
Friday, November 5, 2021

Benandanti Werewolves: The Good Walker

Some of you might remember the account of Thiess that happened in the year 1692, wherein he claimed that he was a werewolf. However, not the werewolf that caused destruction and torment; they claimed that they were the hounds of God that wage war on the devils and witches. They are the original Benandanti Werewolves, who remained in their human forms during the daytime. During specific nights, they will brave the Underworld to fight against evil creatures.

Benandanti Werewolves


What are Benandanti Werewolves?


Benandanti Werewolves translates to Good Walkers. They are those who can leave their bodies and transform into a werewolf.  This type of werewolf was mainly found in Italy.  They said that the war with evil usually lasted for three nights. During this time, the Hounds of God would protect the crops and livestock of the villages against the Malandanti (witches of evil).  The werewolves use iron bars as their weapon, while the witches use their broomsticks.


What Are the Characteristics of Benandanti Werewolves?


These werewolves are known for their unique healing ability. They do good deeds and believe that they have a sacred purpose. There's no problem when you encounter one unless you are a witch that does the bidding of the devil. In most legends, werewolves will find it hard to control their transformation. However, Benandanti Werewolves will most transform on the nights that are only vital for planting and harvesting crops.


The Account of Thiess

 Benandanti and Malandati

When Thiess presented his case, the judges were astounded by his claims.  It was the first time that the inquisitor heard of such a case.  They always knew that the werewolves were an abomination of the devil.  Thiess said that the souls of the Benandanti werewolves went to heaven after they died.  He said that they are werewolves who preserve the abundance of Earth.  Similar werewolves are also living in Russia and Germany. They were, however, still given a light punishment for practicing paganism which is against the teachings of the church.


Here is an excerpt on the Night Battle of Carlo Ginzburg:

 Benandanti Werewolves

"The present research now establishes...the positive existence at a relatively late date (from c. 1570) of a fertility cult whose participants, the Benandanti, represented themselves as defenders of harvests and the fertility of fields...This belief is tied to a larger complex of traditions (connected, in turn, with the myth of nocturnal gatherings over which female deities...presided)...In the span of a century, as we shall see, the Benandanti were transformed into witches and their nocturnal gatherings, intended to induce fertility, became the devil's sabbat, with the resulting storms and destruction."


The End of the Benandanti Werewolves Legend


At around 1640, there was an interesting turn out of events as the Benandanti werewolves confessed that they were indeed witches. According to the accounts, evidence against them was too strong that they didn't have options but to admit to the charges. Perhaps the member of the church and local authorities have identified them as a threat to them since the people continue to look at them as the doers of good.

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