of a ghoul, but others believe that this is just their way to suppress their hunger on flesh. They will have a leader of the pack. It would be easy to identify their leader since she will be the tallest among the Lupins. In some stories, she will also have noticeably darker skin.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Peter Niers

Peter Niers is a German serial killer who is known for committing 544 murders. His gruesome murders include the 24 fetuses extracted directly from the pregnant victims allegedly used for his black magic purposes. He also performed an act of cannibalism on his other victims. He is known to be a powerful dark magician during his time


The Horrifying Exploits of Peter Niers


Peter Niers

Accounts of his exploits can be found in the works of historian Joy Wiltenburg:


 "Of course the profession of robbery required some roving, whether the principals had been itinerant beforehand or not. It was in the spaces outside cities that these bands operated, particularly in woods and mountains and along unfrequented roads. The gang led by Niers and Sumer reportedly started in Alsace, but after gathering a group of twenty-four (...) near Pfalzburg, they separated to rob and murder. Accordingly, they were caught in different places- one in the imperial city of Landau, one at Kirchweyler am Rhein; four at Strasbourg; nine at Pfalzburg; and six at Koblenz."

 Peter Niers

In 1577, the group of bandits, which included Peter Niers, was arrested. Unfortunately, he somehow managed to escape. After his escape, the news would constantly circulate town about his horrific murder, including his magical ritual and cannibalism. It is said that the main ingredient that gave him the supernatural ability is the heart of the fetuses. Niers had to devour the heart of the unborn before he would cast any spell. The flesh and fats of infants were turned into a candle that is said to help them from robbing houses.


Shapeshifting Powers

 German serial killer

Peter Niers would later be connected with the shapeshifting powers. Legends were told that he could take the form of things, which included logs or a stone. But some stories said that he constantly changed into a cat or a dog.


When Peter Niers arrived at Neumarkt, he checked in at an inn called The Bells. One day he decided to wash at the bathhouse leaving all his stuff inside his room. Due to his popularity, a cooper recognized him and spread the news that the famous killer could be found at the inn. Two concerned citizens quickly went to the Inn and insisted that they needed to check the person's belongings. They opened the bag and found several hands and hearts of fetuses inside. The towns' people were quick to react, which led to his arrest.


Peter Niers was tortured for three days before they finally dismembered him.



Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Varacolaci: Vampire of Romania

The Varacolaci, a vampire revenant in Romania, is created when an unbaptized baby dies or if a person committed suicide.  However, in some instances, being a Romanian varacolaci becomes inherited or passed down from generation to generation.


How the Romanian Varacolaci Attacks Its Victim?


Varacolaci Romanian

If a varacolaci was created after his death, the person who turned into this undead would look precisely the same. Perhaps the only difference is that they tend to look pale and with dried-out skin.  The Romanian varacolaci hunts its prey all year round, but it is particularly active during St. Andrew’s Day and St. George’s Day.  This creature is also said to be one of the most dangerous types of vampire since it was considered the strongest type of vampire in the folklore of Romania. A varacolaci, like any vampire, drains the blood of its victim, but it does not leave any bite marks. 


What Are the Abilities of Varacolaci Vampire?


Varacolaci can shapeshift into any animal, but it usually takes the form of a flea, cat, spider, frog, or dog.  It is also said to be responsible for causing lunar and solar eclipse by putting itself into a trance. The varacolaci also has the ability of “midnight spinning,” a sort of astral projection that allows them to travel safely at night anywhere they wish to go.  While they were on astral projection, the creature seemed to look like a dragon or a beast with several mouths.  However, if one manages to find a varacolaci in this state, the beast would be unable to return to its body, causing it to sleep forever and leaving its soul to wander around eternally.


How to Defeat a Varacolaci?

 Varacolaci Vampire

Traditionally, those corpses suspected of becoming a Romanian varacolaci, can be prevented from rising from its grave by planting a thorny plant on its grave.  If in an instance that a person dies by committing suicide, the only way to prevent him from being a varacolaci is to throw his body into a river immediately.


An intricate ritual needs to be performed to defeat the Varacolaci vampire being ultimately. First, the vampire must rise from its grave and must be captured.  In the case of a male varacolaci, their heart must be ripped off and cut in half.  A nail should be punctured into its forehead, and whole garlic cloves must be placed inside its mouth.  The corpse is then filled with pig fat from a pig slaughtered on St. Ignatius Day.  Afterward, a burial shroud is dipped into holy water and wrapped on the corpse.  The body will then be reburied into an isolated area far from the community.  In the case of a female varacolaci, an iron fork must be driven into its eyes and heart, and the body buried into a deep grave.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021


An undead vampiric creature also considered a ghost witch, the Skadegamutc is a part of the legend of various American tribes, particularly of the Wabanaki tribe. During the morning, the Skadegamutc are nothing but corpses.  They are vulnerable to sunlight which is why they only attack during the night.  As soon as the night falls, the Skadegamutc will rise from its grave and hunt for its victim.


How to Turn into Skadegamutc?

 NAtive american vampire

Wicked people or witch is said to turn into a skadegamutc when they die.  This curse is similar to European vampires wherein an evil person or a person who did not receive atonement for his sins will not stay dead but become an undead. Skadegamutc maintains its existence by feeding on the human meat and sucking on the blood.  They can also shapeshift in the form of a ball of light.  According to the legends, the usual prey of this creature involves hunters and those who often take shelter in the cemetery at night. 


How to Determine a Skadegamutc


During the daytime, this creature will appear like a harmless corpse. However, when the night comes, the corpse will reanimate and wander to search for the victim. To make this possible, the Skadegamutc will shapeshift into a ball of light that allows them to cover great distance swiftly. Once they find their victim, it will attack its prey from above, devour their flesh, and drink their blood. The hunters have told many legends from the past. In one account, a group of hunters decided to rest close to this undead's burial ground. After the creature was reanimated, it attacked the hunting team and killed them one by one.   

How to Kill the Skadegamutc

 Skadegamutc  vampire

This creature is also said to possess dark magic that can place a hex or curse on people.  They are also believed to have superhuman strength.  Their camouflage ability helps them in concealing themselves from enemies.  They are said to be immune to standard weapons. One has to approach the corpse of a suspected Skadegamutc and burn them during the day because they are vulnerable during the daytime.  In some stories, an arrow seems to halt this creature's attack; though it is unclear if the number of people in the crowd or the arrow aimed towards him caused him to retreat.