
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Count de Saint-Germain

Count de Saint-Germain is the spirit guide of many occult; some of them claimed that the Count continues to walk the land of the living with us. Every description of the Count points to being a vampire. The Count transfer from one place to another from time to time, and whenever he stayed on a certain place, there were people who would just vanish.

Frederick the Great called him as the immortal man because according to the Count who is also a self-confessed alchemist, he is already 2,000 years old. He managed to live that long by ingesting a liquid that would enable you to prolong your life. Though the nature of the “liquid” was never mentioned, many experts believed that it is blood.

The Count is also able to speak number of languages and his mastery on painting and the arts were an envy of every artist of his time. Many said that his techniques were far too advanced and his mixing of pigments was unrivalled.

Since Count de Saint-Germain claimed that he is already 2,000 years old, he would often tell you stories about the gossip in a Babylonian court, his conversation with Queen of Sheba, he would relay about the different miraculous work of Jesus Christ.

There were records that Saint-Germain died on the Court of Landgrave, but despite of the records, some still believes that it is only a fake death. They also claimed that this is not the first time that he faked death; they said that he had done this in order to continue in drinking the “liquid” and watch the world as history unfolds.

The excerpt below can be found on the works of Brad Steiger.  He stated:

Since I first wrote of the Count in the 1950s, I have heard from numerous individualswho claim to have encountered the legendary being. I am not referring tomembers of various secret societies who claim Count de Saint-Germain as theirmaster teacher, but serious minded individuals—many of them experiencedparanormal researchers. Only recently some investigators have told me that theyhave spoken with the Count as he stood in the shadows and that he promised toreturn to them and make himself more fully known to them. My advice is topractice extreme caution when arranging such a rendezvous.As an interesting postscript to my theorizing that Count de Saint-Germain wouldhave made the perfect vampire, I learned that Chelsea Quinn Yarbo has written aseries of novels in which the eternal Count moves through time as a vampire. I guessI was not the only one who had begun to suspect the “man who lives forever.”

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