
Friday, June 23, 2017

Black Cat Mama Couteaux

In the old black Powdermill Cemetery, or it might be Ebenezer Baptist Churchyard and is an unmarked grave. Only the faithful know where to find it for sure. And to those blessed beings that really know the secrets of real Voodoo and special Texas Hoodoo, all say... keep away. Still many others in Marshall will insist her hidden grave lies behind Galilee Baptist Church on Johnson Street. And it is the unmarked grave marked only with three black large stones and voodoo hoodoo blessed and dressed offerings. Others will tell you it can be found in a all white cemetery. And that's just to keep anyone from resurrecting her zombie husband who is buried with her from rising again. My Mama told me once when I was very young that if you went to Whetstone Cemetery behind East Texas Baptist University. And precisely at 3:AM, you can hear a real zombie. You hear him moaning and scratching from the hard ground, impatiently waiting out his time for someone to dig him up. Because here lies Black' Mama Couteaux. Many say she was buried with and a ax in her brain a bowie knife in heart. Her legs and arms burnt to ashes and scattered in the great Caddo lake. Yet others will say... "You want to know the real truth! " "Be glad she's still buried... STANDIN ON HER UN HOLY CURSED HEAD!" -Lisa Lee Harp Waugh (THE TRUE STORY OF THE MARSHALL, TEXAS VOODOO ZOMBIE QUEEN) 
Black Cat Mama Couteaux, appeared all of a sudden in the city of Marshall Texas. She came without notice and just set-up her own shop during the Good Friday of 1838. In fact it was Friday the 13th on that fateful day. No one knew how old she was exactly. Those who are well acquainted with her claimed that she was the Great Grand Mother of no less than the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans Marie Laveau. There are also rumours saying that she was vanished for her evil deeds after going through that war with all the Voodoos of New Orleans with her army of zombies.

During that war, Black Cat Mama Couteaux was sending her horde of zombie followers to defeat those lesser Voodoo Queen, and she seems to be on the upper hand at first. However, her move was countered by the Voodoos using spells that eventually defeated her.

Or was she really defeated?

Some says that the powerful spells and knowledge of Marie Laveau never really defeated her. She just decided to end up the war when her husband, Rudolph Couteaux died after losing a bet. After his death, Black Cat Mama resurrected him to be her husband with the help of Marie Laveau and Dr. John. After performing the rituals, Black Cat Mama bit the tongue of Rudolph and made him her zombie lover.

According to the story, Black Cat Mama has an army of zombie. She always kept their 1600 tongue in a belt under her clothes. The number of the tongue she’s hiding was believed to be lesser than the actual zombie she created. No one can tell the exact amount of zombie she controlled since there are no accounts as to how many tongue she already swallowed within the year. 

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